Are You Good or Evil?

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A total of 51 votes have been cast on this poll.

Congratulations Sifters!

Of course the point is that there is no objective Good--or Evil.
Killing you children is Evil? How about Abraham?

And when you get into morality there is even less of an objective, real, concrete definition.

You passed the internet.

So, how do you identify yourself? Are you Good or Evil?
GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^marinara:

Is kicking puppies good?
Good is an objective concept. We compare everyday objects to "Good" because we compare them to the concept of "good" which exists perfectly.
I'm talking about
Aristotle, being a bad student, objected to this. and you can read his bullshit today, here:

How can you test that you are doing "the good" rather than something that looks like "the good" but is actually bad. What I am asking is how do you obtain knowledge of the good, if you have some irrefutable way, I would be very interested. Otherwise, I can't see anyone saying to a Spartan, who has a very different idea of good then we, he isn't good...even though he thinks he is being good.

marinara says...

I agree w/ your point, but I'm going to evade answering that. Good can exist, and not be obvious.

IMHO, good is best defined as the absence of "bad." Everyone knows bad when they see it. Unless they are judgmental or prejudiced, in that case, their notion of good, isn't good.

I'll end with a question. We're in a poker game, and everyone is cheating, but you. Is it "Good" to not cheat?

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^marinara:

I agree w/ your point, but I'm going to evade answering that. Good can exist, and not be obvious.
IMHO, good is best defined as the absence of "bad." Everyone knows bad when they see it. Unless they are judgmental or prejudiced, in that case, their notion of good, isn't good.
I'll end with a question. We're in a poker game, and everyone is cheating, but you. Is it "Good" to not cheat?

I am not arguing that good doesn't exist or does exactly. My point is if universal good does exist, there would be no way to understand it, much the same problem of forms in general. I can't tell you what a perfect chair is, or if such a thing is an actual metaphysical object. Talk of metaphysical good and bad doesn't avail us much in the real world without us having any way of knowing what they are. Though, I think you mostly got what I was saying, just wanted to clarify.

I don't think the "absence of bad" helps in our question of what good is. At that point, one has to ask "What is 'The Bad'" and you are left with the same metaphysical begging of the question for which we can't answer. And my point is everyone doesn't know bad when they see it. For some, they think it is ok to do a little bit of bad to do a lot of bit of good, and that turns the bad into good. Others would say that doing bad is always bad even it it creates more good; that goodness can't make badness good. Who is correct? More importantly, why? Which one is the good, or like you pointed out, which one is the bad? And more importantly, how can we make a universal claim about peoples knowledge of goodness and badness being apparent, when it is all to apparent people have very different moral instincts.

I can't really answer your question universally. It depends very much on what you are calling cheating. Is not playing to the best of your ability cheating? Like when a father doesn't play his best and lets his son win, is that cheating? And more important, is it wrong? If not, why is trying to unfairly loose any more justified that unfairly wining? Are things only morally bad when money is on the line? The situation is far more complex than just "is it ok to cheat when others are cheating". Or at least, it is for me when I make moral decisions.

Personally, my moral code is simple, "To do no harm is neutral, to lend a hand is good, and to detriment is bad". Others don't agree with this, objecting to its over simplistic nature. Some, like Nietzsche, would say to be compassionate on the week is immoral. Who is right universally, I can't say, but I wouldn't be Nietzsche's friend.

mas8705 says...

from what I found out, I'm a lawful neutral, but really I find myself mostly good for the most part. Granted sometimes it is fun to be evil, but when I have to pick sides (when being serious) I go Good.

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