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Police On The Wrong Side At The Occupy Wall Street Protests

NCIS- The ultimate slap in the face for computer geeks

ButterflyKisses says...

>> ^Morganth:

Ugh. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far - and I'm a SciFi nerd. Seriously, leave your brain at the door.
When shows use techno-babble crap like this to solve their problem, they really might as well say they fixed everything with magic.
Also, NCIS is miserable. The characters are so wooden it's a joke. Watch Bones on Fox.

I lost interest in Bones when watching an episode, Booth claimed that he would have supported the British during the revolutionary war, claiming that the founding fathers and revolutionaries were terrorists.

This guy really doesn't like authority, changes his name to:

xxovercastxx says...

Back in high school my friend Dan became obsessed with the name "Papapolychronopolous". I don't know where he heard it; it was still a couple years before Adam Sandler put out "Steve Polychronopolous".

Anyway, flash forward several years. Everybody in the area used to congregate at the local diner until we came up with something to do; it was not uncommon for the entire place to be filled exclusively with the group of people I hung out with during later hours. I come walking out of the bathroom to find Dan and an unknown girl sitting at the closest booth. Dan puts a hand out to get my attention and says, "Yo, Carl, what's my real name?"

I matter-of-factly replied, "Papapolychronopolous" and continued back to my booth. To the girl, Dan says, "See?"

The look of astonishment on her face at that moment was amazing.

The People of Burning Man

TheFreak says...

Well, I started out thinking, "gee...I want to slap this person."

Then I watched the rest of the video and found he has "thousands of SUPER creative friends" that also need a good slapping.

I could be busy with this for a while. Maybe I should just set up a slapping booth at Burning Man. That would be "super creative!"

Bill Maher and Eliot Spitzer school ignorant Teabagger

BansheeX says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Sorry, but reality disagrees with you.
Demand for health care is not unlimited, it is finite. Sure it is a large demand, but it is quite finite. You're making a strawman argument because no one is advocating the absurd prolonging of life you're accusing others of.
News flash, we don't exist in a vacuum. We don't live in a universe where our decisions only affect us alone so your Ayn Rand fantasy utopia of everyone taking care of themselves and fuck the other guy doesn't never will.
It benefits everyone to give quality healthcare to all. We are more productive and contribute more when we don't have to bankrupt ourselves paying medical costs. We pay large amounts of money already because people don't have proper health care and don't do anything about it until they show up at the emergency room at death's door. Taxpayers foot that bill when they can't pay. So the question is simple: Do you want to pay for it now while it's cheap and easy to treat, or do you want to pay more later when it's a LOT worse and a hell of a lot more expensive.
Besides, you don't seem to mind spending other people's money and taking their lives when it comes to defense spending and invading other countries. And as the video already pointed out. We don't see Republicans sticking to their conservative "principles" and refusing Medicare/Medicaid when they need it....only when other people need it. So stop being such a hypocrite.

Most of the costs are borne by people who are retired, so I fail to see how borrowing trillions we don't have on life prolongation does anything but doom the future to crushing taxes and inflation for something the present desired but weren't productive enough to pay for. You can't do that, it's not fair, and many young people are waking up to the fact that this essentially a generational ponzi scheme with nothing in it for them. The first SS recipient contributed well below what she received and the final one will have paid in far more than they will receive in benefits. SS and Medicare, by their end, will have impoverished more people than any government programs in the history of mankind. Every naive socialist program is a sentimental black hole that accomplishes the opposite of what it intends. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for example, made it easier to get a loan, but in doing so increased the price of homes and thus the size of the loan. Because suddenly you've got this "magic bottomless guarantee" to print up a loan, and now you've got damn near everyone seemingly capable of bidding up the prices. Of course, now we realize it wasn't bottomless after all, it just seemed that way for a while.

You've successfully convinced me that you really, really want health care at some future untold person's expense. The populace as a whole is resisting taxes. Their money has been devalued so thoroughly that they can't budget in broad tax increases today, so what makes you think the future can? It's also true that employers are not poor people. We've had nothing but more and more government involvement in this sector and, just like education, the costs have risen with how much the government is able to tax and borrow. I used to work for an online college called Kaplan. Kaplan's price IS what the government takes and loans. Why would they price below that? You just don't seem to understand how markets work. Look at something like LASIK and PRK aren't covered by private or public insurers. It's had nothing but price declines and quality improvements. Look at computers, constant price declines and quality improvements. When people are forced to spend their own money, the fear and greed offset works. When they're spending a pool of forcibly appropriated funds, they lose sight of its true cost to them and the future and become reckless.

