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Blur - ' Song 2 '

Tea Party: Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Given the recent issues in the housing market I'm not so sure that owning property is a clear sign of intelligence.

True enough. But keep in mind that the entire housing bubble fiasco was not traditional home ownership. It was more like government subsidized leasing. There was very little 'traditional ownership' going on in the housing bubble unless you were smart.

That said, responsible home ownership tells a lot about a person. I bought one affordable property at a good rate and stuck with it from 1997 to present so I own a two-story single-family unit that costs me less than renting a dumpy apartment (and I'll pay off in half the term). Compare that to the typical housing boom property flipper, banker, or the government. Out of all the above parties - which one proved they have a decent head on their shoulders?

There's no trick, gimmick, secret, or political free-lunch that makes a person have 12+ years of reliability and trustworthiness. It isn't difficult but it does require personal morality, common sense, work, and discipline. It isn't a flashy life, but it is worthwhile. The reward? Personal security, total independance, and being the kind of guy you would trust with the key to your house, to drive your car, to sleep in the same room as your wife - and to render a good VOTE. There are a lot of people that shouldn't be voting because they have proven track records of abuse, failure, short-sightedness, and incompetence - and this includes people across a lot of spectra.

Matthew Good Band- Everything is automatic

BoneRemake says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

I found out about Matthew Good from MuchMusic (amazingly our local cable company had a Canadian channel in 1997.) I tried to order the Underdogs CD from and other online outlets in America, but none had it at the time so I finally had to order it from a retailer in the great white north. I believe that is the only parcel I have ever gotten from Canada. Most of my imports come from Sweden.

I found out about them from MM as well, Rick campanelli and racheal.. Master T, Suk yin or whatnot, It was from the Canadian music channel my mind started to twist and churn into a state where this music appealed to me. It REALLY meant a lot to me, this song especially ( I tear now I think about it ) I went for a walk with my Mega earphones and cd player back in the day while really high on mushrooms, beautiful experience which I never forget the blinding apocalypse which are high pressure sodium street lights.

I pretty well HAVE owned every , well I can not state that, I indeed have owned every output of the Matthew good man mind.

Matthew Good Band- Everything is automatic

kronosposeidon says...

I found out about Matthew Good from MuchMusic (amazingly our local cable company had a Canadian channel in 1997.) I tried to order the Underdogs CD from and other online outlets in America, but none had it at the time so I finally had to order it from a retailer in the great white north. I believe that is the only parcel I have ever gotten from Canada. Most of my imports come from Sweden.

FIOS availability (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

All those ads that say "high speed internet available" without giving any specifics are annoying. They could convey more in fewer characters by saying "Cable/DSL available" or "FIOS available". Some of them call <1M DSL "high speed internet" -- 1997 called and they want their outdated definitions back.

The Quantitative Easing Explained

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^nock:

Yes, evidently I said deflation by definition = deflationary spiral... NOT. Also, you found a single article that says that the link between deflation and depression is "not closely related", written by 2 guys no one would consider economics titans by any means. They couldn't even support an argument saying it was not related. The preponderance of evidence supports deflation as a bad thing - I don't deny that there are people who suggest it's not related to bad things, but then again there are people who believe in Dianetics and Jeebus...
If you'd like to ignore the evidence, that's your choice. Doesn't make it right.

Unrelated personal attacks. If reports from the Fed itself aren't evidence, then it is a mirror on yourself I point your comment at me at. Here is a corresponding phot
of inflation cycles that have non-corresponding "Great Depressions" in American history.

As to a fallacy of an appeal to authority has been invoked, I site their qualifications.

Patrick J. Kehoe - Patrick received his B.A. in Mathematics and Russian from Providence College in 1978 and his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University in 1986. A prolific researcher, Patrick has published in numerous prestigious publications, including Journal of International Economics, Econometrica, International Economic Review, and Journal of Economic Theory. He currently serves on several editorial boards and is a Fellow of the Econometric Society.

Throughout his career, Patrick has advised numerous Ph.D. students. He has been awarded several grants, including six from the National Science Foundation. His research focuses on monetary policy, time consistency and financial crises.

Andrew Atkeson - Ph.D. Economics, 1988 Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Grants and Awards:
National Science Foundation Grants
1991-1993 with Robert E. Lucas, Jr.
1992-1994 with Masao Ogaki
1995-1997 with Patrick Kehoe
2000-2004 with Fernando Alvarez
2005-2008 with Ariel Burstein
2006-2009 with Harold Cole

More scholarly than you or I in the field I would wager. Accepting only main stream editorials (this source was actually a wiki article source) tends to fuel a group think which I never like to completely engage in, which is why I frequently view posts from Netrunner and the like. A healthy dose of life from a different perspective keeps ya honest. Anyway, please take this as it was meant, a nice conversation about a subject we both find interesting and controversial. Take the teeth off your comments as I wasn't meaning to make anyone's blood boil.

AIDS Gets Too Much Govt Money

quantumushroom says...

And yet, once again, she's right.

HIV and AIDS are not among the ten leading causes of mortality in the U.S., yet receive considerable amounts of federal research dollars. Compared to the number of lives that cancer and heart disease claim each year, HIV/AIDS research received a disproportionate amount of federal funding. The federal government should reduce AIDS research funding and divert money to research programs fighting more pressing diseases such as heart disease and cancer, which claim hundreds of thousands more American lives annually. Furthermore, unlike many other diseases, a majority of HIV/AIDS cases can be avoided by abstaining from promiscuous sexual contact and intravenous drug use.

