bobknight33 US  member is hobbled for abuse of privileges

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Member Since: May 9, 2009
Email: gblewitt at carolina dot rr dot com
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Comments to bobknight33

newtboy says...

Lol…you wish. It is clearly true and fits his character exactly. There are even recordings, dummy. Disproved how…because the lying felon said it’s not true? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
You brainless moron. Still listening to and reposting the Russian paid mouthpieces….did you think we would forget this tool was caught taking Russian bribes to spread Russian propaganda? Sorry Charlie, we aren’t brainless like you, we can recall yesterday without our leader telling us what to remember. Another fail, Vlad.

Democrats aren’t fuming over one more instance of the felon being a fascist, and the report has not fallen flat as you wish it would, it is building steam and gaining traction after hitting the ground running. What has fallen flat is your fat boy’s campaign that has cancelled any appearance not in his safe space and can only bring in a few hundred at tiny rallies in high school gyms he can’t even fill now. 😂

Billboards are outside his flaccid LV rally right now reminding every cultist that great leader is a wannabe Hitler without the blitzkrieg (but with the meth addled brain) who still idolizes the worlds (second?) biggest monster according to most of his “best people”. (Also a reminder how not properly cowtowing can take a “best people” and “first choice for Chief of Staff” level person and make them into a “lowlife” for telling the truth.)

He has been 100% consistent in his praise for Hitler for decades, famously “read” Mien Kampf (kept it on his bed table anyway) repeatedly as reported by his ex wifes decades ago (along with their reports under oath that he raped them and other women, weakly retracted only after multi million dollar payoffs and NDAs that would be illegal today). There is zero doubt outside the cult that his well known long term historical praise for Hitler continues….sucker.

His (for years gay transexual) VP Vance said the same thing and worse, said he is “America’s Hitler”. This is news to no one.

He was too scared of Harris to show up to the CNN town hall he had agreed to attend, afraid he would come off an even bigger loser than after the debate. Harris converted some maggots on live tv. Good going felon. His health is failing, he cites “exhaustion” for cancelling many events weeks before the election. He will not live to Jan 20, and in the unlikely event that he did, and had won, Vance is prepared to use the 25th amendment on day one, he will not be president under any circumstances.

Don’t forget this picture of the 50+ year old married felon groping a 13 year old girl, hand on her ass, tiny dick pressed hard into her front on Epstein Kiddie Rape island, a place he went often for nude “massages” with 13 year old girls like this one.

Stacy Williams, Epstein’s girlfriend, reiterated her account of the felon sexually assaulting her when Epstein set it up. Just one more verified account with photos and signed evidence to corroborate it and nothing but more empty denials from the multiple time sex offender.

Not a fake story, photos, videos, and volumes of contemporaneous records prove he was a regular, with “massages” by YOUNG naked girls on rape island all 100% CONFIRMED despite his denials. You know it, you know it’s true, you just don’t care because you are a sick, disgusting cultist in a death and child rape cult of personality.

BWAAAHAHAHA! Elon’s paid canvassers have learned how to spoof his gps tracker to get paid for canvassing while sitting still, at least 30% of the homes they claim to have visited reported no visit according to Elon. Another horrificly planned scheme falls apart….you guys can’t do anything right because you try to cheat at every turn…it isn’t working out! This is the ENTIRE ground game…the RNC has none at all, zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing! When you have to pay your people to do the bare minimum for your campaign, you are toast….and when they find a way to get paid without helping…you are burnt toast. 😂

Why do you fantasize about non existent cat piss? That’s weird….you’re weird.

The other 3 reports of his complete lack of morals, ethics, scruples, or honor are all completely verified as well….with paper trails and photographs and witnesses and bills. His evidence is “nuh-uh.”

PS- your boy is now contesting active servicemen being allowed to vote, because the military doesn’t buy his lies either so he needs them to not vote. Look it up. Lawsuits filed by the campaign and RNC to disenfranchise military personnel from their votes.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.


newtboy says...

More maggots committing felonies to sway the election by stealing election signs….but you brain dead morons are just too stupid to crime and get caught because Democrats can use an AirTag. 😂

These fascists are now exposed as the criminal family they pretend they aren’t. Enjoy brunch Karen, your family is the neighborhood joke for life now.

PS- The leaky diaper clown cosplays working at McDonald’s without any gloves or hairnet and the next day McDonald’s hamburgers become toxic with e-coli and are taken off the menu….coincidence? I think not.

newtboy says...

