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So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

BSR says...

If you're interested in body recovery you'd fit right in.

noims said:

This comment is only for people with a dark sense of humour. I apologise in advance.

For a popcorn theme they could probably have put in a popcorn maker and holes in the sides of the buildings. That way as the corn pops, the little popcorn people jump out.

It took me an hour to click 'submit' on this.

US sues to block TX abortion law

BSR says...

Believe it or not, all human beings start out as tiny anuses. In the first few weeks after fertilization, you're nothing more than a small group of cells, called a blastula. ... While that may sound like a pretty fancy word, the blastopore is actually just a miniscule anus. The rest of your body develops from there.Jun 14, 2019

US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

Covid kills people. Forced vaccinations stop the killing.

Since you're making the argument that the government should exercise total control over citizen's bodies for the health and safety of one potential human, obviously you now see you must support them taking minor control over your body to force vaccinations for the health and safety of millions of actual viable living people and the nation as a whole, right?

Certainly you wouldn't be so hypocritical as to force dangerous, life changing, sometimes deadly options on mothers but not a pin prick to save multiple actual lives, the economy, and the national sanity....Would you?

bobknight33 said:

Abortion kills people

This bill helps stops the killing.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Massachusetts VS Grendle's Den - 459 US 116- 1982
A case in Massachusetts where the state deferred to the church in issuing liquor licenses, allowing them to veto any licenses they wished for their own reasons.
The supreme court voted 8-1 in favor of Grendle, stating clearly that it's extremely unconstitutional to allow a non governing body to apply the law based on their personal beliefs...and a blatant violation of the separation between church and state. This case is from 1982.
This means precedent is set, and the Texas law will be tossed....unless the new court ignores precedent and the constitution, which thanks to Trumpists is a possibility.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Let's stick with the one I know better...California.
Damn right I would like every state to have a >$76BILLION budget surplus, (we could use an extra $4.5 Trillion per year in America) an economy that's the 5th largest in the world, a producer of up to 1/3 of the food America can eat, centers for high tech advancement, free health care for the poor....

In what way is Texas beating California....not in freedom, not economy, not health, not infrastructure....pretty much just in fake unconstitutional religious Puritanism as the law and the percentage of illegal immigrants. In California illegal immigrants make up 5.6% of our population, in Texas where they spend billions to fight it it's 5.7%.

First, all the Texans who fled the state have to move home. I'm one...and you'll have to kidnap me at gunpoint to get me back in that third world state. Fuck that oven roasted shithole.

Lastly, abortion is not murder legally, by the definitions of the words, rationally, historically, morally, religiously, or in any way. To be alive you must first be born, you cannot murder that which was never alive. Until the cord is cut, it's a growth inside the mother entirely supported by her body....a tumor. You can't murder a tumor, if you think you can, go protest the nearest cancer center and leave pregnant women alone.

TangledThorns said:

Exactly. Liberals don't get it, they want every state to be like New York or California even if they already live in those failed states.

Here's a pro-tip to the Portland libs that moved to Texas, move back to your shitty lefty state.

Last, abortion is murder.

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

"That goes for Biden and America too, right?" Yes, that's how democracies work...

"It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this" Last time I checked the vast majority of Texas are Christian so yeah they did.

"millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them" Are you saying they are incapable of using contraceptives, you know, the normal way to prevent having a child and not taking a life as a means to "fix" the problem like they were doing.

"If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse." NO SHIT SHERLOCK. If you don't want a baby use protection. They teach that to school children... That's how it works across the world.

newtboy said:

That goes for Biden and America too, right? Don't like Biden, get out, easy as that, right? The difference being a majority DID vote for Biden.

That's the first way you're incorrect. A majority voted for representatives who voted for it, but the majority of voters, 54%-42%, don't want to go this far. It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this.

It's an obvious legal overreach, and will be overturned in time, but in the meantime, millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them, many will pay with their lives, and many huge companies are reconsidering moving or even existing in Texas because of this Baptist sharia law attack on women's rights over even their own bodies.

I suggest a sex strike in Texas until it's repealed. If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse.

