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Vote While It Counts

luxintenebris jokingly says...

have an alternative theory...

you perceive to be correct w/o any challenge. or accept any challenge.

bob the bubble boy.

i get it: that's what being 'red' is. you are part of the one.

it's like your all one people, encamped under one euphonious dogma. no deviation. no discourse. becoming one body w/one mind.

ultimately: resembling a prisoner placed in solitary confinement. time is methodically rendering the one's gray matter into pudding.

no wonder why crt, statures, masks, vaccines, seeing dead people at the polls - can trip y'all out. it's like being on acid and your choice of media is playing w/ya'...

[cheech - aka bob - being soothed first w/"you know better" from chong - Fox News & ilk - then NAAAWWWGH!!! weirded out by the news that black people are making it to the voting rolls! ]

...duckery for sure.

bobknight33 said:

That's exactly why I will vote Republican. To keep Democrats from their fuckery.

The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

newtboy says...

Or not. Seems they’ll be covered in rocks naturally within days. Leave them. No SAR, you get to feed wildlife or become scenery. Just like Everest. A few bodies might make a good deterrent for anyone on the fence or over confident.

Reminds me of when I was in New Zealand. Our flight out of Milford was cancelled for low clouds, and some Japanese tourists took the plane sightseeing around Milford fjord. They crashed into the fjord, hundreds of meters deep. The family wanted to send robots to recover the bodies, but I couldn’t fathom (no pun intended) why. For a fraction of the cost the entire family could visit them in New Zealand every few years for eternity….no brainer!

I’ll never understand you humans.

StukaFox said:

No, I'm all in favor of Morons--

However, I'm not in favor of the amazing people in SAR putting their lives on the line to recover the smears lefts on rocks that used to be these people. Living in WA, we have a lot of "really wants to kill you" wilderness here, including North Cascades Nat'l Park and Olympic Nat'l Park. Every single year, someone's predated body needs to be pulled out of the middle of one of these places by either a helo crew or the poor bastards who have to hike a bazillion miles to pack out what's left of Chuckles.

The number of SAR people who've died here is sobering. Every single one of them could have just walked away, but they went into danger's way to save people too stupid to save themselves. Sometimes their reward is to be spit on, like the ranger at Yellowstone who was berated by the father of a kid who dived into a hot spring after his dog (by "kid", I mean adult kid, not Timmy). The father wanted his kid's body recovered, no matter what. The ranger had to explain that the kid completely dissolved about five minutes after he fell in. The father then refused to speak to the ranger any further.

This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. Someone's going to have to look at these human bird droppings and see that shit in their sleep for the rest of their lives.

The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

StukaFox says...

No, I'm all in favor of Morons--

However, I'm not in favor of the amazing people in SAR putting their lives on the line to recover the smears lefts on rocks that used to be these people. Living in WA, we have a lot of "really wants to kill you" wilderness here, including North Cascades Nat'l Park and Olympic Nat'l Park. Every single year, someone's predated body needs to be pulled out of the middle of one of these places by either a helo crew or the poor bastards who have to hike a bazillion miles to pack out what's left of Chuckles.

The number of SAR people who've died here is sobering. Every single one of them could have just walked away, but they went into danger's way to save people too stupid to save themselves. Sometimes their reward is to be spit on, like the ranger at Yellowstone who was berated by the father of a kid who dived into a hot spring after his dog (by "kid", I mean adult kid, not Timmy). The father wanted his kid's body recovered, no matter what. The ranger had to explain that the kid completely dissolved about five minutes after he fell in. The father then refused to speak to the ranger any further.

This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. Someone's going to have to look at these human bird droppings and see that shit in their sleep for the rest of their lives.

newtboy said:

No problem whatsoever with waivers. Are you worried that too many brain dead slugs will Darwin themselves? Why? Do you foresee some future shortage of morons?

Re-Entry | A Short Film about Life and Death

eric3579 says...

Every atom? Correct me if i'm wrong but Hydrogen didn't come from stars, and it makes up most of the atoms in the human body. Although it does make me wonder if stars consume all of their Hydrogen before dying.

newtboy said:

You are made up of other suns, not Sol. It’s still intact. Every atom in your body came from a distant star.

Re-Entry | A Short Film about Life and Death

newtboy says...

You are made up of other suns, not Sol. It’s still intact. Every atom in your body came from a distant star.

BSR said:

The sun is every bit a part of you as is your heart pumping blood. You are bigger than than you realize.

Holiday Ride | Chevrolet

cloudballoon says...

Better be cynical then just lapping up these same 'ol same 'ol regressive marketing snooze-fest ads.

My first reaction to it was, if the father treasures the car and memories (the photo) so much, why not even get a full-body cover to protect it from the elements? This dumb holiday message/ad can't even get emotions right.

Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

Funny they want to imply these are far left liberal anti vaxers because they’re Californians, but they all spouted far right wing talking points verbatim. I wish, when they bring up body autonomy, he would ask “so you’re pro choice, right?” I think their answers would clear up who many of these people really are.

FYI, Jordan, there are tons of bat shit crazy right wingers in California , especially in the LA area.

Alec Baldwin Interview ABC Body Language Analysis

JiggaJonson says...

i really don't care for this odd assumption-based analysis

When my grandfather died of a heart attack at 89, i was in another state. At the funeral, talking to people, I was a brick wall of emotion. Nothing in or out.

When i went home I started weeping. It occured to me later, "good thing im not a murder suspect."

