Nature with a big N
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 1 month 1 week ago
Views: 2,557

A leopard killed a baboon for nourishment, but after dragging it to its place, it noticed that it just gave birth to a baby baboon. An incredible video of what followed.
posted by randeepsamra

It's truly amazing how people can fall asleep in the strangest places, positions, and situations.
posted by yoghurt
This man has made a new pal at the park. A wild raven has decided that he's alright.
posted by swampgirl
Lobsterman Jim Mataronas IV woke up Monday morning hoping for a lucky day on the water, but all the luck materialized in a single lobster. Jim described the day's catch off Newport, R.I., as average, save... continue reading
posted by silvercord
Inter-species heroism?
posted by maudlin
A guy at the beach is video taping his son, and he sees a girl take a picture of a guy. The girls then proceed to try to get this guys attention in various ways. He provides a funny commentary on the whole... continue reading
posted by batmanuel
Handed down from ancient times, the Hopi Prophesy delineates the path of peace, and harmony with nature. Where we have deviated from that ... all » path, the prophecy has correctly predicted the results.... continue reading
posted by thesnipe

While the guards are not looking, one panda gets a boost up and over the wall in a perfectly executed escape.
posted by eric3579
What sound is this man making? Most people will describe it as "da-da" or "la-la" or even "ga-ga". Now play the video, but don't look at him. For most people, he'll now clearly be saying "ba-ba".
posted by jmzero 1 decade 7 years 7 months 3 weeks ago • 3,905 viewsApparently it does this regularly, and the locals are so entertained by it that they pay the shopkeeper for the crisps. :D
posted by arvana
Pretty sure I would be driving in the opposite direction....
posted by arvana
This crafty avian has figured out a nifty way to catch its dinner.
posted by yoghurt
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