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Channel: Religion

Member Since: August 11, 2006
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Comments to jimnms

firefly says...

My card is also a Geforce (256MB 6200), so I think it should be OK. Not quite maxed out, but should still look decent. Looking forward to playing it.
Now if only I could upgrade my DSL...!

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
The processor speeds are for Intel Pentium 4 CPUs. My CPU is an AMD X2 4400+ which is 2.2GHz and it plays TF2 on max settings. I also have a 128MB Geforce 7800GT and 2GB of RAM. The HL2 engine scales down pretty well on on older machines. I played the original HL2 on a Pentium 4 2.66GHz. It wasn't quite maxed out, but it still looked great.

In reply to this comment by firefly:
Hey, thanks for that info. I don't quite have the processing power (only 2.4) but I've got twice the recommended RAM, and a fairly decent videocard.
On another note, have you read "The Weatherman" by Steve Thayer? One of the characters, Dixon Bell, is a meteoroligist in Minnesota who is accused and arrested for being a serial killer. His home town is Vicksburg, MS. I mention that 'cause I saw you on the Sifter map...I mean, I don't think YOU'RE a serial killer!

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
firefly, the system requirements for TF2 are:

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX� 8 level Graphics Card, Windows� Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection


firefly says...

Hey, thanks for that info. I don't quite have the processing power (only 2.4) but I've got twice the recommended RAM, and a fairly decent videocard.
On another note, have you read "The Weatherman" by Steve Thayer? One of the characters, Dixon Bell, is a meteoroligist in Minnesota who is accused and arrested for being a serial killer. His home town is Vicksburg, MS. I mention that 'cause I saw you on the Sifter map...I mean, I don't think YOU'RE a serial killer!

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
firefly, the system requirements for TF2 are:

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX� 8 level Graphics Card, Windows� Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection


Fletch says...

I apologize. You're right. It wasn't called for. I don't mind when someone deads my vids for the exact reason I mentioned in my ST post. It's just no big deal. I guess I took it a little personal when you were specifically deading my vids which, again, is no big deal. Gots to practice what I preach, I guess. Sorry for the comment.

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
Oh come on, that was uncalled for, I was just pickin' on ya. Perhaps you didn't notice I also up voted a lot of your videos along the way.

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
Oh jimnms, you pissy wanker. Would you like a tissue?

Issykitty says...

Hi jimnms! I saw your really cute submission (about a kitty falling into a trash can) and loved it AND voted it up, but I only just realized a moment ago that someone beat you to it. I noticed it in the top vids and it has 43 votes so far. I hate when that happens...

zoinnk says...

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
Ron Paul has a lot of good "common since" ideas about most things, but there are some things I don't agree with. He says he wants to get rid of social security and Medicare, but I haven't heard his plan for what's going to happen to all of the people who rely on social security and Medicare. Private insurance companies are not the answer, private insurance companies are a rip off. I'm all for a working national healthcare system, healthy citizens = a healthy nation.

Insurance companies only care about making money for their investors, not providing care for their customers. Insurance companies should not be telling doctors what they can or can not do. When I was seriously injured in a car wreck years ago, my insurance company would only pay for so many days of ICU, so when that was up, I was kicked out to a regular hospital before I was even stable. Then they only covered so many days in a hospital, and once again when that was up I was kicked out. I didn't have any say in the matter because I was still in and out of consciousness.

It wasn't just my insurance company either. The accident wasn't my fault, and at fault driver's insurance tried to weasel out of paying for anything. I had to get a lawyer and it took over a year just to get them to pay their share of the bills.

Then to add insult to injury (literally) when it came time to renew my policy, they denied me. Nobody should have to go through that just to get the medical care they need. I'm sure if the insurance companies had any more control than they do, they would have just let me die so they could save money.

I think government does stick it's nose in a lot of things where it doesn't belong, but healthcare for it's citizens isn't one of them.

Totally agree here. His platform is the war in Iraq and national security.

You'll notice when the moderator asks him about getting rid of the IRS, federal reserve, CIA, FBI, etc., he immediately refocuses the question on security. That's because he knows his libertarian platform of privatizing everything and relying the free market doesn't ring true to most people.

This is what worries me most about Ron Paul -- people hear the Iraq stuff (which I personally agree with), but don't here the equally important stuff about what he plans to do with the federal gov't (eliminate as much as possible).

So while this makes Paul a nice story, he is not a candidate I would support, because his classical conservatism is so extreme. My vote is still going to a Democrat, for better or for worse.

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