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Member Since: October 13, 2007
Last Power Points used: October 25, 2009
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Comments to bleedingsnowman

rottenseed says...

You may be thinking that I totally bit off of you with this post, and to be totally honest with you, I did. But imitation is the most sincere form of flattery right? Hahaha. No but really, your post fascinated me to the point of me watching other levels on youtube for like 2 hours. Thanks

JAPR says...

Yeah、I've been watching it and on about part 11 right now. Shit's intense and silly, I generally skip a huge chunk to see where the game leads.

In reply to this comment by Bleedingsnowman:
Yeah, I saw some of those videos too and was tempted to sift his second one but I wasn't sure if it would make it since it was so long and they guy's commentary was really hit or miss. I was bored at work though so I watched about an hour of it. You can really just skip whole chunks and he is still on the same screen.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
There's a guy that seems to have a full runthrough, in a bajillion parts.

Sarzy says...

I just tried it again, and still couldn't get past the second damn screen. That game is pure evil.

In reply to this comment by Bleedingsnowman:
Seriously! I couldn't get past the second screen either and after I watched the video I realized I was going in the wrong direction anyway.

In reply to this comment by Sarzy:
I just downloaded the game out of curiosity. Man. It is way harder than this video makes it look. I couldn't even pass the second screen, though I didn't really try for very long before I gave up in frustration.

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