Animation Selection
Updated: 1 decade 4 years 10 months 1 week ago
Views: 6,211
favorites from the world of animation, from any source.
most are hand-drawn, but there are also some computer-generated. some of the artists are famous, some are completely unknown. the time range here is nearly 100 years.
no stop-motion animation though, that's another playlist...
Jumping, 1984. A 6 minute animation film (not anime style) showing the world from the point of view of a bouncing ball (or jumping child). Each jump of the camera goes higher, each landing is a visual... continue reading
posted by arrendek 1 decade 7 years 10 months ago • 14,803 viewssummary redacted
posted by plastiquemonkey 1 decade 8 years 5 months 1 week ago • 8,937 views