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NEVER Microwave an airbag

Fail Compilation - August 2010

CrushBug says...

>> ^residue:

The airbag in the tires! are you kidding me?! I wonder if that guy knew what was about to happen or if it was a prank

Yeah, it wasn't a prank or anything, they were actually intentionally taking turns setting off an airbag on each other. I saw the whole video somewhere and it was all planned, although that air bag seemed to have more oomph than the others.

Fail Compilation - August 2010

Fail Compilation - August 2010

Real Aircraft Loses Wing, Lands Safely (Under Canopy)

LarsaruS says...

I saw a documentary about the brs, or well the people behind the idea and the company they formed, on discovery channel and they are/were working on getting systems working for planes as big as 747s iirc. It uses multiple stage parachutes and seems like a really cool product. I guess the reason why it isn't mandatory is the same as why airbags weren't mandatory when they were first invented. Give it time. Also I guess that a lot of people doesn't even know it exists yet.

bleedmegood (Member Profile)

Massive 2 Airbag Explosion in a Clothes Drier

MilkmanDan says...

Yeah, there are certain scenarios that could happen wherein an airbag can cause more harm than good, possibly even killing someone that would have been uninjured if there was no airbag. However, you can say the same thing about seatbelts.

But aggregated over a very large sample set of accidents, an individual is clearly better off (less likely to be seriously injured) if they are wearing a seatbelt.

I figure the statistics for airbags would be similar, although the net balance is probably closer to zero than with seatbelts. I'm 100% in favor of that translating into regulating airbag installation to have operator overrides so that one can turn off airbags if they so choose. Seatbelts have that feature by default -- if you think you are better off without, don't buckle up. I would question such a person's sanity, or at least their grasp of statistics, but whatever.

I wouldn't let this video persuade you too much that airbags are exceptionally dangerous, or that the cons outweigh the pros. It does demonstrate that it would probably be a poor idea to swallow an airbag unit or sit directly on top of one and then detonate it, but unless either of those activities is on your agenda I'd wager you're better off with airbags than without them.

Massive 2 Airbag Explosion in a Clothes Drier

blankfist says...

>> ^alizarin:

That's supposed to save my life?

Exactly my reasoning. And they've determined that if you're "out-of-position", meaning not sitting in an upright back position in your seat with your arms by your side, then airbags could be dangerous. Cited.

Think about that next time you prop your feet on the dash [passenger], or cross your legs on long drives [passenger again], or lean forward to grab something from the floorboard, or even lean forward to change the radio station.

Massive 2 Airbag Explosion in a Clothes Drier

Massive 2 Airbag Explosion in a Clothes Drier

How an airbag works

How an airbag works

How an airbag works

Air Bag Launch Attempt

Palin thinks climate change is "snake oil science stuff"

Wingoguy says...

>> ^Farhad2000:

Americans will invent it?

Why is that funny?
Some good ones, in chronological order:
Suspension Bridge,Refrigeration,Morse code
Steam Shovel, Vulcanized Rubber, Motorcycle,
Phonograph, Cash Register, Solar Cell,
Photographic Film, Skyscrapers, Radio,
Zipper, Tractor, FINALLY coming to the 20th century...
Air conditioning, Airplane, AC plugs and sockets,
Supermarket, Liquid Fuel Rocket, Frozen Food,
Particle Accelerators, FM, Digital Computer
, Microwave Oven, Transistor,
Mobile Phone, Supersonic Aircraft, Video Games,
Cable TV, CPR, HDD,
Industrial Robots, Videotape, LASER,
Carbon Fiber, Weather Satellites, GPS,
Heart Transplant, Cordless Phones, CDs,
Airbags, Lunar Module, WAN, PCs,
Microprocessors, Floppy Disks, Email,
Digital Cameras, Ethernet, MRI,
BBS, Internet (not WWW), Space Telescope,
DVRs, Composite Aircraft...whew that was fun. Thanks for egging me on, troll, and if you use any of the above, thank an American!

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