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Comments to NordlichReiter

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to keeping VideoSift clear of duplicate videos has earned you your "Super Duper" Level 1 Badge!

Sagemind says...

(just commenting here so I don't continue to clutter the post)

What you say makes sense.
I don't know when they use a secure channel because they say an awful lot on the unsecured channels
- but then I wouldn't know would I, because it's encrypted

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
>> ^Sagemind:

I know tons of people who own police scanners - you can buy them anywhere. They can be set to scan for any chatter at all or just emergency frequencies. The people I know have them on in the evening partially for entertainment value and partly so they know what's going on as far as crime in their area - the police channels are never scrambled, an we've spent hours listening to them while we play cards or what ever...
The laws may be different in different areas - but I don't believe for a minute it's illegal here.

It's not illegal to listen to the airwaves. It's illegal to decode encrypted communications. I don't know if you were inferring an opinion, but I never said it was illegal to listen to airwaves.

notarobot says...

This is a great comment. You should add it to the original vid so it gets seen.

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
I'm pretty sure I made a comment on this already. So it's now 2029? Last I checked it was 2036. Ah, Wikipedia has conflicting data.

Ok, ok, ok. 2029 it may thread the keyhole, in which the next time it comes around 2036 would be BOOM! Excellent I can't wait. Shit that means I'll be about 50 years old! Fuck! A lot can happen between now and then.

On Friday, April 13, 2029, Apophis will pass Earth within the orbits of geosynchronous communication satellites.[10] It will return for another close Earth approach in 2036.

Precovery observations from March 15, 2004 were identified on December 27, and an improved orbit was computed.[11] Radar astrometry further refined the orbit. The 2029 pass will actually be much closer than the first predictions, but the uncertainty is such that an impact is ruled out. Similarly, the pass on April 13, 2036 carries little risk of an impact.

It's traveling at 30.728 km/s. Cars generally travel at Km/h. That's about 20 miles per second, and about 32187 Meters per second. If the speed of sound is 343.174 meters per second, then 32187/343.174 would mean that Apophis is traveling at 93 times the speed of sound. Which is just a comparison because things in space tend to have different physics than things inside an atmosphere.

curiousity says...

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
>> ^curiousity:

The union makes a very good point that home video rarely tell the whole story. The police officer was in the wrong, but acting with understandable and excusable anger because he was provoked by the cyclist. What you all didn't see was 100 feet up, the cyclist clearly provoked the officer in typical protester, commie ways - he had the officer's wife bend over a parked cop car while yelling various insults about the officer's manhood. The officer maintained his post despite this obvious provocation, but unfortunately was unable to restrain himself as the cyclist rode closer to taunt the officer further. If the cyclist hadn't provoked and continue to provoke in order to get a response, this incident wouldn't have occurred.

They see me trollin...

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