longde US

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Real Name: 笼中的
Channel: The African Experience

Member Since: April 8, 2009
Favorite Sift: Chris Matthews DESTROYS Right Wing Talking Head
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Last Power Points used: February 2, 2012
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Comments to longde

longde says...

As I said in the post. Noone is trying to take your avatars. I just don't want to be subjected to some of them, especially the tasteless ones.

You create several avatars for shock value, and then get surprised when you are singled out for this topic? A bit disingenuous, I think.>> ^BoneRemake:

To be clear.
I love the avatar screen option. No one will take my bulging avatars away for too long. I really think that will be done in 5.0 .
I REALLY do not like how you singled me out in your post, I was too pissed off and drunk to have that crap focus on me. I handled it extremly well pat my own back
You went about your issue in a ill flavoured manner sir. I only changed my avatar because I didnt need b/s, but I understand better these OTHER visual thoughts. Some people just cant handle my junk.

longde says...

No.>> ^BoneRemake:

In reply to this comment by longde:
Because I want the feature added on the next version of VS, and want to see if there is community consensus around the request.
Like I said, I have nothing against you. The tasteless avatars just get tiring.
In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
Why did you make your personal message to dag a big hoo haa on sift talk ? You seem like a complete dipshit.

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bareboards2 says...


This whole topic saddens me. There is so much crap in the world. And so much of it is avoidable. Life is hard, we don't need to make it harder.

I posted this on Facebook where my Mormon relatives could see it. I doubt they will read it. THEY don't bully, THEY don't "hate." It's just what God wants.

Fucking bullshit fuckhead stupidity.

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