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BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Dog rolls down window in carwash, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 151 Badge!

Wikipedia's Bias

luxintenebris says...

Ever try to trick a dog w/the fake stick toss? Even they stop and scan to find evidence. (ours learned the ruse quickly)

spins my gourd that folks are SO EASILY misled by these fairy tales of teachers indoctrinating kids (yet, they can't get them to sit still, stop talking, or return materials on time); fears of giving citizens PSTD with known history (but explaining why 'person. woman. man. camera. tv' is NOT unsettling); or libraries can't be trusted to be run by librarians but the by the government (what were Ben Franklin and Andrew Carnegie thinking?)

look, boy! go get the stick! (no wonder all the anger. can't find it. but it has to be here!)

BTW: Roy and Silo thing is nuts. (not mentioned but peripheral involved) rather listen to John Oliver analyze "Air Bud". a lot less loopy.

newtboy said:


Stand By For An Important Announcement

noims says...

Worse that this. If you go to a publicly available page with no authentication, and just look at all the data being sent down to your browser (rather than just the data that the browser displays) you can get investigated. IIRC this is what that nutjob governor in Missouri(?) recently went full-on attack dog about.

spawnflagger said:

A reasonable school district/principal would agree, but the way "hacking" laws are written, even bypassing a password by guessing "password" is an intentional breach, and unless they have written consent ahead of time (like white-hat penetration testing companies get), then it's against the law.

So, just depends on what the school wants to do.

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

You got a very straight answer, you just didn’t like it. Ironic to claim something you don’t like doesn’t exist while arguing that something that doesn’t exist bothers you.

I’ll try again, but I can only explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you. Women can outperform men, so clearly there’s more to it than just gender, more than just the shape of your 23/24th chromosome. If there wasn’t, the worst man would always outperform the best woman. That being the case, discriminating based on gender is not just wrong, it’s illegal. That goes for trans people too, they aren’t excluded from having rights just because you seem to want it that way.

I note there’s no answer at all about excluding a group of citizens from publicly funded events. Don’t like that question I guess. No answer for it, I guess. Straight or otherwise. Last try to get anything resembling a answer at all.

Absolutely a blatant Red herring. I refuse to cooperate with your ridiculous loaded cherry picked false premise fantasy.
Try asking a realistic question on point instead of a loaded, ridiculous fantasy hypothetical you think makes your point. Your question implies that you believe trans women are just ordinary men.

If we pick the 100m sprint and had the two categories and trans people were allowed to compete with their current gender (with specific requirements, like they are), would you expect the trans athletes to always dominate?
Same question, but 50k race.

If so, why?
If so, explain why that hasn’t happened even though they’ve been competing in the Olympics under those rules for near 20 years now.
If not, what’s your point? I think I know, your point is that trans women are men, an ignorant, inflammatory, intentional insult to them and what they go through to be comfortable in their own bodies.
No surprise since you support just excluding them because you assume wrongly that a trans woman is a man in a dress. It’s ignorance and intolerance dancing together in your mind, making false assumptions and attempting to deny rights to others based on them. I might note, sexual orientation and gender are two categories that in America we are barred from using to discriminate against someone. I must assume you aren’t American, so what’s your dog in this fight? Just trans hatred?

Now explain why trans kids shouldn’t be allowed to compete in school competitions. Last try to get an answer.

Now explain how this is different from the racist arguments for excluding blacks from sports.

Edit: now explain why women like these need protection from other women….

bcglorf said:


Last try to get anything resembling a straight answer.

If we pick specifically the 100m race as an event: If the olympics had but a single open category to all sex and genders, do you expect to see biologically female competitors ever making it into qualifying and competition?

This Man Votes

bobknight33 says...

Why is it that leftest see everything as racist?

So narrow minded.

When you see a white man walking a black dog you see it as racist.

Nothing racist in yesterdays NY subway shooting. Just a radical leftest drinking the fake news Kool Aid.

newtboy said:

Wait. He’s obviously a bit slow. He’ll get there.

BTW…once again you sound just a bit racist with that remark…just saying.

Squid are wonderfully creepy

eoe says...

I don't know about you, but since squids are about as smart as dogs, the end of this video is pretty horrendous. How would you like watching a video of torturing dogs and watching them in death throes?

Jesus. Humans are the worst.

Plano Texas City County Meeting

Republicans are suffering from Partisan Derangement Syndrome

luxintenebris says...

Definition of 'deranged'
1: mentally unsound: CRAZY

2: disturbed or disordered in function, structure, or condition

3: wildly odd or eccentric

The problem w/dog eat dog is still ending up w/a dog.

disturbing still, is when the shining truth draws laughs because it is so obvious, it's funny that it has to be shown.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

luxintenebris jokingly says...

bobby, baby...check your head. slow your roll.

do you know don jr's squeeze was ca gov newsom's wife? go easy on the 'sleeping to the top' garbage. (sound like an old out-of-touch geezer)

your man-boy raw-dogged a porn star. go easy on the imprudent sexual escapades. (more fossilized thinking)

and the idea of 'selling out' shouldn't be a thing if you're truly a covfefool fan...or any of his that is the m.o. of the all of the russian-loving rascals. (the amount of gall would cover a forest)

honestly, try freezing your cantankerous old-coot comments. it solves nil, proves null, and offers zilch of a challenge to any other's viewpoints. (babe, you're missing more than realized)

succinctly; it's taking more away than giving. escape the trap...ya' angry badger.

[omitting what our patriotic grandparents had to do without during their fight against fascism - gas was only one]

bobknight33 said:

anti American,??? Think again.

blah...blah...blah...spit - hiss - cry - wail - tears of fear - confused sobbing

Exclusive Look At New Killer Drone Small Enough To Fit In

spawnflagger says...

Even Amazon Delivery Drones could be re-purposed to drop grenades from an altitude high enough to be inaudible & hard to see.

There were several examples of near-future dystopian sci-fi use of killer drones on Black Mirror...
1 was a small flying kamikaze drone that had facial recognition and a shape charge just big enough to penetrate the targets skull.
Other was Boston-Dynamics-style "dog" robot that had a gun embedded into it's front "paw" and was programmed to kill all humans. Both terrifying and hopefully never deployed IRL.

Kind Human Rescues Drowning Puppy

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Dog clears traffic jam, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 145 Badge!

BSR (Member Profile)

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