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man assaults teen in gym

Return of the Turkish Ice Cream man

Q Anon, Printable Guns, & Other Pure Nonsense Words

ChaosEngine says...

One thing I do agree with that annoying douchebag on, is that you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. If 3D printer gun models are out there (and I don’t doubt they are) it’s going to be very difficult to stop that information for spreading.

How Movie Trailers Manipulate You

viewer_999 says...

Maybe I'm just a bitter old prick, but a lot about trailers today frankly annoy the hell out of me. This video goes a long way to explain the "why" -- because there are these formulas, these companies that all copy each other's methods, etc., it just leads to so much... sameness. They need some new ideas, creativity, something more than the same rehash. No, the "nut punch" doesn't always work -- it pisses me off, because it's so trite, so unoriginal, so typical, so predictable, so done-to-death. Trailer makers: get a new idea and use it.

Denoising digital images with AI

Hubless Wheels + Aircraft Motor = Awesome

sixshot says...

Ugh... whoever did the editing for that needs to learn how to preview their work before uploading. Music audio one moment, motor audio the next. Rinse & repeat. Annoying as hell.

Country Time | Legal-Ade

newtboy says...

I hope they deny the water girl in SF.

A girl and her mom set up shop in front of a residential building they don't live at and all day screamed their water selling slogans at passersby. They were repeatedly asked to move by building security, and they refused. Eventually, a resident came out and asked them to move and called local police (not 911) to see if they needed a permit. She is being portrayed as another BBQ Becky (the woman who called police about people illegally charcoal grilling in a public park annoying park users) as if there's something wrong with calling police on people breaking the law.
She, not the water sellers, should have access to free legal advice.
It's disgusting to me that so many have jumped on the 'lets call them racists and viciously mob them if they're caught in public because they are white and they called police on black people....people who were actually breaking the law and being exceptionally rude and disruptive about it when asked to move to a legal area.' bandwagon.

Cat Pee

Fairbs says...

I had a buddy growing up that had a cat that would do it and I'm pretty sure they didn't train it; they had another cat that didn't do it

my cat poops in the closet occasionally which is annoying

newtboy said:

There was a device on shark tank that was a toilet litter box that you put in the bowl to teach your cat to go there, then once they get it you just remove the pan. Knowing that, I'm hard pressed to believe that the cat just taught itself.

Obama speech given at the Bilderberg Group

Mordhaus says...

While I agree that CNN definitely leans left, I don't think they are going to this level of outright chicanery. Especially not when even Fox is starting to show cracks in the foundation in regards to Trump.

It doesn't piss me off, it just makes me annoyed because I want to believe you are better than this. If you have a viewpoint, use good examples to show it. Don't resort to posting misleading videos because then you are just the boy who cried wolf or chicken little.

bobknight33 said:

Of course its fake. Pisses you off doesn't it.

CNN and the bunch does this this all the time to bash the right. That's why they call it fake news and CNN is the best.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Gorillaz - Humility

moonsammy says...

I mean, yeah, product placement can be annoying, particularly when it's incredibly in-your-face (looking at you, episode 2 of the Lost in Space reboot). Here though, 2-D was certainly going to be wearing some sort of headphones, so I can't fault them too much for making a bit of extra money off of drawing a little "b" on them.

I see Beats in a crap-ton of media, this site appears to document them pretty comprehensively and amongst things I've enjoyed there's Silicon Valley, Parks and Rec, and Avengers: Ultron. Also a fuck-ton of other music videos of, let's say, questionable artistic merit.

That same site also has the following products noted in this video: Puma sneakers, Casio watch, Adidas sneakers, and a Gibson guitar. There's also the blatant promotion of Pazuzu, but I think we can all forgive that.

jmd said:

I stopped at the beats branded headphone shot.

Can't see channels (Sift Talk Post)

newtboy says...

@lucky760, please weigh in on this.

There's a problem with some posters ignoring channel descriptions (even when they're cut and pasted into the comments). This is only slightly annoying....except when it's the kids channel, which is reserved for kid friendly videos.
Some have said the channel descriptions are no longer available (I still see them on each channel's page) so the definitions are left to the poster to determine on their own. This has led to numerous quite adult posts added to the kids channel, and repeatedly reassigned to kids after sifters properly removed it.

If we aren't going to enforce channel descriptions, can we at least remove the kids channel so people stop leaving snuff and torture stories in the daycare room please? I don't even like kids, but that's abusive.

I feel we need a ruling from on high here, either channels are totally open to interpretation and we have no kid safe space (so need to remove the channel that claims to be kid friendly), or not and we need to decide how to stop abusers who intentionally ignore the descriptions to make a point.

Facing the final boss after doing every single side-quest

MilkmanDan says...

I got interested in that question based on the Elder Scrolls series. Morrowind had a basically static world, Oblivion was basically entirely scaled to the player, and Skyrim is scaled to the player but within a min/max range.

To me, Morrowind was great because it could put appropriately powerful rewards in difficult (or just plain obscure) areas. Oblivion in particular was bad at making leveling feel like a treadmill because every time you leveled up as the player, pretty much every enemy would be that much more powerful also. Skyrim was better about that since an area would generally set its difficulty scale based on the first time you visited it, so you could leave and come back later if it was too tough, but it still felt a little off.

Another associated problem is how loot gets influenced by those leveled lists. In Skyrim, loot in containers and in the inventory of leveled enemies generally scales, but loot sitting out in the open in the game world generally doesn't. Which is really annoying, because all generic loot pretty much everywhere ends up being crappy low-level iron. God forbid there's some steel, elven, or dwarven gear in places where it would totally make sense to be (say, dwarven gear in dwarven ruins) that you might venture into before that gear becomes "level appropriate".

In a related issue, one beef that I have with general RPG mechanics is how they all feel the need to make you drastically more powerful at level 5 compared to level 1, and again at level 10 compared to level 5, and so on. By the time you're near the level cap, you're probably 100-1000 times as powerful as you were at level 1, which gives a good sense of accomplishment but just doesn't seem realistic, and leads to this problem with fixed difficulty or level scaling. Western RPGs (boiling back to pen and paper DnD rules) certainly aren't great about this, but JRPGs are completely ridiculous about it, which is pretty much why Final Fantasy 3(6) was the last one that I enjoyed. In my adulthood, I just can't handle them -- even going back and trying to play FF3 that I *loved* way back when.

I'd like to see more games where you get more skills, polish, and versatility as you progress, but overall you aren't more than 3-5 times as powerful at max level as you were at the beginning. Mount and Blade is one of the few games I can think of that comes close to that.

ChaosEngine said:

<knowingly geeky response to comedy bit>
It's actually a really interesting game design question.

There are basically two approaches here: enemies are either fixed level or scale with the player.


Childish Gambino - This Is America

Hydrogen - the Fuel of the Future?

Stormsinger says...

I've always found it annoying when people refer to hydrogen as a new "fuel", especially when they're referring to hydrogen produced by electrolysis. Using electrolysis means that the theoretical limits are that you can get as much energy -out- of burning hydrogen as you put into splitting the water. The traditional meaning of fuel is the exact opposite, that you can get more energy out of combustion than you have to put into creating the fuel.

TLDR - Hydrogen is an energy storage technology, not a fuel. It competes against batteries, not against carbon fuels.

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