mizila US

Member Profile

Real Name: Matthew L. Miller
Birthdate: February 13th, 1981 (44 years old)

Member Since: June 9, 2008
Email: matthewleemiller at yahoo dot com
Last Power Points used: April 14, 2012
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to mizila

Zonbie says...

to see the embed code - just click 'profile reply' or 'quote' to this comment to see the embed code and then copy paste out the embed

this is the Penn & Teller : Bullshit! Videogames - an embed I made for you - it's a playlist so it will play part 1 two and three in sequence I found that video very interesting, alot of stuff I already knew, but their way of presentation is always amusing

feel free to use the embed - just replace the embed u have now with this one

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 10 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

ant says...

Thanks! I found VS (don't remember how) and got addicted. Then, I started sharing links with the world including Blue. =) Wow, qtest.

In reply to this comment by mizila:
Dude, just wanna say, love your work. I've been a daily reader of Blue's News since Qtest and I think it's safe to assume we're on the same wavelength. When I see a story for Blue, you've already suggested it. Somethin I wanna sift? Ant sifted it. You know what? That's just fine by me. I salute you, you hard-working worker Ant you.

My question, did you lead Blue to the Videosift, or did Blue introduce you to the sift?

rasch187 says...

Some people get inspired by great art, and if a football in the groin isn't art, I'd sure like to know what is. Good to hear I can inspire people

In reply to this comment by mizila:
Love ur Football+groin video.

Just wanna say, it IS what inspired me to post my first sift, boo-urns. And I've watched our videos fight for more votes, and am happy to see them settled, as of today, 9/10/08, tied, at 92 votes. Good taste sir.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is epic.

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