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Member Since: October 28, 2006
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Comments to bizinichi

looris says...

well i suppose it was implicit. it's really a bad habit to add misleading tags to get noticed. it's clear as crystal you shouldn't do that.

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I don't see it denounced in the rules so I decided to try it. Whats wrong with that. Besides where does it say in the rules the tags must be representative of the video and NOT designed to get noticed?

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i don't like the non-related tags.

gorgonheap says...

You have got to be kidding me. Something inside me just died a little. What a messed up iDea

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Wait till you see Apple's new product-unveiling product. That's right, a revolutionary new way to UNVEIL your product... They call it the iLaunch

Horrible parody... and like the others said, all used-up jokes and only mildly funny at that...

choggie says...

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Aside from the disaster, downhill couch racing looks like a really exciting sport! I want to try bizinichi,

that's the spirit!!! Hope for at least one of you!!! bizinichi, that's the spirit!!! Hope for at least one of you!!!

deputydog says...

I think Wow videos and WTF videos are pretty compatible. I'm wowed by WTF videos and confused by WOW videos. Does that make any sense outside my brain?

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I have a bone to pick with you over the domain you gave your collective... It seems like your collective is more about videos that would cause you to say "wow", not WTF. Personally I was hoping someone would make a WTF collective with the domain that matches it, but I guess not!!

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