Updated: 1 decade 1 year 8 months 1 week ago
Views: 68
One day I hope to see a compilations channel. In the meantime, this is where you'll be able to find some kick ass compilations videos!

(youtube) Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials.
posted by pumkinandstorm

(youtube) TSN Montage of pretty funny early celebrations
posted by pumkinandstorm
God damn, I'd forgotten about some of these kick ass movies.
posted by digitalpimp
A whole bunch of wins for yez.
posted by Barseps
This compilation of wake up pranks teaches a valuable lesson: some people are jerks. (dailypicks) YouTube Description: The best (cruelest) wake up pranks, all in one video.... continue reading
posted by mintbbb
Vimeo: A compilation of scenes and moments from films that all "break the fourth wall" - that is, acknowledge (usually directly to the camera, and therefore the audience) that they're part of a movie.... continue reading
posted by Janine V.
"A compilation of photos showing porn stars before and after their cosmetic makeovers !A few examples of "makeup artist to the porn stars" Melissa Makeup's award-winning makeovers can be seen." from the... continue reading
posted by SFOGuy
Compilation of animal jerks.
posted by PlayhousePals

Some clips that "win" channel LangweileDichnet had left over.
posted by Barseps

"Ahahahahahaha ... I got video of that and it's goin' on Facebook."
posted by PlayhousePals
From http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1dlf1e/what_is_the_most_fucked_up_thing_you_ever_saw_as/ ...
posted by ant

24 is coming back to a TV near you in May of 2014. YAY! [No Damn It from me over that news] YouTube Description: Nearly every single use of Jack Bauer's favorite expletive from all eight seasons of... continue reading
posted by PlayhousePals

posted by Barseps

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