* Around the globe, 2.6 million people died of AIDS in 1999.

* It is estimated that 16,000 people are newly infected with HIV each day throughout the world.

* In 1997, 16,516 Americans died of AIDS.

* In 1997, heart disease claimed 726,974 lives.

* Between 650,000 and 900,000 Americans are currently infected with HIV.

* For fiscal year 1999, the federal budget allocated $6 billion to AIDS research and education.

* The National Cancer Institute's 1999 operating budget was $2.9 billion.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, Newsweek, National Center for Health Statistics

You've a right to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

DCS: A-10C Warthog Game Mindblowingly Realistic

BoneRemake says...

This reminds me of A-10 Tank killer I used to play in 1997. It will take me about five years before I can afford a computer that plays this game at a decent level.

Clips like this are what hopes and dreams get started by.

Inception - Paprika

HD time lapse tour of Vancouver's Millenium Line.

Chris Matthews to Tea Party Candidate "Are YOU a metaphor?"

BansheeX says...

>> ^tsarsfield:

Yeah, his math is pretty bad to begin with but he goes with the major assumption that companies will drop prices once they are unburdened with taxes.
What a dope.

Wow, are you serious? Please tell me you graduated from high school at the very least? If you were to increase property taxes or business taxes, you would see rent and good prices go up immediately. It makes perfect sense that taxes affect prices. A tax plus the labor needed to comply with it is a cost of production like any other cost that affects how low you can sell to undercut a competitor. Still going over your head?

If every producer's costs are lowered from $.95 to $.75 on a soda by shifting out their tax burden onto consumers directly, how can Pepsi still charge $1.00 when Coke reduces their prices to 0.80? They would make 5 cents a soda and murder them on volume. It's not just how much higher over cost you sell, it's HOW MANY you can sell. That's how competition drives down prices. With the income tax in place and a cost of .95 per soda, no one is capable of going down to .80 to undercut a competitor because that's 10 cents BELOW COST. That changes when the income tax disappears.

That's why the fair tax is actually a slight reduction in terms of its end-cost to consumers. You either pay the tax embedded in the product price, or you pay it externally. The main difference is that the income tax is much more complex and costly in terms of compliance costs, so those costs are eliminated completely. If production and business-to-business sales are not taxed under a fair tax, wealthier people are incentivized to create job-creating businesses and start charities in their name. Because that wouldn't be taxed, only their lavish purchases would. It somewhat reverses the incentive of how rich people use their money.

The fair tax would also prevent any particular category of goods from receiving a lower rate. That would end the corruptive practice of businesses and industries lobbying politicians to receive an unfair advantage over others. For example, in 1997, the housing industry won a capital gains exemption on the first $250k in profit for any home sale. Is it any wonder we radically change human behavior for the worse with incentives like that?

You guys need to do some serious reading, and so does Chris Matthews for that matter. I am absolutely in awe that anyone with a high school education could believe taxes are some sort of ethereal cost that don't affect prices. Wow.... wow! We have a much bigger problem in this country than I ever imagined.

All of that aside, the main problem isn't so much how we are taxed, but how much. The government spends way, way, way too much money that it doesn't have. not only that, they don't use it to make products, but to start wars and consume and increasingly, pay shitloads of interest to foreign creditors.

Portsmouth Police exempt from the law

nanrod says...

OK people enough of the radio crap. Whether or not it's legal for a cop to park in a no parking spot will depend on the jurisdiction you are in. I live in British Columbia, Canada and the appropriate sections of the Motor Vehicle Act of BC are shown below. To summarize, a vehicle is an emergency vehicle if it is operated by a police officer in the performance of his duties (it doesn't have to be an emergency situation) and an emergency vehicle is exempt from most provisions of the act provided it is operated safely and with regard to the nature of the use of the vehicle at the time.

To sum up with examples; parking in a no parking spot while having lunch in a donut shop - not permitted; parking safely on the side of the road in a no parking spot while observing the ebb and flow of traffic and ever ready at any time to pursue blankfist, I mean violators - specifically permitted.

While I'm as much against cops taking liberties or gaining advantages the rest of us do not enjoy, to think that a situation like the one in this video is the first step on some slippery slope is just a tad paranoid.

And the guy in the video is a douche

"emergency vehicle" means any of the following:

(c) a motor vehicle, or cycle as defined in Part 3, driven by a peace officer, constable or member of the police branch of Her Majesty's Armed Forces in the discharge of his or her duty;

Exemption for emergency vehicles

122 (1) Despite anything in this Part, but subject to subsections (2) and (4), a driver of an emergency vehicle may do the following:

(a) exceed the speed limit;
(b) proceed past a red traffic control signal or stop sign without stopping;
(c) disregard rules and traffic control devices governing direction of movement or turning in specified directions;
(d) stop or stand.

(2) The driver of an emergency vehicle must not exercise the privileges granted by subsection (1) except in accordance with the regulations.

(3) [Repealed 1997-30-2.]

(4) The driver of an emergency vehicle exercising a privilege granted by subsection (1) must drive with due regard for safety, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, including the following:
(a) the nature, condition and use of the highway;
(b) the amount of traffic that is on, or might reasonably be expected to be on, the highway;
(c) the nature of the use being made of the emergency vehicle at the time.

Rockband 3 will work with real MIDI keyboards

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