So….it’s come out the felon complained his generals weren’t like Hitler’s generals….and shocker I agree…Hitler’s generals tried 3 times to assassinate Hitler, and with today’s technology it would only take once.
He also apparently doesn’t know Hitler’s generals lost WW2.
Hilariously the best, indeed only defense offered by his sycophants is “maybe he doesn’t know Hitler’s generals were Nazis”, pretending we don’t know Hitler is his hero and he’s read his biography and Mien Kampf repeatedly (or pretended to), and pretending he might not know Nazi leadership was made of Nazis…as if that itself isn’t disqualifying.
This on the same day his top general, John Kelly, warned against electing him because he is a real serious fascist.

He still hasn’t paid for the funeral of an American soldier killed by another soldier that he had promised publicly to pay for, and whined it doesn’t cost $60k to bury a Mexican (she was a natural born American citizen and military service member) disrespecting both the military and anyone of Mexican heritage.

Shocker, it’s come out that the felon promised unqualified to be a traffic court judge Cannon a cabinet position as Attorney General (or maybe Supreme Court appointment) for her help with his stolen classified document problem, and she accepted. This is verified by the campaign’s filed transition documents that list her on the short list of candidates to vet.

Here’s a photo of the over 50 year old married felon “dancing” (looks more like groping her ass and pressing into her belly with his mushroom tip) with a 13 year old girl on Epstein’s private island … before or after the nude “massage” with happy ending?

newtboy says...

Desantis caught committing forgery and extortion to fake a letter from the AG threatening arrest of employees of tv stations that broadcast an anti anti choice ad exposing the dangers of his total abortion ban.
The AG quit when the governor tried to force him to do it again and told him to hire outside council (spending millions of taxpayer dollars) to prosecute stations based on this letter the governor wrote and signed the AGs name to that ignores the first amendment completely.
A Florida Supreme Court justice telling DeSantis clearly “it’s the first amendment, stupid.” meant absolutely nothing because the second letter and hiring of private law firms to prosecute cases for exercising the first amendment came AFTER the justice rebuked him and the state for this fascist, anti constitutional censorship by a governor.
MAGA’s biggest advantage is not being bound by ethics, morals, or the law. It’s also your worst trait and makes you criminal human garbage.

newtboy jokingly says...

😂 As a convicted felon, your boy couldn’t actually get hired at a McDonald’s…not that he could pass an interview anyway. His cosplay theater at a closed drive through is more projection, now he has a fake fast food job on his resume like he falsely accuses others of. 😂

😂 The moron put out a statement falsely claiming McDonalds had confirmed Harris didn’t work for them forcing McDonalds to actually put out a statement saying they absolutely did not confirm any such thing and they believe Harris did work for the company despite them not keeping records from decades ago so they cannot PROVE she did, but they absolutely did not verify she didn’t like the fraud claimed (without evidence)….more pure lies from the idiotic felonious liar. You fucking morons. 😂

newtboy says...

If only you could think for yourself, but you have devolved into being capable of nothing but cut and paste regurgitation of idiotic propaganda, likely from Russian funded sources again.
This is what cults do to people, strip them of all free thought.
You can choose to get better…or not.

newtboy says...

Wow. Needed help to put on an apron and help to scoop one medium fries someone else prepared at a closed McDonald, and is claiming he has now worked at McDonald’s.
Why is the candidate for president doing these ridiculous sad performances instead of talking about policy? 40 minutes of swaying to music instead of questions at his question and answer event? Does he even have any policy besides 2025, which he doesn’t even remember asking Heritage to write as his platform in 2025? Seems to be “no”.
You do understand you are voting for the homosexual and even transexual president Vance, right? That the felon likely won’t even move into the whitehouse, he just needs a few pardons and he’s out. I know you can see it.

newtboy says...

Awwww…poor booby. Lashing out like a baby that lost his pacifier…just like your fat boy…with stupid infantile nonsense…just like your fat boy.
Afraid to engage and prove again your idiocy and lack or morals or sanity, just like your fat boy.
The campaign has crumbled. Your boy has too, incapable of even the most softball friendly interview that doesn’t devolve into him angrily storming off half way through or embarrassing himself worse than Kamala ever could…he absolutely refuses to go to a real interview by a real reporter. He went of Fox, they pulled the one nonmaga reporter and treated him like a mentally challenged toddler…they had to physically help him sit on the couch (and it looks like they had him sit on an incontinence pad).
His health, and tenuous mental health, have completely failed, his campaign cancelled most events for exhaustion. If he can’t even handle a campaign, he definitely can’t handle the job.
Every sane person knows it.

newtboy says...

