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I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

Fedquip says...


Yes I know you Jake, glad you enjoyed TayTV... I'm up to my regular tomfoolery post AOL on my new blog,

Anyway, thanks for hitting me up on this guy, I don't know much about the story or what they are singing in this song. I don't think the guy is actually a pedophile, but again I dont know anything about him other then what I read on his wiki.

I'm fresh out of *Promotes on the sift so there isn't much I can do in regards to promoting the clip. I don't have enough info to blog about it, or start a Mahalo page.

...The Dutch Man, they are pretty crazy guys, here his official site, but again, I can't understand a word of it.

In reply to this comment by evil_disco_man:
Hey Jeff,

I don't know if you recognize me or not, but I've been following your "Throw Away Your TV" blog for a year or two now. Much respect.

Anyway, a friend on VideoSift has brought to my attention a vile and despicable video. It is not funny and borders (if not runs over) the line of pedophilia. My younger sister was a victim of similar abuse so this really pushes a button with me.

I know you usually post political stuff, and I wouldn't normally think of asking you this, but I feel that it needs more attention. This pervert needs to be exposed. The problem is, the video only has 3 upvotes, probably because it was posted by a lesser-known member. Is there any way you could promote it or re-post it to give it some exposure? I've seen Sifters find out more information about things like this - the show, who the guy is, who we can contact - so I think it would help.

Much appreciation if you can do anything.



The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

The Star Wars Retrospective Episode IV

Inventions of War: The History of the Machine gun

Illinois State Representative Spews Hate at Atheist

The Dean Martin Roast of Johnny Carson

Majortomyorke (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I just read your comment. I couldn't find a great article, but this one is pretty decent. (And in case you didn't know, Jeff Hoard is Fedquip here at VideoSift.) Basically region blocking is when a video host blocks access to users based on region, usually for entire countries. Your country can be determined by your ISP address. Anyway, many hosts have started blocking viewers in some countries from viewing their videos because of BS contractual obligations with re-broadcast rights.

It's complicated, and frankly I don't even know half the story. But basically it means that some people can't view certain videos because the video host is blocking their country. That is why I told people to go to that link if they couldn't view the video because of region blocking. That software basically tricks the video hosts by making your ISP address look like it's in America. But if you live in America you really don't have much to worry about.

Hope that helps a little.

In reply to this comment by Majortomyorke:
Sorry for being off topic, but I'm ashamed to admit I've not heard of "region blocking" internet content. Can someone kindly PM or link a decent source of information concerning it.

Flickr Video beta due in April (Geek Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

>> ^Farhad2000:
It's easy to see why Yahoo and other search engines pale next to Google. Just look at their frontpages.

I remember seeing this argument somewhere else. The rebuttal was that Yahoo! et al are "portals" and not search egines - and if you look at their "search" pages they are just as clean and elegant as Google:

To be honest, I don't really believe that rebuttal - but there it is. Yahoo! is the hunter in the forest that followed about 30 rabbits at the same time.

Remembering Stanley Kubrick .... Steven Spielberg

Remembering Stanley Kubrick .... Steven Spielberg

Make your own USB fan

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

Who does Fox News Quote? (Blog Entry by Fedquip)

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