Those Wacky Japanese
Updated: 9 years 10 months ago
Views: 2,796
The Japanese have a very unique civilization that is very often misunderstood and confusing to most roundeyes. This very small sliver of the Japanese video universe demonstrates some of the interesting, peculiar points of their culture.

(youtube) Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials.
posted by pumkinandstorm

Not safe for anyone. Why, Japan, why????
posted by EDD
I thought I understood the Japanese by now. Or at least, that I couldn't be surprised by new WTF-ness coming from those islands. Boy, was I wrong.
posted by demon_ix
“The Japanese hidden camera show “Panic Face King” tricks man into thinking that he is filming a documentary about telephone scammers. Shortly after the interview begins, a sniper attacks, delivering... continue reading
posted by wingnut
In osaka japan you can say "bang!" at someone and they will act like they have just been shot, you can also slice them with an imaginary sword and they will react as if they had just been stabbed.
posted by AGideon 1 decade 6 years 3 weeks ago • 9,184 views • 2:55The Japanese find every weird reason to insert bikini-clad girls into their TV entertainment. I don't know what's the point with this little skit, but I'm sure it has some deeper meaning.
posted by Ornthoron

Is there anything those wily Japanese won't do for a laugh?
posted by blankfist

"... In this TV clip from Japan Probe, you can see how lions play with cat toys, fall under the spell of catnip, learn to open a door, and deal with mirrors." Seen on http://www.neatorama.com/2008/02/01/lions-just-big... continue reading
posted by ant
The objective is to park a reversing car as quickly as possible while popping a balloon without knocking over the giant shiny wall of loud metal canisters to which said balloon is attached. Obviously.
posted by E_Nygma
This goes from slightly peculiar but cute, to downright weird and hilarious.
posted by rottenseed