Knowing 2025 is going to ruin them (and that they can’t lie their way away from it after years of support), the felon and Elon have created 2028, a completely fake democratic 2025 full of ridiculous nonsense like a total universal mandatory gun buybacks, free housing for illegal immigrants, free healthcare for undocumented immigrants, and pages more nonsense. More totally made up bullshit from the party that has nothing else to offer but lies and fraud, unlike 2025 that the felon has spent years creating and hyping and now pretends he’s not involved.

This is pure election interference and is illegal…and is more proof they know the election is lost, their platform is unpopular, and their only chance is to lie about literally everything from their platform to their opponents, fake blacks for Trump, fake auto workers, fake union workers, fake firefighters, fake endorsements, fake platforms (hiding the real platform, 2025), fake interviews, fake videos of Harris, everything you do, say, and believe is a fraud, a total lie….and it’s crumbling to dust.

So is his health…cancelled more interviews today because of exhaustion according to his campaign….exhausted after cancelling on Fox, CNN, NBC, and the NRA in the last few days. He’s crashing hard and may not make it to Jan 5, the day he says you must remember to vote.

So are his finances, nearly 100% of donations in this quarter came from 3 people, +-$250 million. He will owe them, not his stupid voters….like there was ever any question.

1000 more pages of evidence detailing the treason and multiple felonies your fat boy is guilty of were released this morning. Enjoy!

I am so here for every bit of it.

newtboy says...

The felon is AGAIN trying to bribe Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their illicit affair and the illegal felony payoff by Trump to interfere with the election.
It’s in writing sent to Daniels lawyer by Trump’s….the campaign is pretending reporters got this info from Iran and is threatening anyone who reports it, they do not deny it….too bad it came directly from their lawyers, not Iran.


This is severe elder abuse. He had no idea what was happening or where he was as he swayed to the biggest gay anthems of the 80’s for 45 minutes in leu of answering questions and reminisced about partying with EPSTIEN and barely teen girls when it was new.
He had no idea who he was talking to when he rambled incoherently to the editor of Bloomberg and tried to say the editor of Bloomberg, who has forgotten more about economics than the felon ever knew, didn’t understand tariffs or taxes or gdp, and could not answer a single question, and devolved into personal attacks instead of answers as he always does.
He didn’t even realize Andrew Schultz was ridiculing him and laughing in his face (when he made the claim he is an honest person Schultz nearly fell out of his chair laughing)…he was so clueless that he extended the interview and ended up cutting a campaign commercial for Harris when asked “what happened to Mike Pence?” and he answered “he couldn’t cross the line of doing what was right.”…YES, HE ADMITTED THAT ON CAMERA…PENCE WOULDN’T CROSS THE LINE AND STEAL THE PRESIDENCY FOR HIM SO HANG MIKE PENCE.
This entire campaign is elder abuse.

PS- another fake “town hall” of “undecided female voters” on faux, highly edited, hosted by the Georgia RNC and filled with only known Republican paid operatives and delegates….even so it had to be pre-recorded and edited down to make him look less out of it and remove “hi, I’m a Trump voter and will be voting for you in November, can I ask you ….?” from nearly every questioner. Why do you idiots bother with this theater? It only convinces morons who are already convinced, and turns off everyone else. Thanks…but why?

SUDDENLY THE CAMPAIGN IS CANCELLING ALL RECENT AND FUTURE EVENTS AND INTERVIEWS INCLUDING 60 MINUTES, CNBC INTERVIEW, DEBATE #2, FOX INTERVIEW, NBC INTERVIEW, CNN TOWN HALL MONDAY, AND THE NRA EVENT ON TUESDAY. It seems the campaign agrees with me and is trying to stop the elder abuses after great grandpa went loopy and swayed on stage for 45 minutes nearly catatonic. It’s clear why he won’t release his medical records, or taxes, both will prove he is entirely unfit.

newtboy says...

Sweet zombie Geebus, he went catatonic on stage for 45 minutes and just swayed and stumbled to music in silence on stage instead of answering questions like he said he would while people in the crowd passed out in the heat and shuffled out confused. He clearly didn’t know where he was or what was happening, didn’t know what Noem meant when she suggested playing his walk off song like they had planned before going on stage, and he just wouldn’t walk off.
I can’t even imagine what you would say if Biden did this, especially if he was a candidate. The man is so unfit that the campaign is elder abuse.

