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Member Since: July 16, 2006
Last Power Points used: July 21, 2009
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dag says...

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Sounds like an exciting job. I used to live in Alaska. I went back about a year ago for my 20th high school reunion.

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That picture is of me circa ~85 and yes Alaska (for about 5 years), I was up there in Sitka flying on USCG HH-3Fs Helos. Fixer/Flyer (Avionics), in the air I navigated, worked our long range comms and assisted our Flightmechs with hoisting and inflight refueling operations. Primarily search and rescue up there with some fisheries thrown in (this is before it was all fished out...). My Helmet said inappropriately even back then 'Alaska is for Lovers', heh. The kids can't get away with that these days, nope. I really loved my time up there, dunno if I'd enjoy it these days being olde and frail...that reminds me, where's my walker dag nabit!!!

In reply to this comment by dag:
Not a problem. Are you from Alaska? (your helmet)

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Thank you Dag most sincerely.
I was fumbling about trying to
resurrect it.

Buttermaker says...

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>>yeah sorry, twas KILL, KILL, KILL! All three that were posted, I was pissed that I missed the reque option and the only one left was 'kill'. Don't even know what exactly that did/does.


>>Forgive me lol. Maybe it free's them up for others to post? Perhaps? If so please bring Ms. Hawkshaw back if you're so inclined, I'll dutifully give an upvote.


Queued it again

In reply to this comment by Buttermaker:
Hey sorted, what happened to the great Opus III-vid? I can't find it anywhere... I hope you didn't * kill it?!?!

JAPR says...

Yeah, they're not at all very well-known, sadly. One of my friends told me about them a year or so ago, and I've totally fallen in love with their music.

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thanks for sharing JAPR hadn't even heard them before (Mock Orange)

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks! If you liked that, you should check out some of their older work (which is a lot more emotionally charged, in my opinion). They didn't make it through the sift, sadly, but you might enjoy them.

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my15minutes says...

and regarding that same clip, that lurgee linked to?

if your clip is nearing the 4-day limit, and you think it deserves another shot, just *requeue it.
before its queue time expires, otherwise only a *save can bring it back.

and welcome to the sift!

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