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Comments to plastiquemonkey

rembar says...

Hola! Would love an invite to your collective. Although my sifts of an artistic nature tend to be the spoken word sort....does that count?

choggie says...

boo hoo for sazae-san......This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

In reply to your comment:
nice work, maudlin, but not quite right:

'neko' means 'cat'. 'doraneko' means 'stray cat', and 'dora' (by itself) can also be used to mean 'stray cat' (just like 'tom' for 'tomcat' in english).

doraemon (this guy: is a cat-type robot from the 22nd century of the future. he's one of the most famous characters (manga/tv/advertising) in japan. he used to have cat ears, but they got bitten off by a mouse (in the future). the word 'dora' in his name is just like above.

many other characters and various items in "doraemon" are named 'dora-something', including the character you found. the reference is to doraemon himself.

"sazae-san" is a different show, also long-running and very popular. everybody watches it on sundays. the theme song starts with a verse about a 'doraneko' carrying fish and being chased by sazae-san. that's the question being answered by this experiment. everyone knows the sazae-san theme song, which is why this is so funny to japanese. they're taking the song very literally.

the experiment title comes from the song and is written in blue writing in the top right corner of the screen.

the conclusion of the clip you posted (starting with the writing against the sunrise over the earth) says:
'in this way a new piece of trivia is born into the world:'
'the [fish-stealing stray cat] that is chased by sazae-san can steal a maximum load of approximately a 2-kg bonito (fish)'


here's the sazae-san theme song:
and here's wikipedia on sazae-san:

firefly says...

By the way PM, I downloaded a demo of Densha De Go! (you mentioned on my bus post) . I tried the Yamanote line and was eight seconds late my first run . I was twenty seconds early on my next try, but I guess I missed the platform! Of course, it doesn't help I can't read Japanese, but overall it was fun. Thanks for the info!

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