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Member Since: December 12, 2006
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Comments to arrendek

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 54 stars, earning you status of Gold Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

mas8705 says...

If your still on the sift, just to let you know that your Creation of the Earth (for rednecks) is back up and running...

Fletch says...

Well, I've never heard a version that wasn't "mother mother". Still, I was only referring to the word "tit" being blocked. As a matter of fact, here is an even BETTER quality version than the other one I suggested (also uncensored):

In reply to this comment by arrendek:
I have the CD actually, and the lyrics are "mother f**ker", if I remember correctly. Maybe I'll check one of these days.

silvercord says...

Avast me mateys! Deputy the Scurvy Dog and his crew have shot across the bow. They suppose the top spot is theirs by right (the bilge rats). Aye, but it's time to hang 'em out to dry on the yardarm. C'mon me hearties and fight like the Rock 'n' Roll pirates ye be! 500 posts is just across the bay and the top spot, by God, can be had if the ship bands together, posts and votes. Summers are made for sailin' the fair seas and pillagin' and most of all ROCK AND ROLL! So, hoist the Jolly Roger and sail with the tide.

Ahoy, Mates!
Zifnab! Swampgirl! Michie! Koshmar! Arrendek! Winkler! Sometimes! Grspec! Choggie! Lisacat! Raven! Sbchapm! Firefly! Bizinichi! Calvados! Farhad! Bicyclerepairman! Deano! Spiff! Intangiblemeg! Dotdude! Krupo! Redthing! Benjee! Deathcow! Woland! Eric3579! Thedeusmachine! Lurgee! Maudlin! Eden! Vidimeister! Gwaan! James Roe! Fletch! Pigeon! Ladybug! Youdiejoe! Gorgonheap! Rembar! Lunkwill! Wumpus! NordlichReiter! Constitutional_Patriot! Looris! NickyP! Lucky760! Wildmanbill! SilentPoet! Megaweapon! Waxwing_slain! Bamdrew! JAPR! Doremifa! Omnithrope! Superganja23! Fedquip! Anea! Lucasgreen! Marinara! Fastfret79! Dog! Coupland! Oohahh! Pyrex! Pho3n1x! Swinginpagan! Joedirt! Dag! Plastiquemonkey!

Sail ye sea beasts! Sail! Hail to Cap'n MLX and bow to none! ARRRRR!

firefly says...

Thanks for catching that, that's a special video to me (obviously!)
and thanks for the baking tip.

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This video is dead... Please fix!

In reply to your comment:
I could see my boys doing that.. (and me too!)

By the way, I would like to announce the arrival of the newest little firefly, (and #4 overall) Brian James, June 12 2006, 5 lbs., 14 oz.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm not a big fan of Apple PR either, but the proof is in the pudding. To refute something just because people are raving about how great it is - is not quite right.

I have to admit, I'm guilty of being one of the ravers, but it's not just because I've drunk the Steve Jobs kool-aid. I spent years on Windows before makng the switch, and the relief was palpable - so it's more about my personal experience.

I used Linux quite a bit too. Ubuntu is not bad, but you can't beat a laptop where are all the software works seemlessly with the hardware. Try it, try it- Sam I say! You might like it - yes you may!

In reply to your comment:
No can do, Xbox and their ilk don't even come close to the kind of experiences you can get with PC gaming. That's not to say I don't have a few consoles, 'cause I do, but they're for different things.

The way Macs are preached is actually a huge turn off for me. I really hate things that people go out of their way to tell you how good they are. It normally goes along with politics, religion, etc... but when it hits technology, my BS meter goes all beepy. I like a good UI, which is why I'm happy MS is starting to leave the stone ages in that regard, but it's not a system seller for me. Also, seriously, I NEED to be able to get my hands dirty with the hardware in my PC and the lack of options over at apple-ville bothers me. If they were to license their OS to be sold stand alone to run on any PC, I might dual boot it just to give it a shot, but until that day, bleck to it. Bleck to it all hardcore.

In reply to your comment:
It sounds like you are a bit of a hacker Arrendek - in the good sense. There's a reason why programmers are flocking to Macs, and why Powerbooks seem to be the workhorse of choice at the Googleplex.

I am a Perl and database person historically, and I am so much more efficient on a Mac, just silly things like cutting and pasting code chunks are intuitively easier and more efficient. The UI is a beautiful thing to work in. Granted it's not much for games, but I'm about twice as efficent at work- and that's what my computer is for. Get an Xbox for gaming

Once you go Mac - you never go back.

In reply to your comment:
Heh, you know I don't complain much. I'm a "too each their own" kind of guy, it's just when "their own" involves constantly criticizing my own that I start to get bothered. Anyways, enjoy your UI, it is very nice, I must admit. I'd consider a Mac if I wasn't an avid PC Gamer and needed to program daily in Visual Studio. The commercials and propaganda though? Even if I used one they'd bother me.

I only use spreadsheets and calculators all day long. That's me.

In reply to your comment:
wow, that's the best non-complaint ever.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It sounds like you are a bit of a hacker Arrendek - in the good sense. There's a reason why programmers are flocking to Macs, and why Powerbooks seem to be the workhorse of choice at the Googleplex.

I am a Perl and database person historically, and I am so much more efficient on a Mac, just silly things like cutting and pasting code chunks are intuitively easier and more efficient. The UI is a beautiful thing to work in. Granted it's not much for games, but I'm about twice as efficent at work- and that's what my computer is for. Get an Xbox for gaming

Once you go Mac - you never go back.

In reply to your comment:
Heh, you know I don't complain much. I'm a "too each their own" kind of guy, it's just when "their own" involves constantly criticizing my own that I start to get bothered. Anyways, enjoy your UI, it is very nice, I must admit. I'd consider a Mac if I wasn't an avid PC Gamer and needed to program daily in Visual Studio. The commercials and propaganda though? Even if I used one they'd bother me.

I only use spreadsheets and calculators all day long. That's me.

In reply to your comment:
wow, that's the best non-complaint ever.

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