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Comments to Diogenes

burdturgler says...

Fascinating. Enlightening. Informative. Thanks for sharing.

In reply to this comment by Diogenes:
things aren't always what they seem... and while i'm all for a *good* national healthcare system in the us, i think this piece is deliberately trying to compare disparate aspects of us and non-us healthcare systems... to prove a preconceived point (that mccain is *completely* wrong)


qruel says...

thanks for the insight. well made point

In reply to this comment by Diogenes:
i wouldn't say that the economist is 'conservative' per se...

probably more accurate to say they are 'fiscally' conservative, such as in free trade and free markets, which says nothing of their social policy leanings

they did support the invasion of iraq and continue to do so, but are also vocal critics of how the war has been prosecuted

they've also criticized individuals such as paul wolfowitz, silvio berlusconi, and supported clinton's impeachment, as well as having called for rumsfeld's resignation

they did support g.w. bush's election in 2000, but backed john kerry in 2004

labels are nifty, but are often not very accurate

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