Fletch CF

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Birthdate: March 31st

Member Since: August 9, 2006
Last Power Points used: June 29, 2013
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Comments to Fletch

Fletch says...

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
: Feeling bad for you. You really want my attention this badly? Seek therapy dude.

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
Almost as inane as every comment (and cat video) you've ever posted, your Highness.
In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
That's such a necessary and witty comment! You're so hilarious!

Look, sugartits, you commented on my profile first. If your high-maintenance ego can't take a downvote and a smarmy comment on yet another stupid cat video, then maybe you should look elsewhere than my profile to feed it.

LarsaruS says...

Thank you. Excellent comment.

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
>> ^westy:

Nice trailer visually.

However tells you nothing about the actually game play which will likely be utter shite and contain all the crap players have come accustomed to with MMO games.
Maybe in 9-15 years time the technology and network infra structure will exist to actually do a space MMO that's decent and can come close to delivering game play that matches the promotional material.
The game has been out for eight fucking years, so if you actually cared to know what the game is like, you have had more than ample opportunity to find out before coming here and making ignorant statements about what it will "likely" be.

JFC westy, did someone crank down your morphine drip or something? Every other video I watch this morning has some pissy, righteous commentary from you. Note, this observation is from someone practiced in pissy, righteous commentary.

BoneRemake says...

I laughed out loud on that.

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
A downvote is harsh? My god, are you people really this fragile? I wasn't questioning his parentage. I was disagreeing with his comment. He proposed a "critical flaw" in messenger's comment and there was none (that I could see). Simple as that. I sincerely doubt it ruined his day.

I'm sorry if you were offended, sirex. I'm sure you are a swell person.


siftbot says...

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AdrianBlack says...

That is interesting...since I've joined (about a year ago) I've never found my sifts to be very popular, at about an average of 14 votes each.
I chalked it up to the fact that the animations I choose are a bit off the beaten path, not due to my rattling of any cages.

(Thanks for the enlarged oddness!)

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Thank you! (Love the creepy little kid clown pic, btw.)

In reply to this comment by Fletch:

You're welcome. Used to be, quality animation was a mainstay of VS and sifted relatively quickly. Have you angered the local glitterati lately?

Found "sad clown" here, if yer interested. (The original is on the top right.)

thetaprime1 says...

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
Congrats, Libyans. Fucking animals. This is what religious nuttery gets you. Justification to do anything, no matter how base, perverted, cruel, or inhumane. God's will. Fuck you, god.

OK. If you think there was anything of God in what you saw in this video, then you aren't looking hard enough. All I saw was human hate and fear and sickness. None of those men were doing anything that has anything to do with God.

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