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Member Since: February 23, 2007
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Comments to lisacat

silvercord says...


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I'm with ya mate and will post accordingly... AAARRR! I tried this morning, but the Joni Mitchell sift I found didn't suit, the wench is WAY too folk-y. Will commence with the r'n'r smartly!
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silvercord says...

Avast me mateys! Deputy the Scurvy Dog and his crew have shot across the bow. They suppose the top spot is theirs by right (the bilge rats). Aye, but it's time to hang 'em out to dry on the yardarm. C'mon me hearties and fight like the Rock 'n' Roll pirates ye be! 500 posts is just across the bay and the top spot, by God, can be had if the ship bands together, posts and votes. Summers are made for sailin' the fair seas and pillagin' and most of all ROCK AND ROLL! So, hoist the Jolly Roger and sail with the tide.

Ahoy, Mates!
Zifnab! Swampgirl! Michie! Koshmar! Arrendek! Winkler! Sometimes! Grspec! Choggie! Lisacat! Raven! Sbchapm! Firefly! Bizinichi! Calvados! Farhad! Bicyclerepairman! Deano! Spiff! Intangiblemeg! Dotdude! Krupo! Redthing! Benjee! Deathcow! Woland! Eric3579! Thedeusmachine! Lurgee! Maudlin! Eden! Vidimeister! Gwaan! James Roe! Fletch! Pigeon! Ladybug! Youdiejoe! Gorgonheap! Rembar! Lunkwill! Wumpus! NordlichReiter! Constitutional_Patriot! Looris! NickyP! Lucky760! Wildmanbill! SilentPoet! Megaweapon! Waxwing_slain! Bamdrew! JAPR! Doremifa! Omnithrope! Superganja23! Fedquip! Anea! Lucasgreen! Marinara! Fastfret79! Dog! Coupland! Oohahh! Pyrex! Pho3n1x! Swinginpagan! Joedirt! Dag! Plastiquemonkey!

Sail ye sea beasts! Sail! Hail to Cap'n MLX and bow to none! ARRRRR!

firefly says...

Your'e welcome, happy to help!

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Thank you for saving Waylon Jennings, firefly! I was afraid for awhile there he was going to die yet again. I have another with some muppets in it that may do better

lurgee says...

Ah yes, the DIY album(2). Me favorite track is "Exposure". One of Pete's finest pieces.
As for the cutout bin, I think that they still have them. It has been some time since I trolled in the local music shops. Sometimes they wind up in the used bin.

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You may be right lurgee. The youtube comments include someone referencing 1980. The poster listed 1983 so I used that. I totally missed Genesis, and only discovered Peter Gabriel with his DIY album as a cutout. Do they still have cutout bins? Off to take my ginko biloba pill...

persephone says...

Hi Lisa,

I know what you mean about how the real thing sometimes doesn't stack up to its reputation/image. I saw your reply in the Bladerunner-Opening thread. Are you sure it's Tricky's Aftermath? I listened to a sample of it on Amazon, and it's not the song I remember.

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Yes, that's it, Kelly. ( I saw it in London when I was on a college trip in the late '70s. It was in the big "Dada and Surrealist Reviewed" show at the Hayward Gallery along with Duchamps urinal, 'natch! It's like when you see celebrities in person and they seem really small and norma l It's kind of ratty looking. You can see where the skin and the glue used has yellowed and dried...hey, it happens to all of us right? Haven't been to the new, improved MoMA yet, I'm more apt to be outside on the street selling my own art, but it's free on Fridays from 4-8pm so there's no excuses!

I love your avatar, and pomegranates, and am intrigued by what eden wrote. I need to look that up!


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Hi Lisa,

I was trying to remember where I saw your avatar pic before. I just found it in an old art book. Is it Meret Oppenheim's 'Object' at The Museum of Modern Art, NY? Is it still at the museum? Is it a photo, or an actual object? (haven't been there yet..)

persephone says...

Hi Lisa,

I was trying to remember where I saw your avatar pic before. I just found it in an old art book. Is it Meret Oppenheim's 'Object' at The Museum of Modern Art, NY? Is it still at the museum? Is it a photo, or an actual object? (haven't been there yet..)

eric3579 says...

I looked into what you said. I saw what you were talking about. Im discarding the vid. I feel the same as you.

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This was NOT a "rescue" situation. These people are rabbit breeders and brag about getting $600 for selling the bunnies from this litter. Thousands of rabbits are sold at Easter time and end up being killed at shelters when the new "owners" can't care for them properly or don't want them when they get to be rabbits, not cute little bunnies. Wish I hadn't upvoted, GRRRR!

johnald128 says...

heya, did you film that kitten vid i posted? it's super cute!!
i've filmed a few vids on here that have been posted by other people too, one of a mantis catching a damselfly ( it got a million views on youtube!) -

also, i've got some kittens from a rescue centre here in nottingham, here's one of em:¤t=STA60005.jpg


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