Oh, and I'm not a Republican in favor of military adventures. I sympathize less with that nonsense than I do with you. I understand that public roads are of lower quality than toll roads, but I'd rather we bear that cost for the simplicity of not having to dick with toll booths. Everything governmental has that dynamic, but I say the government should be completely disallowed from borrowing in excess of revenue. If you want something now, pay for it now, the end. If you can't raise the revenue, don't cry about it and don't steal from the future.

And yes, demands are infinite. Austrian economics 101. You offer someone everything on earth for $100, they'll probably take it. Problem is, supply ISNT infinite, so the price will never be that low. If you found some way of making planets full of shit cheap and abundant, you'd see that demand is indeed infinite.

Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness (Feb 9, 1956)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'assassination, lincoln, john wilks booth, ford theater' to 'assassination, lincoln, john wilkes booth, ford theater, witness, 1865' - edited by lucky760

Abortions Currently Not Legally Available in Kansas

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^bareboards2:

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'll bet they lose.
Will these increasingly draconian invasions by conservatives be slapped down in the election booth?
I sure hope so.
These conservatives need to move to their own little country where they have their own way, without inflicting their backwards fundamentalist world views on the rest of us.

At times like this and with the anti-Evolution nonsense in the Kansas BOE a while ago, I can only cringe at what backwards things happen in my home state (although I haven't lived there for a few years). I think you are right, and this won't survive a challenge in (hopefully) the state supreme court, or failing that a higher court.

However, I don't think that these "draconian invasions" will be halted at election time. The local Kansas voters casting votes for their state reps and senators are probably going to approve of this sort of action much more than a poll of average Americans in general would.

Added to that is the fact that the far right-wing nuts are highly encouraged and motivated to go out and vote in primaries that are somewhat ignored by other constituencies, so by the time it comes to a general election the run-of-the-mill conservatives frequently have to choose between a far-right republican or breaking ranks entirely and voting for a democrat (which many are loathe to do).

So when it comes down to it, your statement about conservatives moving to "their own little country" is rather apt, but they would suggest that they've already done it... It's called Kansas.

Abortions Currently Not Legally Available in Kansas

bareboards2 says...

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'll bet they lose.

Will these increasingly draconian invasions by conservatives be slapped down in the election booth?

I sure hope so.

These conservatives need to move to their own little country where they have their own way, without inflicting their backwards fundamentalist world views on the rest of us.

[BITMOB] 5HP: Booth Babe Edition - E3 2011

[BITMOB] 5HP: Booth Babe Edition - E3 2011

Sexual Deception by Orchid lures Wasp to mate with it

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

quantumushroom says...

There's a bridge between me and everyone else? Look for a new toll booth, coming soon!

>> ^Taint:

ultimately she's a bit psychotic for even attempting such a thing.
But since she did it successfully, I can only admire her courage.
It's not an easy thing, on the sift, to bridge the gap between QM and everyone else, but it's videos like this that should remind us that no matter what our political affiliations, we can all be on the same page when it comes down to unambiguous reality.
There's more that unites us than divides us.

Leafs Kiss Cam

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

SDGundamX says...

Thanks for Sifting this. I just came from an article where a guy was complaining about people who complain about booth babes at video game industry conventions. His question literally was, "What's the harm?" I'll pass this on to him.

@crotchflame I think the ads are both the cause and effect at the same time. They're the effect of a cultural norm that says its okay to treat women as (usually sexual) objects but they also cause that norm to be reinforced--so much so that some women even embrace that norm to their own detriment.

Breaking the cycle requires us as a society to re-evaluate what's most important to us. Videos like this and the actions of people like Kate Winslet are a great start, but for real change to happen I think it has to come from within each and every individual. We all need to stand up and call bullshit on this kind of advertising. We need to educate our kids better not to fall for this stuff--to be more critical and suspicious of what mass media is trying to tell them--this doesn't just apply to advertising but to pretty much everything including the nightly news as well. I think it has to be a bottom-up thing where it just becomes culturally intolerable, rather than a top-down thing where they try to legislate it away.

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