James Roe

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Member Since: February 20, 2006
Last Power Points used: April 6, 2012
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Comments to James Roe

firefly says...

gotcha, thanks!

In reply to your comment:
Right now it's only set up for lucky, dag, and I. It will go live for the whole site in a couple of days though. It's part of our anniversary update.

In reply to your comment:
I notices the "long" icon on your tetris sift. How do I do that for mine? Or is that something siftbot does automaticaly? I tried [star]long, but it didn't work.t

firefly says...

I notices the "long" icon on your tetris sift. How do I do that for mine? Or is that something siftbot does automaticaly? I tried [star]long, but it didn't work.

swampgirl says...

I was surprised to see it! ...just having Christmas and all. Yes, it's hard to deny Shatner though. Thanks James

In reply to your comment:
Hey, we are featuring your Shatner list this week, I know it seems like a bit of favoritism, but I mean it's the shat.

benjee says...

So is there anything in particular you want demonstrated? And how familiar are you with Illustrator or Adobe's interface/standard tools?

It's part of my job, so I've produced materials on Adobe software etc, but no videos. Will be a fairly easy job to do and capture; just a little strange doing it on my own (without students!) Oh yeah: I guess your on an XP PC? With CS1 or CS2?

winkler1 says...

cool.. have it ceiling mounted? I've got the projector and even a special screen, but haven't figured out how to mount it in an apartment. Ceiling mounted would be ideal..

In reply to your comment:
nice, can't wait to get this hooked up on my projector.

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