I suggested my brother in Austin turn in the highway department for maintaining roads that facilitate transporting women to have abortions and claim his $10k bounty before the state goes bankrupt.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

That goes for Biden and America too, right? Don't like Biden, get out, easy as that, right? The difference being a majority DID vote for Biden.

That's the first way you're incorrect. A majority voted for representatives who voted for it, but the majority of voters, 54%-42%, don't want to go this far. It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this.

It's an obvious legal overreach, and will be overturned in time, but in the meantime, millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them, many will pay with their lives, and many huge companies are reconsidering moving or even existing in Texas because of this Baptist sharia law attack on women's rights over even their own bodies.

I suggest a sex strike in Texas until it's repealed. If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse.

I suggested my brother in Austin turn in the highway department for maintaining roads that facilitate transporting women to have abortions and claim his $10k bounty before the state goes bankrupt.

Anom212325 said:

The majority voted for it and want it in Texas. Don't like it get out of Texas. As easy as that.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

luxintenebris says...

yes, that is all too true. can be very successful yet be oblivious to the realities around them.

- remember an interview w/Ted Turner, while he was on top in the cable world (CNN was king). when speaking about business matters; very insightful. But when the questions about current affairs came around; he gave his opinion then changed it or said IDK anytime the interview offered a counterpoint.

- in an interview w/Colin Powell, as Sec of State, when the interviewer tried to corner him on how, looking at his GPA in HS and college, he ever made it to a 4-star general? all Colin would do was smile and say (something like) "It's good to be American. It offers many great opportunities to many people." That line of questioning ending in both parties smiling and chuckling.

- had to show our valedictorian how to put air into a tire. watching them struggle was hilarious but made one empathic.

also the belief anyone can become the president of the U.S.A. is both inspiring and terrifying. (as we all know now)


seeing this video, and the truth of the above sentence is a reason why education should become one of the top three, if not top, priorities, and quests of this nation. paired w/a universal form of national service* should provide all citizens will the skills to perceive wtf is actually going on.

*a former military serviceman, back from Iraq, noticed that Congress has far fewer former service members in their ranks since the early '80s. he noted in the military there are many ilks of service personnel, but they all work toward one goal. they have to - or they fail. reading this, have to believe - like Bush, Sr and Clinton both agreed on - that all Americans should put in some form of national service . since it'd foster a better understanding of other Americans: how they lived, how they were raised, their beliefs, the challenges they must face...i.e. see more than what's outside your 'bubble'.

this idea and a couple of other GREAT bipartisan ideas have waned since 9/11 but it'd be a hell of a fix.

* * * * realizing have wandered off the trail * * * *

or more concisely; to your point...

a body might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but any tool can become useful.

SFOGuy said:

I know a fair number of smart people who have bad skills in epistemology, who have very odd anti-tax beliefs.

But whose IQ in their area of expertise is high. Some, not too oddly, are frankly on the spectrum.

Others have been quite successful and intelligent in a narrow area and then--sort of ail outside it. A bit, I suppose, like a lot of us. Only on this matter, it matters.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

newtboy says...

Just as your right to swing your fist ends firmly at my nose, your right to be an idiotic anti science virus incubator and virulent disease vector ends firmly at your property line.

Isn’t it hilarious that right wingers want to use personal sovereignty, control and authority over your own body, as a shield from responsibility for their dangerous, deadly actions, but absolutely refuse it’s existence when it comes to women having authority over their own bodies, ie abortion/birth control.

Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

BSR says...

I did a body removal of a male and female sitting in chairs at the kitchen table who overdosed. They were found by a friend.

Their 2 month old baby was found in the crib still alive crying.

Schoolboy Arm Wrestling compilation

spawnflagger says...

It seems (to me, I'm no expert) that he's keeping his arm relatively stiff, and using the momentum of his entire upper body to do the work to pull his opponents' arm down. I'm sure he's quite strong, but also has technique and fast reflexes.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

600000 dead thanks to pretending it’s a mild flu and ignoring it for months = “fake COVID fear”
4 dead in a hostile country = “spend as long as it takes to force Clinton to pay”

No punishment, just exclusion from society and commerce in self defense. When you morons start spreading the next variant that mutated in one of your obese bodies and we go back to full quarantine, I’ll be totally open to either get the shot or get shot….you’ll be murdering people in the name of ignorant obstinance.
What happened to “grandma is fine dying if you can go back to work”…now turned into “I’m not getting a shot so we can go back to work because no one pwomised me a wowweepop and I’m afwaid of getting owchied.”

