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The best "Best Man" speech ever?

The best "Best Man" speech ever?

Wedding Ring Exchange FAIL (0:44)

ShakaUVM says...

Hmm, could be real. The best man's foot (probably not used to formal shoes) slipped on the step, he bounced into her legs, the pastor bent over to help him, with his arms around the bride, she fell backwards and in. The sound of shock is pretty real too.

That said, the hesitation on the part of the best man, and the fact that it pans out to look at him before it's his turn to act means it could be a fake as well.

I'm getting married in 3 weeks. Remind me to not do it right next to the pool.

Wedding Ring Exchange FAIL (0:44)

Quboid says...

Too much fail to be fake IMHO, you wouldn't fake something that epic. I tend to give videos the benefit of the doubt. As for the camera work, well it's probably a professional wedding video photographer. You could hear some laughing and I expect plenty more followed once it was clear they were OK.

*walks to door*

Just one more thing ... I think the bride reacts to the falling "best" man and without thinking, steps back, taking the priest, who automatically tried to catch her, into the pool.

Wedding Ring Exchange FAIL (0:44)

Wedding Ring Exchange FAIL (0:44)

lucidgroove says...

If you play it back slowly, the best man trips, the groom tries to help him, the bride falls, the priest tries to catch her but goes in too, then the groom tries to grab the priests hand. Seems real to me.

Lord Zifnab gets his Crown, thought it would be bigger (Scifi Talk Post)

12939 says...

I had to create an account just so I could reply to this.

First of all congrats Zifnab. Second, nice post kronosposeidon.

I know Zifnab in the real world (by that I mean offline) and have known him for nearly 20 years. He was my best man at my wedding this past July.

Not sure about this Darth Zifnab stuff though... He's always been pretty cool to me.

Anyways, keep up the great sifting everyone. I may not say much but I'm here almost everyday thanks to Zifnab.

Wesley Clark: VERY interesting criticism of John McCain

chilaxe says...

Lol, I should have been more clear. Being "in the top 99.5%" means 99.5% of students scored above him. That's in contrast to being "in the 99.5th percentile," which would mean "in the top .5%."

I think it's right that it doesn't necessarily matter, but I think it lends support to the picture that McCain was handed his career on a silver platter because he was a war hero.

>> ^SSIops:<

So McCain is a smart motivated guy? Even so, just because you are "smart" doesn't make you a great president. Supposedly Bush has a high I.Q. (I have my doubts) but did that make him a great president?
>>> ^chilaxe:
That's not why McCain is the best man for the job. He's the man for the job because he graduated in the top 99.5% of his class in college! (#894 of 899.)

Wesley Clark: VERY interesting criticism of John McCain

11807 says...

>> ^chilaxe:
That's not why McCain is the best man for the job. He's the man for the job because he graduated in the top 99.5% of his class in college! (#894 of 899.)

So McCain is a smart motivated guy? Even so, just because you are "smart" doesn't make you a great president. Supposedly Bush has a high I.Q. (I have my doubts) but did that make him a great president?

Wesley Clark: VERY interesting criticism of John McCain

chilaxe says...

That's not why McCain is the best man for the job. He's the man for the job because he graduated in the top 99.5% of his class in college! (#894 of 899.)

[EDIT: Lol, I can see how that's not clear. Being "in the top 99.5%" means 99.5% of students scored above him. That's in contrast to being "in the 99.5th percentile," which would mean "in the top .5%."]

George Carlin - Life is Worth Losing

The McCains Take Sleaze to a Whole New Level.

Krupo says...

The only thing he skipped on in this *dark *femme video is that she ruptured her spinal chord, leading to the drugs. Well the current president is a drug user from the 70s according to records, and now we know the Republican candidate also is. I find it interesting that, "in her defense", the balanced Wikipedia entry points out that McCain was guilty of infidelity in the past with others well. Not exactly heartening.

Definitely an *election08 and *politics and a blowing the whistles *lies vid, but this is misuse of the terrible channel, hence I invoke *nochannel for that.

