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Helena Gremlin covers Dethklok guitar solo

How Japan Keeps Millions of Residents Safe From Floods

Venom Trailer 2

NaMeCaF says...

Canon? Are you not familiar with the fuckery of Hollywood? This has nothing to do with Spiderman* - notice Venom doesnt even have the white spider on his chest?

Also Tom Hardy is a terrible choice. His "accent" actually made me cringe.

* Of course in the Ultimate universe the Venom symbiote isnt an alien but is instead a "cure for cancer" created by Eddie Brock Sr and Richard Parker (Peter's father). I take it they're probably going a similar route.

Mekanikal said:

I thought canon was that Spiderman brought Venom back from some outerspace adventure. Maybe they'll throw a Carnage nod after the credits.

Science Moms

ChaosEngine says...

@navlasop that's part of the problem.

For example, there is no doubt that pharmaceutical companies engage in some EXTREMELY shady shit. But when someone screams that vaccines are evil and "big pharma" is hiding the cure for cancer, it becomes difficult to discern the genuine issues (evergreening, etc) from the noise.

"Chem trails!
Global Warming!
9/11 was an inside job!
Aliens at Roswell!"

One of those is a real and serious problem, but if it gets lumped in with the orders, it becomes easy to dismiss it as nonsense.

We need to get better as a society at filtering the signal from the noise.

John Oliver - Replacing Anthony Kennedy

bcglorf says...

I've gotta say that putting a Conservative majority on the Supreme Court has to rank as the least concerning thing Trump can really do. I mean, can you really imagine any president who wouldn't, given the chance, get their party a majority there? That's about as Status Quo as it gets.

Furthermore, choosing what hill to die on is important over abortion as well. You gotta be very careful not to imply that support for a pro-life opinion is the worst thing Trump has done yet...

You've got lots of bi-partisan horrible things to pin on Trump, you don't need to alienate more and more people every time Trump does something the left hates...


oblio70 says...

This is an argument contrary to the plethora of Conspiracies swirling around our societal hurricane, instead proclaiming that this can be fixed with the correct motivations and gatekeepers, which have been kept at bay by the pursuit of profits.

So what about the Illuminati/Bilderberg Group, (4) extra-terrestrial alien interventions, lizard people, FEMA-Camp culling, Trump a complete puppet of Putin? Still seeking evidence. Perhaps our demise has been less coordinated beyond their love of money .

newtboy (Member Profile)

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newtboy (Member Profile)

New Rule: Conspiracy Weary | Real Time with Bill Maher

newtboy says...

Jesus, Bob, you can't be that't. You repeat debunked conspiracy theories on a video about mentally challenged republican conspiracy theorists?! Why not go on to complain about the illegal alien voters and the fish people infiltrating the intelligence communities too?

Spy-a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Informant-a person who shares information.

The details gathered from informants were given to Republicans last week, and they left the meeting supporting the Muller investigation, a turn around from before the meeting, but all those republicans must now be liberal Trump haters just lying, right? *facepalm

Plenty of Trump/Russia related information is already public, just not undeniable proof of pure DJT collusion.....yet. (There is enough to prove he is either involved or a brain dead slug of a leader, as only a brain dead slug could possibly not notice every person on the campaign talking and doing business with Russia) Hide and wait.
The Clinton/Whitewater investigation lasted 5+ years and found nothing improper in the deal, you can start whining again in 4 years that it's taking too long to prove his crimes, but absolutely not before.
No one (except the Russians) spied on Trump, but we absolutely should have considering the international ties every person in his campaign had with our enemies that they consistently lied about/hid.
Stop lying, and stop repeating orange Kanye's obvious lies. Asking his people questions is, in no way whatsoever, spying or embedding spies....just didn't happen.
The Fed's DID spy on Clinton, and found no crimes. Odd you aren't outraged by that clear spying on a candidate.....oh wait, you are outraged that they didn't go farther with her.

Conservatives are getting fed up because they can't admit they elected a consummate con man who has destroyed our international standings, our ability to negotiate, the budget, the debt, and civility, and having it shoved in your face makes you mad. You're fed up because he does at least one unpresidential thing daily and it's reported/tweeted.

After >8 years of insane (Kenyan Muslim), ridiculous (pizza gate), non stop (still going on) Obama bashing, you must be incredibly embarrassed that your team can't take 1/4 of what they dish out. Sad little snowflakes.

Beware going to the polls unless you want to be turned gay....and heads up, mail in ballots are impregnated with a virus that turns you into a Muslim.

bobknight33 said:

Spy/informant-- same cheese different box.
FBI has one in the trump org and nothing found.
So shy 17 million spent by Muller on nothing Trump/Russian related/

And one wonders why conservatives are fed up with fake news/ late night Trump bashing 24/7/365 with lies.

Alien: In Memoriam

ChaosEngine says...


When the crew of Nostromo died, you felt like there was nothing they could have done (apart from Dallas, who stupidly let Kane back on the ship).

When the marines died, you felt they were sent into an unwinnable situation.

In Prometheus*, I was actively rooting for the aliens/engineer/giant rolling ship to kill all the fucking idiots involved so humanities average intelligence would go UP.

"I fucking love rocks!"

* and apparently Covenant, though I haven't seen it.

Mordhaus said:

I only recognize Alien and Aliens as canon. All the others are trash.

Alien: In Memoriam

ant says...

Ditto. I rewatched both in HD after watching them back in 2000s or so in SD. They were still rad. I still need to get original ALIEN on disc. I have ALIENS (SE) on DVD.

Mordhaus said:

I only recognize Alien and Aliens as canon. All the others are trash.

Alien: In Memoriam

These revelations about Iran show Obama got played!

newtboy says...

Well under 18 months in and already 5 times more administration convictions over Trump administration/Russia collusion than there were unfounded charges against the administration under Obama in 8 years. Jesus Bob, can you not get a single fact right?

Let's not ignore the Trump tower meeting with Russian officials where the repeatedly and clearly stated reason for the meeting (after the lies denying it ever happened fell apart) was to collude with Russia against Clinton by getting more Russian supplied dirt against her, or the unending lies and forced corrections the Trump camp has trotted out to deny, obfuscate, downplay, and finally admit but excuse the meeting.

You're also totally wrong about the 13 Russians indicted, those are about interference in the election, and not low level bean counters, they're mostly Putin's inner circle.

Those "boatloads" were gone over for years with fine toothed combs and serious bias and still nothing illegal found, not a whit, and zero evidence of anything nefarious from the FBI or CIA besides the timing of the baseless FBI attack against Clinton's reputation by publicly announcing they were still investigating her (while hiding the far more serious investigation against Trump).

He lied to you about being wiretapped, just like he lied about 3 million illegal alien votes for Clinton, and unlike the illegal hush money he's now finally admitted he paid his mistresses it simply never happened. Remember, he's plead guilty to being a massive fraud, and he's quite proud of his ability to lie and get away with it but you still believe his obvious lies and never investigate yourself anywhere less biased than Faux or Jones.
Sad and willfully gullible.

bobknight33 said:

Nearly 2 years and still ZERO nothing with Trump/Russian collusion. Mueller's indictments of 13 so far are for low level irreverent to Trump or pre Trump issues

However boat loads if nefarious activity between HRC, DNC, CIA,FBI to interfere, monitor, railroad Trump.

Starship Alamo

American Football player fires a minigun

ant says...

I rewatched Predator 1 in HD last year since I haven't seen it since on local SD TV broadcast in college. It was nice. Same for other classics like Alien, Aliens, etc.

ChaosEngine said:

On the other hand, it's perfect for home landscaping.

Note to self: watch Predator again.

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