
Member Profile

Member Since: February 6, 2007
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Comments to Anea

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 28 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

gorgonheap says...

No problem. Somethings are just to obscure and under appreciated to make it to the front page. Picnicface is a lot better then most of the crap that gets outta the queue.

In reply to this comment by Anea:
Hey, thanks for recognizing the goodness of Picnicface, and of hilarious videos of LARP folks. Heh. The Philistines don't understand me. I've tried (and Failed) to get their vids through here in the past.... sigh. Anyway, thanks.

raven says...


Your presence is requested at the biggest Horror Show of the year! The FORTNIGHT OF FRIGHT! An all out non-stop freakshow party starring YOU and the viddies YOU SIFT to the HorrorShow!

Beginning this Friday, the 13th, and also the night of the New Moon, and running all the way until the Full Moon on the 30th, I encourage you, nay! I implore you, to post as many murderers, monsters, and miscreants that you can find, directly to the HorrorShow!

The spook who contributes the most sifts will be richly rewarded with 2 *saves and 2 *promotes from me!

For further details, hair-raising thrills, and ghastly screams, please stop on over to the All Night Horror Show!

LadyBug says...

hey anea!!! i was away from the sift for a while (yes, it is possible to get away for a bit! ) a little late, but she-ra got my vote!! you totally have me pegged correctly as a "girl of the 80's"! woot!

In reply to your comment:
I've been wondering who I should hit up to help me get my queued vids published.... then I found you! You're girl, AND a "child of the 80's"! If you won't vote my She-Ra/ Jem vids up, no one will!

choggie says...

Hmmmm. Lesssee. Honestly, I am embarrassed to be anglo when I see dweebs of that calibre...untalented, guys at the company office party whose job it was to make an impromptu script to entertain the cubicle mates....

In reply to your comment:
Hey Choggie, what's with the downvote on "Hey Africa!" ? I didn't understand what you meant...I'm not being cranky, just asking.
("white folks apparently into counter productive masturbation...... ")

firefly says...

Only if you were a member of the collective at the time you posted it, and only for vids posted after Feb 16 (when collectives were first created), if not, then no.

In reply to your comment:
Thank you Firefly! I likes it!
Is there any way to take a video that has already been published, and add it to a collective? I have a great Red Dwarf vid that belongs in Sci-Fi for sure....

firefly says...

Thanks to your chuckle-inducing, Shatner cheezy-lame-goodness, you're my feature for the week. Looking forward to more stuff!

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