Wiki links:
Cheated crippled first wife:

And incredibly forgiving too:

The McCains separated in late 1979;[13] Carol McCain accepted a divorce in February of 1980,[13] and John McCain filed for and obtained the uncontested divorce in Florida on April 2, 1980.[21] John McCain would later say, "My marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine."[18] Carol McCain would later echo those sentiments, saying the failure was not due to her accident[1] and that "I attribute [the breakup of our marriage] more to John turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again than I do to anything else."[18] He gave her a settlement that included alimony, child support, houses in Virginia and Florida, and lifelong financial support for her ongoing medical treatments resulting from the 1969 automobile accident.[1] John McCain and Hensley were married the month following the divorce.[18]

Carol McCain became a personal assistant to Nancy Reagan in fall 1979,[2] working with her on Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign, and then worked on the 1980 Republican National Convention and the 1981 Reagan inaugural.[2] In 1981, she became head of the White House Visitors Center, where she planned tours and dealt with special pleas of Washington officials.[2]

Despite the divorce, Carol McCain remained on good terms with John McCain,[18] and supported him in all his subsequent political campaigns.[1] She refused to discuss her marriage with an opponent of McCain's in 1982 who was seeking negative information about him.[22]

In 2003, Carol McCain moved to a bungalow in Virginia Beach, Virginia.[1] She continues to have difficulty walking, as a result of her accident.[1] She supports her ex-husband's 2008 presidential campaign, and told The Mail on Sunday in June 2008 that she was not bitter and that, "He’s a good guy. We are still good friends. He is the best man for president."[1]

(If you're going to be harsh, you'll point out that she too got divorced before marrying McCain, albeit under very different circumstances.)

A brilliant best man speech

HaricotVert says...



... 'scuse me.

For an occasion such as this, I'd like to thank you all for coming to celebrate the marriage of Shane and Tina's. A wise man told me that the best man speech should last as long as the groommate's love.

<brief pause>

... Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

I'm standing up here tonight representing the category for best man. A term that is unjustly appointed to me, and not deserved. Though it's a great honor, I'm not really the best man, just a good guy. The best man here tonight, is Shane Seaver. Now as I mentioned it's a great honor to be the best man, but with that comes a role: writing this speech. And to be honest with you, to make the process a bit easier, I decided to turn to the internet for some help.

The obvious place seemed to be the internet, so with a multitude of resources at my fingertips, I began searching the web. After a couple hours of searching, I found some really good stuff. But then I remembered I was supposed to be looking for speech ideas.

I did actually find several speech ideas, unfortunately none of them were about a couple named Shane and Tina who lived in Lincoln. Shane was born on June 19, 1974. I tried to link this to some major world event, but it seems that nothing else happened that day, although the Henderson hospital staff still refers to that day as "Ugly Wednesday."

Unfortunately Shane was a slow starter... at playschool Shane was different from all the other 5-year olds... he was 11.

Shane and Tina are each great individuals and together they truly make an unstoppable couple. They are both caring, strong-willed, and intelligent. Their love for one other is apparent to each one of us today. The great thing about Shane and Tina is that they have planned far more than their wedding, they have planned their marriage. As a matter of fact, Shane has already found out the married man is one who replaces the money in his wallet with a picture of his wife.

Shane is always excellent in everything he does, whether it was school, friends, his career, sports... even if he was the last one to be picked. And I know that if he models his parents Don and Sherry, then he will be a wonderful spouse for Tina. And since I'm married, I guess I should give you a little marriage advice - one thing that my wife Jodie and I ... we never go to bed angry, we usually just stay up and argue.

Ladies and gentlemen, these two people are very important to us. Without them the night would be a little less joyous. The great thing about this is as the evening progresses, most of us will have the opportunity to spend more time talking with them. So please join me in a very personal toast... to the bar staff. Thank you.

Tonight I'm here free of charge. And I hope you found me worth every penny. But I only have a minute left, which normally I would reserve for rupturous applause for myself. However, on this occasion I'll finish with a poem that sums up marriage quite nicely (it's good).

"The perfect groom is gentle, never harsh, cruel, or mean
he has a beautiful smile and keeps his face so clean
the perfect groom likes children, and will raise them by your side
he'll be a good father and husband to his bride
the perfect groom loves cooking, cleaning, and laundry too
he'll do anything in his power to show his love for you
the perfect groom is sweet, writing poetry from your name
he's the best friend to your mother, and kisses away your pain
he'll never make you cry or hurt you in any way
and if this poem stands to be true, then Shane... you really are gay."

Picture your family dead - then go vote

Bill Clinton responds to a heckler 1992

slurpeyatari says...

Yes Clinton was a great speaker and yes he was one of those likable guys. Yes he had the balls to stand up to this heckler. Then later his balls were getting "washed" by somebody other than his wife. Too bad people dont have morals anymore. I like how everybody bashes presidencies but yet cant look at their own lives and go hey what can I do to make this country better. I like how the media tells America what they want to hear and make other presidents look stupid. That is just too bad. No president is stupid. It takes a man with a very hard shell to be president and be scrutinized for every move you make. You cant make anybody happy. Everyone talks about having respect for people, but yet they turn around and just drive people in the dirt. Why cant people just disagree but yet respect. The best president by far was our Founding Fathers and Regan. Nowadays it isnt the best man for the job its the man with the most money and affluence.

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