
Member Profile

Channel: Religion

Member Since: August 16, 2006
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Comments to LadyBug

eric3579 says...

As you may know Ive created a playlist of many of the dead videos on the sift. As its been there for awhile, and there have been quite a few views of it, very few vids have been fixed or discarded. I thought a list just of yours might be of some help. The list below are all your videos on my playlist. There may be a few errors, but I gave it my best shot.

ant says...

You should had let her be addicted to VS.

In reply to your comment:
i had an out of town guest ... my mum-in-law came to visit, so i was being the gracious hostess and staying off the computer!!! lol

In reply to your comment:
Finally, you are back. Where have you been? Migrating? Hibernating?

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