Go door to door, any house with an unvaccinated occupant should get sealed and the names published, and breaking quarantine should be the death penalty anyone can inflict just like you idiots said the elderly would accept.
Definitely anyone unvaccinated should pay every dime of treatment at this point, right? You claim to be about personal responsibility, so lobby your representatives to give insurance companies and the fed the right to not pay for COVID treatment for unvaccinated people. 90% of you morons would try to get one today if that was the case.

Public health is not a personal choice as long as you live in a society. Leave society, then you can live in personal freedom on quarantine island.

bobknight33 said:

The Freak Out is from the Democrats spreading fake covid fear and demanding you get the shot or else be punished in some for or fashion.

Get it or don't get it it is YOUR choice.

Wasting tax dollars to know on doors is foolish.
Put a stand up at liquor store / grocery stores.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Arizona secretary of state, Katie Hobbs sent a letter to the Arizona attorney general yesterday asking him to please investigate Donald Trump. And of course his close allies, Rudy Giuliani, and possibly even Sidney Powell for possible election interference in the state of Arizona.

Here's what happened in case you missed it last week, it was revealed that both the Trump white house and Rudy Giuliani on separate occasions and on multiple occasions made phone calls to officials in the state of Arizona following the November election, trying to get them to stop the counting, begging to be called back. In fact, it got so bad, the Arizona Republic detailed two separate attempts by Trump to reach Republican supervisor Clinton Hickman in the weeks after the election, as the president's allies sought to alter the election results in a state he narrowly lost to Democrat Joe Biden at the time, Hickman was chairman of the board of supervisors, the elected body that oversees elections in the state's most populous county, Maricopa. Hickman received the first call from the white house switchboard on December 31st while he was out celebrating the coming new year with his wife and friends, he let the call go to voicemail.

Second call came on the night of January 3rd after the Washington post published a recording of Trump's hour long phone call with Georgia secretary of state Hickman sought to avoid talking to the president because of ongoing litigation, any let the call go to voicemail and yes, for the record, the Arizona Republic does in fact have those voicemails where you can hear what they were trying to do. Then of course, Rudy Giuliani steps in, he starts emailing or I'm sorry, texting and calling the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican party, trying to get her to somehow interfere, stop the counting of the votes. Honestly, it is pretty much identical to what these idiots were doing over in Georgia, trying to get them to stop the vote, trying to get them to go find the votes as Trump said, and let's not forget... Trump is already under criminal investigation in Georgia. I know we all get distracted with New York, but there have been two grand juries empaneled in the state of Georgia regarding Donald Trump's potential criminal election interference in that state. That's a big deal that everybody seems to have forgotten about.

And now the same thing might happen in Arizona. There's a catch here. Arizona's attorney general, a Man by the name of Brenna Vich Is running for US Senate as a Republican. So he's got a lot, uh, got a lot at stake here. He can't PISS off Republicans by investigating Donald Trump.

Brenna Vich did, in fact, support Arizona's sweeping new voter suppression laws.

Edit: btw, multiple Republicans including but not limited to McConnell have gone public with their plan of hoping they can cause maximum chaos and division for the next 18 months because it will help them successfully block any and all legislation, then they can blame the gridlock on Democrats during the election. Total nationwide chaos with the corresponding rise in crime and damage to the economy....that's the Republican plan for victory. True patriots. 🤦‍♂️

Better donate to the Trump Twitter lawsuit quick before they manage to destroy your investment portfolio with the planned chaos...Trump can't sue social media without your cash donations because he's really a billionaire so he needs your no attention to his standard microscopic fine print explaining that he may, at his discretion, use your donation for personal debts. Doesn't matter, DONATE NOW. He needs your fight the invisible fight against those paper tigers and windmills. Please don't remember when he did the exact same thing begging for money to fight for the "election fraud" fraud in court but then pocketed the money and fired his (now disgraced and disbarred) lawyers without filing a legitimate lawsuit.

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