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Member Since: August 19, 2006
Last Power Points used: April 23, 2011
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Comments to sometimes

oxdottir says...

I promoted one of your videos. I'm an animation fan. I've submitted a few animated vids myself. In fact, I found your discarded video when I wanted to submit it myself, and I decided it would be better to save yours and vote for it...

deedub81 says...


Except the part about drugs. I want to be able to decide that for you.

In reply to this comment by sometimes:

personally, I'd like to decide whach "recreational supplements" I can ingest, which countries we invade.

Both of those decisions were made for me, primarily by republican administrations, and both of which cost the country far, far more than things like education and health care.

For example:
The War on Drugs costs the federal govt $19,000,000,000 per year, or $600 per second. The states combined spend more than that, bringing the total up to 50 billion.

the GBU-39 bomb costs $70,000 per bomb.
the JDAM tailkit, which isn't even a bomb, but a guidance system, costs $21,000, with a projected inventory of 240,000 ($5,040,000,000 total cost).
Tomahawk cruise missiles cost $1.3 million each.

Consider that the median annual household income in the US is $48,000. A single GB-38 bomb vaporizes more US dollars than 1.5 citizens earn in a year.

Personally, given a choice between funneling huge amounts of money to multi-national companies owned by billionaires, or towards improving the lives of Americans (self included), I'd rather go with the latter.

Also, let us examine federal deficit, which has risen under every non-democrat administration in the past 30 years. the only administration to actually demonstrate fiscal responsibility and generate a surplus was Clinton, a Democrat.

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