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Member Since: July 13, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 29, 2012
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Comments to MarineGunrock

MarineGunrock says...

Hell, you can't even ride it in the summer! No, I'm not here for my bike I'm here because I'm trying to get my degree and not have to worry about finding a decent-paying flexible job.>> ^UsesProzac:

Arizona is NOT the place for you! Is being able to ride your bike all year that important to you?
In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Oh, I think you're confused. I HATE the heat. I love the cold. I sleep best when I have about 4 blankets on me to stay warm!

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 4 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

bareboards2 says...

I know this is long and off topic. I found it linked on a male friend's facebook page and found it interesting.

I thought the combo of sex and science and violence might pique your interest, too.

This is NOT related to our previous exchange, except in the general sense of how it is different to be a man in our society versus a woman.

bareboards2 says...

"it probably would not get a whole lot of votes, simply because the poster emphasized the attractiveness of the guy, making it seem like it's the predominant quality of the video."

Actually, you have your own tl,dr. This is exactly the problem. When a woman is reduced to her attractiveness over and over again, in so many ways, it is.... disheartening. And men are NOT subjected to that same kind of pressure.

They are subjected to other kinds of stupid and unreasonable pressures, but this isn't a contest, is it?

bareboards2 says...

The opening is pretty brutally dense -- but I think reading the whole parable is worthwhile (from my comment on the stream):

I recommend starting with this sentence, partway down:

A man has the privilege of walking past a group of strange women without worrying about being catcalled, or leered at, or having sexual suggestions tossed at him.

There follows a parable that I found pretty dang compelling.

Just reading that sentence is kind of a tl,dr summary. The parable fleshes it out.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
@StimulusMax -yes I can. And I didn't read that article. Is there a tl;dr version?

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