Updated: 1 decade 2 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 7,710

A lecture on high energy particle physics and the nature of the universe that ISN'T dumbed down to the point of being useless and insulting (ie. NOVA/Horizon), yet remains accessible to the layman. I don't... continue reading
posted by gluonium
The Singularity Summit symposium hosted by Stanford University was a series keynote addresses given with the purpose of addressing the very real implications that the Singularity may hold in the near future... continue reading
posted by Cronyx 1 decade 7 years 9 months ago • 2,435 viewsDavid Sosa examines the implications of physics in relation to free will. He explains the view, often called hard determinism, which holds that there is no place for free action in a world governed by... continue reading
posted by wazant

Clips from a BBC documentary explaining the arguments from the 1920's until now as to whether electrons are particles, waves or both. It outlines Einstein's distaste at Heisenberg's uncertainty principle... continue reading
posted by Majortomyorke
Oppenheimer discusses the Hindu verse that entered his thoughts when he witnessed the first atomic explosion.
posted by T-man
User gluonium recently turned us on to the interview shown at the start of this excellent Horizon special. Here's the whole thing. From Wikipedia: Richard Phillips Feynman was an American physicist... continue reading
posted by wazant
The old lamentation of John Keats that the majesty and mystery of the rainbow is unwoven by scientific study is ignorant and absurd.
posted by gluonium
Charlie Rose discusses theoretical physics with Harvard professor Lisa Randall. A great trip through space, time, the nature of gravity and quantum mechanics among other things. Her recent book is "Warped... continue reading
posted by drattus
Lisa Randal discusses dimensions beyond Minkowski space. She is one of the most cited physicists alive.
posted by gluonium
I thought this might be timely as rumors are flying everywhere that D-zero at the Tevatron has discovered a 5 sigma statistically significant resonance at 180 GeV of a multi bottom quark decay of the Higgs... continue reading
posted by gluonium
By analysing the most elegant and intricate pattern known to mathematics [the 248 point E8 lattice], [Garret] Lisi has uncovered a relationship underlying all the universe's particles and forces, including... continue reading
posted by Doc_M
Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian actor best known for his lead role in the classic 1931 movie Dracula teaches advanced mathematical concepts. This is rare footage of Lugosi in his last on screen contibution in... continue reading
posted by gwaan

An interview and sit down talk with Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist on his theory of space travel, future science and new endeavors.
posted by thesnipe
An electron rides on a light wave after just having been pulled away from an atom. Credit: Lund University Scientists have filmed an electron in motion for the first time, using a new technique that will... continue reading
posted by silvercord
From The Bad Astronomer: It’s difficult to express just how fracking impressive the Large Hadron Collider is. You really have to be there to understand how overwhelming and ginormous it is. Still and... continue reading
posted by BicycleRepairMan
I found this well made video about Richard Feynman's involvment in the development of the atomic bomb. If you are interested in Feyman I highly recommend The Pleasure of Finding Things Out. http://www.videosift.com/v... continue reading
posted by GreatBird