"he showed almost no emotion at the funeral."
"Just very cold and unfriendly"
"he's hiding something.
"She used to light up the room!"

like, body language is NOT a reliable indicator of truth

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I got the MRI, which changed things for the worse. I had a large tumor which they determined to be cancer. I also had to get a CT to see if it had spread to the lungs and it showed some small nodules in my lower right lung. They can't be sure it is cancer or not yet. If they shrink during the treatment, then it is cancer.

The treatment I am undergoing is called Immunotherapy, a targeted drug which adheres to the chemical that cancers put out to trick the body into thinking they are normal tissue. Once it binds, the body sees it as foreign tissue and tries to kill it.

Obviously, all the other issues have taken a back seat. If the treatment works, I could live for some time. If it doesn't, I am looking at an estimated 4-6 mos.

I don't know when or if I will be mentally recovered enough to start posting again. No matter what, though, I appreciate all of you.

Kansas City Police Officer Found Guilty In 2019 Killing

newtboy says...

The best part is the 30 seconds at the end when, after his conviction, the convict hears the growing cheers from the crowds outside. Yes, the public is happy you’re convicted and most hope you die in prison.

This was a case of no crime, no suspect, but a helicopter THOUGHT a red pickup truck was chasing a purple mustang, and there might have been a collision, but none was reported, ever, no injuries, no victim, no call to police, indeed no crash, no hit and run. The victim had no gun, one was found later in the house and it sounds like they planted it in his car, probably on body camera.
Put him in gen pop, along with the other officers that backed up his lies. Another instance where every officer involved is a lying accomplice to murder and should be in prison for life without parole or special treatment just like citizens who murder a cop and stage the scene to justify an unjustifiable shooting should be.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

newtboy says...

Age restricted by YouTube.

Side note, 5 years after an unarmed man was shot 76 times (shot at over 100 times) by police, two officers have finally been indicted for his murder. (Turns out two of those shots came from directly above his dead body….mafia execution style)
The previous DA claimed the local police were working with federal marshals, whose policy is to not allow body cameras, and they always follow that rule, so there was no body cam footage, and under Trump the US marshals refused to cooperate, so he had no evidence with which to prosecute. That changed.

Felony murder, aggravated assault, burglary, making false statements, and violation of oath by a police officer. I hope they both get the death penalty and get no protection in prison. Maybe they can get raped to death….still too good for their ilk.

3 rules to live by

newtboy says...

My dad taught me these ...

Keep everything that sticks off your body clean.
Never eat anything blue or bigger than your head.
Never sue anyone worth less than the cost of your attorney.

Joe Biden Taliban billboard

newtboy says...

This is what Republicans think is patriotism. Biden is your president....of your country.

Funny they forgot who handed Afghanistan back to the wasn't Biden, it was the guy who negotiated our surrender and retreat, and the handover of control, without involving the Afghan government in those negotiations.

The same guy who released >5000 Taliban combatants from prison last year with no preconditions.

Funny the right forgot they want a theocratic government here, often insisting we already have one. Funny the right forgets that they have at least 2 certified terrorist organizations spearheading their party and thousands of members prosecuted for domestic terrorism (although many were allowed to plead to just trespassing for some unexplained reason). Funny the right forgets they are in a battle to remove self autonomy from women, stripping their rights to control their bodies. Does anyone think, if they're successful, that they're going to stop at outlawing abortion? They're pretty vocal about ending women's (and minority) suffrage too, and ending anything that helps women advance in the workplace. Once they strip that power, look the fuck out, any other rights will be gone in weeks once they can't vote.

There's one party in America that resembles the Taliban, and it's not the Democrats, Bob.

Just duh, @bobknight33. You're so far out of your ankle deep depth here....just like on that other thread where you can't explain how you have the facts absolutely backwards about the very machines you claim are your career and area of expertise.

Trump made the Taliban great again. Absolutely zero question among those who can remember last year. Sadly that apparently leaves Bob and most of the right wing out.

The attempted US coup

JiggaJonson says...

America without its institutions and laws is just dirt that people are standing on.

Joe Biden doesn't hate the institutions of the USA. He doesn't talk about them in broad strokes in every speech he gives in a negative way. He seems to recognize that 1/2 of the country doesn't like him, more or less, but doesn't talk about those fellow Americans like they are enemies of the USA.

By contrast, all the "can't trust the government" types, including the previous president, are saying in essence things that are fundamentally anti American. Which is not to say no oversight is needed, but oversight and regulation to stop power from running amuck are different and distinct compared to dissolving those institutions or hobbling them in favor of more centralized power in the executive branch.

Biden is delegating power across government bodies and institutions, rather than concentrating it on himself.

And he doesn't rage tweet at all hours of the day and night every fucking moment he has a plucky idea. Just look at the sheer volume of tweets that poured out of that monster

Almost like one guy is doing his actual job and one guy is literally sitting on his phone and watching TV all day.

And one guy seems to like America and working for the government and one guy cheers every time there's bad news.

TangledThorns said:

Democrats put more troops into DC than Kabul when it fell last month. Proves Democrats fear conservatives more than Jihadis murdering our American troops.

Biden is a potato. Change my mind.

Why I Give Abortions

luxintenebris says...

what is this 'deed'?

get it straight willie. contraception isn't perfect. sex isn't a crime.

a bank? the vault of her body? she is blowing it open so she can - what - burn the money? what is a crime is that analogy.

it's personal. it's their responsibility. it's personal responibility.

bobknight33 said:

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

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