
Member Profile

Real Name: Jim
Birthdate: February 7th
A little about me...
I joined the Sift for the privilege to get things I liked in front of your eyes, and I'm really excited finally to be Gold-100 and to promote the hell out of your vids.

Member Since: November 17, 2007
Last Power Points used: December 1, 2016
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Comments to RhesusMonk

dannym3141 says...

GJ spelling police. Yes, i uncover an oscure amount of tossers, i think it's something to do with my finely tuned tosser detector.

Any further correspondance won't be given the time of day, find someone else to bother with your whinge.

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
Experience this kind of thing a lot, do you?

Also, su·per·cil·ious. Mirror analogy and irony duly noted.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Twats like you that get all supercillious over my opinion on something.

dannym3141 says...

Twats like you that get all supercillious over my opinion on something.

If i didn't trust my own opinion, whose opinion should i trust? Would you like to compile a list so that i can do some background reading and decide what my opinions really are?

Fuck slam poetry, fuck you. Mirror analogy and irony duly noted.

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
I do not have the level of bullshit acceptance that Eric has cultivated. Pompous? Look in the fucking mirror, Holmes. Anyone who trusts his own opinion with authority is, by definition, pompous. Aloofness? Like, you mean they don't know that they're performing on a stage? Like, they're just talking to a friend? You watch Rives or Saul Williams and think, "That guy's pretending like he's just talking to me like his friend"? Dude, I get that you don't like poetry, but don't bullshit me with obviously fabricated, after-the-fact reasoning. What is it that you really don't like?

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