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Dear Texas, (Election Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

Well, I never called you a neo-con, I was referring to some people from AOL, they literally were neo-con. And Ad-hom isn't a label either its a method of discussion that is generally frowned upon on most internets. A method you employ regularly.

I don't really care to get into ANOTHER discussion with you how I conduct myself on videosift. Are you the ideal model of how one should act on videosift?

Dear Texas, (Election Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

If you love me choggie then listen to what I am saying to you. I've requested on several occasions that you stop attacking me on the site, I hate the ad hom attacks (serious or not) and have spoken out against them in the past. Treat others with respect eh. You maybe unaware, with your immunity on this website and all, but your attacks have driven many away in search for friendlier environments. Why do I have to constantly ask you to stop?

You don't think I have balls? Fair enough, but mind you I just spent the last year dealing with the scum of the earth, neo-cons. You know the shit I muck, imagine what I had to put up with infront of that audience. Videosift is where I go to relax.

I wish I could call Hillary a Bitch here without getting an inbox full of complaints. Thank you.

Another reason to celebrate! (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

Yes, thanks for honouring my sift addiction. Yes Calvin avatar will be back, I was just taunting you all with the old school TayTV logo to honour my new blog here on the sift, I urge you all to subscribe, if you know whats best for you. Yes, when the TayTV collective died the website died shortly after, was it the siftquisition that killed it or was it my new AOL blog...historians will be debating that for years.

Either way, the mahalo research project are the latest to pay for my Internet labour. I remind Dag bi-weekly that he is lucky I'm addicted to the Sift, 500 submissions and all I got was a lousy T-shirt ...literally, I wear it all the time.

Thanks for enjoying the clips and this community has been a great place to hang out the last couple years.

How many blogs do you have? (Blog Entry by winkler1)

Post removed (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Fascist Cop Takes His Bad Day Out On Some Skater Kids

Aaron McDonald Solves the Rubik's Cube in Under TWO MINUTES!

Guardian-X says...

There was a guy in one of my college history classes who would fiddle with that infernal cube during the entire class every day. He would complete it in around the same time. I'm pretty sure the professor would have docked his grade for being such a tool, but halfway through the semester he dropped out. I always imagined he was recruited to an advanced league of super-nerds that protected the galaxy with a giant Rubik's cube, a la The Last Starfighter. Hmm...this is the most difficult upvote I've given, if only to bring awareness to this terrible disease that is perpetuating the virginity of so many poor saps. Please everyone, donate to your local charity to end the affliction of BS! (

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

MINK says...

hmmm. well the idea of teaching children is essential, i just don't think we do it in a very efficient or memorable or enjoyable or useful way. There are some innovative schools of course, but generally our concept of "School" is fubar imo u c?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
In reply to this comment by MINK:
school is quite obviously bullshit. i just can't begin to "back that up" because... it's so obvious. you think the current way we teach children is the best way to get the maximum potential out of the human race?

nahh mate, it's just babysitting and brainwashing. and a few good bits if you're lucky.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
School is bullshit? Care to back that one up?

I see what you're saying. The idea of school isn't bullshit, but the way we go about it is.

MINK (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

In reply to this comment by MINK:
school is quite obviously bullshit. i just can't begin to "back that up" because... it's so obvious. you think the current way we teach children is the best way to get the maximum potential out of the human race?

nahh mate, it's just babysitting and brainwashing. and a few good bits if you're lucky.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
School is bullshit? Care to back that one up?

I see what you're saying. The idea of school isn't bullshit, but the way we go about it is.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

MINK says...

school is quite obviously bullshit. i just can't begin to "back that up" because... it's so obvious. you think the current way we teach children is the best way to get the maximum potential out of the human race?

nahh mate, it's just babysitting and brainwashing. and a few good bits if you're lucky.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
School is bullshit? Care to back that one up?

Fedquip (Member Profile)

Fedquip loves Bill O'Reilly. And weed.

Guide to Pro Video Blogging (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Post removed (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Fedquip says...

"So you're saying that we get you to sponsor our gold-sifter icons" - thats another way to put it. But yeah if I'm using the sift to find volunteers to post on AOL, the best way would be to make the arrangment a charitable one.

Post removed (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

Fedquip says... entire hyped up plan has been sidetracked, Just today I accepted a full time job at It's poised to be a google killer, and what I earn will solve a lot of my problems.

But it creates others...For now the videosift idea is going to have to be put on the back burner. Since posting this I've read tons of supporting emails, I can't thank you all enough, if I was crazy I would print out the emails and paste them all over my walls with baby blood. If I was crazy.

Needless to say, I need to redraft the idea that I meant to present in this post. The new job is shift work, and the third freelance gig I'm juggling...Fuck I should have just kept on watching TV eh.

The idea will have to modified but I don't really want to give up on it. Basically, I wanted to give Interested Sifters access to the big and crazy AOL audience that I'm currently blogging for, by featuring posts from the Sift on AOL. There are hundreds of important political, cultural, religious, scientific clips that need to be posted for this huge audience.

I wanted to sponsor a contest that will allow me to repost Interested Sifters blog posts from Videosift onto AOL. In return for the work of writing, I offer the sifter a prize and a donation from myself to the sift.


By participating in a contest on the sift, You win a prize and earn the sift some cash.

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