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Member Since: March 5, 2006
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Comments to plastiquemonkey

siftbot says...

Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #17. User plastiquemonkey is now ahead of you. You can do better than plastiquemonkey, can't you? You're only 0 votes away from getting back in front of plastiquemonkey.

MycroftHomlz says...

Do you know of anyone on here who is good at or knows adobe illustrator of inkscape very well? I need to draw something relatively simple, but I can't get it to work.

kronosposeidon says...

Hey, plastique, long time no see. Not that you know me from Adam, but I've seen you that you still vote on occasion and therefore I know you're still a little active here. Have you thought about sifting just 12 more videos to get the 'coveted' silver diamond? I know it probably means nothing to you now, but I've seen many of your old sifts and you've got a lot of cool ones. It's my hope that you'll bring a few more quality sifts our way. I'm sure you've seen some cool, artsy videos that no one else has posted yet, so why not do it? This place isn't like the Mafia, i.e., you obviously can walk away at any time, so how would a dozen more videos hurt you? And take your time if you're busy; if it takes a couple of months to post 12 more videos then so be it. I think most here would still appreciate it.

Just give us some more of the good stuff, because I feel like the Art side of the Sift has been lacking these days. Don't respond if you don't feel like it; my feelings won't be hurt if you don't. Just give it a little thought.



therealblankman says...

The most interesting thing is that the banana actually is a demonstration of Schrödinger's quantum superposition problem, we can never know if the banana is either fresh or asploded until we open the door. The banana actually exists simultaneously in both states, and only be the act of observation does the banana assume one state or the other- in essence the quantum waveform function of the banana collapses only by the act of observation.

Proponents of the "Many Worlds" school go further, and hold that the quantum wave function does not in fact collapse and form a single outcome, but rather that every possible outcome does exist in a parallel universe somewhere. So even if you are in our world scraping asploded banana from the inside of your microwave, you can be secure in the knowledge that an alternate version of you in a parallel universe is enjoying a fresh, ripe, un-damaged piece of fruit.

In reply to this comment by plastiquemonkey:
the tough part is catching the residual microwaves. they bounce around inside the microwave oven even when it's not turned on, because the microwave's walls have a special reflective coating.

when you open the microwave door to put your groceries inside, you have to do it quickly, so as not to lose too many of them. if the door's open too long, the microwaves will bounce out the opening, and the benefit to the produce will be lost.

of course, if you do end up losing the residual microwaves, you can restore them by turning on the microwave (with the door closed) for 5 seconds on 'HIGH'.

silvercord says...

Good New Year,

I had the MRI and there was nothing to indicate that there was an organic component to the vestibular damage. As far as I'm concerned we've ruled out everything except aminoglycoside toxicity. This, in my opinion, is the best possible outcome. There is no tumor. There was no stroke. There is simply damage that the brain needs to overcome. How long that will take is really anyone's guess.

The good news is, I could be totally deaf and in a wheel chair for life and I'm not. Life is just different than it used to be.


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