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Walking plastic bag

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

newtboy says...

Not by itself. Imo, Russia's backing had far more to do with him retaining power than his torturing.

Also, no one ignored that his changing methods (including aligning with a super power) were successful at retaining power for decades, please stop saying that. It's annoying and goes to show you aren't reading, you're apparently just looking for something to contradict and jumping on it.

None of your walls of text address the point being made, that torture is not an interrogation technique that works. Why do you continue to ignore the topic?

I'm bored with this merry go round....bye bye now.

bcglorf said:

You kind of noted it yourself, but Saddam DID use hope as well. He spent lots of money on the people that were loyal, obedient or just kept their heads down. You just can't ignore that his approach of giving the people the choice of a decent life if obedient or the risk of a horrific suffering one for disobedience secured him great power for multiple decades.

Funk cover of "Wild World" by Scary Pockets

Many will die shortly

Salad Fingers 11: Glass Brother

JiggaJonson says...

I remember this shit from the earlier days of the internet maybe 6 years ago. I, for one, am not nostalgic for this incoherent psychobabble trying to pass itself off as entertainment.

I've had bad LSD trips that were less annoying than this.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

transmorpher says...

You guys think that vegans are lying?

It's a shame you do not scrutinize the sellers of these products, as much as you do with vegans - Where is the *they lied to us* comments from the meat eaters about this:

Clearly blatant number fudging, but people are happy to overlook it because vegans are the annoying ones right?

Every single study that shows animal products are good, or neutral are funded by the people that sell them. I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO FIND A STUDY THAT SHOWS ADDING ANY ANIMAL PRODUCT TO A DIET MAKES IT HEALTHIER - WHICH ISN'T TIED/LINKED TO THE INDUSTRY. In 5 years I'm yet to find one, and almost all of them have very audacious number fudging and statistic manipulation like the above egg study.

Now compare that to the 400 studies that came out last year showing meat has detrimental effects for us...... not coming from vegans. (and this happens each and every year, since 1970).

(There are also plenty of doctors who aren't vegans (like John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Dean Ornish) who all make very strong points about avoiding animal products.) These guys still eat meat on special occasions, so clearly not vegan.

38 year old woman has 44 children

TEKKEN 7 Match of The Year | Majin vs. JDCR | EVO 2018

(Pink Floyd) Goodbye Blue Sky - Gabriella Quevedo

Awesome shiny costumes!

Cheetahs Chase Balls Flung by Cheetahpult

Might need to temp IP ban (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Seems reasonable as i assume after a period of time it can be removed to see if the problem still exists. The sooner the better (in hours hopefully, not days) as it's a daily annoyance that is frustrating to deal with. As is now half (my one page 12 of 30) the comments in the recent comment thread are bans. It doesn't make for a good experience when using it.

lucky760 said:

Spent some time looking into this and it does appear to be actual human spammers creating these posts.

The thing they have in common, though, is that their IPs are India-based.

Is it time we just block submissions for probies from India (and maybe also China) IPs?

Might need to temp IP ban (Sift Talk Post)

newtboy says...

Yeah, but I'm getting really annoyed with spammers.

@dag, @lucky760, we really need a fix here. It's seeming like 1/2 the posts are full movie spam, suddenly. I think they're trying to wear us down until we give up banning them.

ant said:

Hmm, maybe but I am getting annoyed with captchas.

Might need to temp IP ban (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

Hmm, maybe but I am getting annoyed with captchas.

newtboy said:

It might be time for captcha, since these seem to be bot posts. At least at sign up if not for all probationary level posters.
This business is getting out of control.

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