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Member Since: May 19, 2007
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Comments to Stormsinger

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Schiff's a freakin loon... Every problem we have is due to government intervention, and every solution is capitalism. You really can't get any more delusional than that.

O'Donnell is definitely being an ass, but that doesn't change the lunacy here.

disagree with schiff but that man is not a loon by a longshot.
at least when it comes to finance.
they called him dr doom because since 2004 he has called it verbatim concerning the financial industry.
i dont always agree with him,but he is worth a listen.

enoch says...

no kidding? napolitano?thought perry was in concrete blonde also?didnt they both do a band together?swear that was concrete blond..oh im gonna have to go look it up.i just thought that was perry before all the are very right about their differing singing styles..johnette has a rasp you cant getting retarded in my old age..yeesh.
*edit* ok..back..well sob your right.i dont know why i had it in my head that they worked together.ah well..learn something every day.thanks man

enoch says... got got the tater.
was waxing nostalgic last glad somebody else enjoyed starships "stranger",and while i did enjoy DIO's solo projects ..well..ok,only the first two albums,i totally agree with you that he did his best work with sabbath.
i read an interview with tony iommi and he stated that dio had such a great range it freed him up to play much more complicated scales than with ozzy.
while i am an avid sabbath fan,my favorite ozzy/sabbath albums are really just the first 5.never say die and technical ecstasy are ok but too experimental in my opinion.

inflatablevagina says...

i wa sjust on last fm and they said it sounded like the yeah yeah yeahs and the band you heard the other day, BRMC.
In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I can feel another Pandora station coming on...I'm really curious to see what other stuff Pandora thinks sounds like this. I'm leaning strongly towards D&B, even though that's not a bass he plays...he still plays it like one (mostly). Although the "sort-of-beatboxing" they do in some spots doesn't really fit anything I've ever heard.

None of that matters though, the only important thing is, I like it.

Again, thanks!

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
It has been described as post punk yuppie indie rock with a base of dance and electronica. So.. you're right!

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
What the hell kind of genre does this fall into?

I can hear similarities to d&b, although it isn't. And it vaguely reminds me of LCD Soundsystem, although I couldn't pinpoint why. Same with several electronic sub-genres...although it doesn't appear to exactly fit any of them either. Does it get it's own genre?

Why oh why are you doing this to me? My budget can't handle this influx of new talent!

inflatablevagina says...

It has been described as post punk yuppie indie rock with a base of dance and electronica. So.. you're right!

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
What the hell kind of genre does this fall into?

I can hear similarities to d&b, although it isn't. And it vaguely reminds me of LCD Soundsystem, although I couldn't pinpoint why. Same with several electronic sub-genres...although it doesn't appear to exactly fit any of them either. Does it get it's own genre?

Why oh why are you doing this to me? My budget can't handle this influx of new talent!

inflatablevagina says...

If i had a penny for everytime someone said that to me....
I am a fan of just about all of those songs. Check out the song "Aint No easy Way"

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Funny, gmail just beeped me about this comment as I was surfing Youtube for more clips. This one seems to be pretty representative, at least among the three I've watched so far. Good find, and thanks for the turn-on.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
yay!! a convert!!

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
I was going to say they had too many guitar players... But I have to admit, I really like they way they sound.

dead_tofu says...

hey, i just uploaded parts of the omid djalili show, he is amazingly funny. to think that the u.s wanna bomb clever people like this one is a joke. u should check it out, greets, dead.

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