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Meanwhile in California

newtboy says...

Posted 2 days after the ordinance failed to pass.

This follows the ending of “project roomkey” a federal (covid) program that assisted homeless with hotel rooms and more permanent housing, now defunded.
These voucher programs for hotel rooms are nothing new. Forcing businesses to accept them at 2pm for all empty rooms is, not letting them refuse to rent to undesirable (crazy, filthy, drunk/high, loud, with aggressive dogs, etc) tenants is new. Neither stood a chance of passing.

This was a political stunt, likely by the right, never intended to pass. It’s not hard to get enough signatures to get local ordinances on the ballot in Ca. Getting them passed is another thing altogether.

Another “L” bob. Not even worth a downvote, just sad this is what you cling to.

Color video of Albert Einstein actually explaining E=mc2

luxintenebris jokingly says...

at least it is not in person.

a squirrel dropped out of a tree and landed on the hard dirt in front of myself & a friend. it then* quickly srambled up a nearby tree.

the friend then explain why the squirrel wasn't hurt. went off on a soliloquy** on terminal velocity. after he was finished told him...

"that wasn't the question i would have asked. i want to know why it fell. we just trimmed that tree, so did the squirrel try to make a longer leap or just - out of habit - jump to a phantom limb?"

we just stared at each other for a while.

*swear it made an 'eep' sound when it landed. like a dog toy.
**i sure wasn't listening

BSR said:

You're just showing off now. Just trying to make me look stupit.

Hippo Relaxes on his Back in Water

newtboy says...

But water dog style is about as lazy as it gets….no? Sometimes known as seahorsing.

BSR said:

This may be the most cost saving position during these tough times I'm thinking.

For instance the Spooning position or the T-square position would easily cost about 150 pounds of grass .

Inflation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Some Big Moments From The Jan 6 Hearings So Far

luxintenebris says...

don't understand the HB thing? is that all they have?

- he didn't plan, orchestrate and carry out a riot
- he didn't egg on homicidal idiots
- he didn't break a solemn oath
- he didn't try to circumvent the Constitution

don't really know 'cause the Red said he did - and their track record is notoriously lousy.

- all those GOP-led investigations, were a waste of time/money, and couldn't even get a slap-on-the-wrist for Hillary (nothing burger)
- those emails and a laptop - and nothing on the burger
- a 10yr rape victim disbelieved and a good doctor slandered

...with oodles of other rabid dog attacks w/only the Red getting red in the face: anger - instead of the earned shame.

also find it galling that they go after joe's kid, yet cheer on 'their' crime family. PROVEN crime family. rather go after the big dogs than some pup.

when they have a case, bring it to trial and NOT get tossed in SIX hours - what a nothing burger w/a side order of bagatelle - then it might be worth a look. (rather see Manchin's gals go to the gaol)

if this was a Lifetime movie, Hunter would help Jr get off coke.

Some Big Moments From The Jan 6 Hearings So Far

Biden and the June job reports

luxintenebris says...

no kidding.

knew the grid was in trouble the movement it went private.

sure wasn't as strong of a 'feeling' as watching Regan hasten in the Savings & Loan fiasco...but knew what was coming. like watching a dog lifting its leg; who's gonna be shocked by the outcome?

newtboy said:

Sure beats a treasonous infantile dictator and Con policies….


luxintenebris jokingly says...


how 'bout legitimately concluded it was a grift, yet said nothing.

they really need to change the mascot for the GOP. 'cause unlike elephants, they can't remember anything, not even their own lies. elephants are ruled by females, plus elephants are usually quiet, mindful, and sociable.

thinking: mad dog or poo-tossing chimp.

(NOTE: notice the silence of our mad dog conservative members here. GOP/Fox are struggling to manufacture new lies. w/o new 'thoughts' being given, cons* suffer putting out their own thoughts. Thus the Lincoln Table "D'oh!")

now "The Big Rip-off" is a motto...what can they parrot back?

*abbv for conservatives. why not? liars led by king liar.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

newtboy says...

Not everyone is in the industry. CGI is used as a layman’s term, although the professional definition still fits.

Um…”they” who? what sales pitch? WTF are you talking about? I used it as a tag. WHAT!?! Are you on crack, sir?

If it’s an image of reality altered digitally, it’s not purely cg, it’s cgi…

SFX is the overall category, not a sub genre of CGI.

Yes, their three examples of well known blockbuster CGI films were pure CG images…they were not an all inclusive list, they weren’t even varied examples of all different types of CGI, they were three of the best known examples of pure CGI in main stream cinema.

OMG, that WAS your argument. LMFAHS!!! Feel shame. So incredibly stupid. That means absolutely nothing beyond those were the three movies they chose as well known examples. It in no way argues that the rest of the definition they gave is in any way incorrect. Derp!

Like saying the article on dogs had a pictures of a poodle, so all dogs must have curly hair. Just silly.

kir_mokum said:

they're using "CGI" as a substitute for "CG" which, in the industry, specifically refers to 3D generated assets, as i stated a while ago. NO ONE in the industry uses the term "CGI" for all the reasons i also stated above. they are using "CGI" in this sales pitch because they're aware laypeople know that term and don't know the distinction between CG, FX, comp, previs, and all those department's sub categories. all their examples, including the one you quoted, are referring to CG generated images, which are explicitly NOT 2D processing, filters, compositing, editing, or DI.

Cannonball Dookie

BSR (Member Profile)

Little Big - Everybody (Little Big Are Back)

JiggaJonson says...

Good lord. Okay millennial.

I guess it's a parody, but it feels like one cringe ontop of another over and over.

upon further inspection, some of their work is less shite

Edit 2
I'd give up watching any other videos they make ever again if i just never have to see that weird person with the black lips that knows it looks weird so he like makes that face over and over where he bears his teeth like my dog.

luxintenebris (Member Profile)

Why A 'Big Lie' Is So Powerful And So Hard To Undo

newtboy says...

You’re so full of shit your eyes turned brown. You gotta lay off the jenkem.

No evidence whatsoever has ever been produced by anyone of mass cheating in 2020…there is more than some evidence of mass cheating in 2016, by Republicans. You know this.

Sour grapes and Republican cheating….and not enough of that to change any results (fortunately). That’s all that’s been found in 2020’s election.

Wait, so Fox, OAN, Infowars, and Brightbart ignored it, because main stream media didn’t, but they couldn’t find any evidence of it…just like Republicans couldn’t.
Why must you constantly lie, Bob? Is your life that bad that you need to live in imaginationland?

Goo goo ga ga waah! You big baby.

If there’s all this evidence, why did you guys hide it?

I defy you, I double dog dare you, point to one proven instance of mass cheating in 2020, not some rando moron claiming it with no evidence.

bobknight33 said:

There is evidence to support mass cheating. Only that the fake news has zero interest in looking into it because Trump is on the other team.

Pit Bull With A Machete

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