He reminded his cult to vote on January 5th.

He’s totally terrified of white chairs, afraid of leaving a visible stain. He said he was afraid of rotating chairs too, afraid he would fall off…his words. How can you worship this cowardly unstable feeble old man who may not make it to the election?

newtboy says...

Hilarious, you think you’re a man with a vaginal yeast infection….who doesn’t know what a woman is again?!? You sure have no clue what a man is. 😂

I’m guessing you have conveniently forgotten “Trump is our Hitler” JD was a cross dresser in college and “thought he was gay” until his grandmother and preacher told him he wasn’t allowed to be gay (that didn’t stop the urges or dislike for the female form and lust for men and penis and sofa…not that there’s anything wrong with that unless you rail against and demonize it hypocritically). 😂

Shocker…another violent far right anti government gun nut caught with multiple guns, multiple passports, and a fake license plate on his unregistered vehicle on his way to Coachella. How long before you blame Biden?

BTW- the ridiculous tax plans (more cuts for the top 5% and businesses) he has announced have been analyzed by the CRB who said the tax plan alone will add a minimum of $7.5 trillion to the debt with no new spending and not including his tariffs that will also increase debt and inflation by the same amount of the tariffs (he’s said 20%-500%).
Is it true he paid someone to take his college entrance exams? Is that why he won’t release his transcript…it includes evidence he was caught cheating repeatedly as a failed student and paid the school for their silence and his diploma? Prove it’s not true.
Is he hiding his medical records (he’s the only candidate in American history to not release them) because they show he wasn’t hit by a bullet at all, because they’ll show he shits his pants daily, or because of the severe dementia diagnosis? I say all 3 and much much more like a decades old untreated syphilis infection.
Abandoning his people in Coachella with no transportation to the parking lots miles away, again…after a full day event in over 10p degree temperatures with no shade or cooling provided in the desert causing many to be hospitalized with heat stroke…turning many of them against him (you would think you morons would learn he won’t think about your needs, but you never do).

He won’t do interviews, like he falsely claims about Harris. Fox call ins aren’t interviews, they’re pure propaganda commercials with zero journalism. There’s good reason, he’s completely lost his mind and looks ridiculous. He’s only still running in hopes of a pardon from president Transe.
His movie is out and doing well….The Apprentice….a bio pic.

lol. FEMA is essentially leaving N Carolina because their agents are being threatened by residents who believe the stupidity you deal in. This will impact the support you receive and make recovery much harder for your state. Good job morons! I’m sure you will blame Biden for the threats from maga to FEMA based on misinformation coming directly from the felon.

bobknight33 said:

As a man, I think I walked away from this ad with a yeast infection.

That guy eats way more than carburetors for breakfast.

Real men don’t put tampons in the boys restroom.

From the party that can't tell you what a woman is.

This is a sign that this campaign is in trouble.

newtboy says...

The repeated public pants shitting has been verified.

Remember his doctor that wrote his medical report as if he was Cal El, claiming the obese out of shape blob was in the best shape of anyone on the planet? He was a gastroenterologist….a shit doctor. He was the felons main doctor for years, which only happens if you have chronic shit your pants syndrome. This also explains why the felon had his thugs break into his doctors office and steal all his medical records before anything became public back in 2016….remember that? Probably not, gnats don’t remember 2 minutes ago.

newtboy says...

Fake union members.
Fake Auto workers.
Fake blacks for Trump.
Fake Swifties for Trump.
Now fake firefighters.

In Scranton he dressed up crowd members in uniforms and gave them signs saying “Scranton firefighters for Trump” to hold for the camera…none were Scranton firefighters, then he claimed they endorsed him despite the fact they have not endorsed him and had to make a public statement saying so.
Not his first fake endorsement by far. Another disqualifying lie in a string of thousands.
Afterwards he spoke in Detroit where he shit himself on stage again, this time he shit repeatedly and it was caught on the mic. It’s likely why he keeps being surrounded by swarms of flies.

Every single group he claims supports him has had to set the record straight that they are just random Trumpists holding signs, not who they’re pretending to be. The only group he’s still winning is uneducated white men….dumbshit racist idiots like you.
Enjoy total democratic domination….you should move to Russia and renounce your citizenship, you won’t be missed.

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