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Member Since: April 20, 2007
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Comments to smibbo

arvana says...

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your first #1 video with 100+ votes!

Slightly premature, I know, but pretty certain at this point.

[edit] oooh, I see you already congratulated yourself over in Sift Talk. I'll just have to be second then.   And it is over 100 votes now!

8426 says...

In reply to this comment by smibbo:
In reply to this comment by BadBadMonk3y:
In reply to this comment by smibbo:
ohhh you're all so terribly right because after all, we know that advertising people are not actually human, they are all borgs who despise everything hunan and are doing their damnedest to bring about the downfall of humanity. Advertising people don't have families, children, or love of any kind in their hearts. There couldn't possibly be anyone in advertising who has anythig but a cruelgreedy heart of stone. NOt at all possible that perhaps some executive decision-maker somewhere thought that MAAAAAYBE they ought to address some of the damage that the beauty industry creates. Never. Nope. Those guys are all just the embodiment of evil. We bear no responsibility for our own lack of guidance to children when they are constantly exposed to this crap on OUR television sets and OUR choices of media exposure in OUR houses.


You can't blame people for not trusting big corporations... you ask them and they'll tell you; they're here to make money. There's a long history of those same corporations using gimmicks similar to this to get people to trust them and buy their products.
I'm not saying there aren't individuals in those corporations who actually do care, but based on what I've seen and read; I wouldn't trust them.
Again; just my opinion...

and I don't begrudge anyone that opinion at all.. I'm pretty anti-corporate myself having grown up in an activist family. However, I also learned through myyears that corporations are made up of people and there are people who care. WHen the main objective for everyone is only "make money" sure, overall not much to put your faith in, but never begrudge any one persons efforts either. WHen you denigrate a sincere effort (however midguided or isolated) you prevent true learning and concert.

I understand your point, and I too would think that there are people involved that really do care, though I don't believe those are the people the stock holders want in charge.
I hope that in this particular case that you are right and I am wrong... I dealt with this kinda thing growing up, and it always burns me to see people treat both kids and adults the way I was treated.
I guess we can only watch and hope for the best.

8426 says...

In reply to this comment by smibbo:
ohhh you're all so terribly right because after all, we know that advertising people are not actually human, they are all borgs who despise everything hunan and are doing their damnedest to bring about the downfall of humanity. Advertising people don't have families, children, or love of any kind in their hearts. There couldn't possibly be anyone in advertising who has anythig but a cruelgreedy heart of stone. NOt at all possible that perhaps some executive decision-maker somewhere thought that MAAAAAYBE they ought to address some of the damage that the beauty industry creates. Never. Nope. Those guys are all just the embodiment of evil. We bear no responsibility for our own lack of guidance to children when they are constantly exposed to this crap on OUR television sets and OUR choices of media exposure in OUR houses.


You can't blame people for not trusting big corporations... you ask them and they'll tell you; they're here to make money. There's a long history of those same corporations using gimmicks similar to this to get people to trust them and buy their products.
I'm not saying there aren't individuals in those corporations who actually do care, but based on what I've seen and read; I wouldn't trust them.
Again; just my opinion...

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