choggie says...

yer wrong darkrowan, I gotta good pal here in Austin...his first tat was a full back tattoo of a baby riding a tricycle, rattle in hand, with "HELL" embossed on the nameplate on the front, bursting out of a flaming, bloody wound, with a rattle in one hand, the other on the handlebars.....wayyyy more twisted than skinny's here.

He and his wife have tattooed wedding bands

He has another tat wackier than the one I described. Father of a 5-yr old, and dedicated pop and hubby-one of the most laid-back fellas you'd ever have the pleasure of knowing.....

smibbo says...

knew someone up north who had a tatt of her arm sinews. Saw it myself and had a hard time grasping what I was looking at until she explained it to me.

youdiejoe says...

Goatse! You REALLY need to put that on the link title... 1st rule of Goatse, People don't let other people Goatse unknowingly. There are bells that can't be unrung my friend. *discuss if i could...REALLY I urge you to change the title to add Goatse.

rottenseed says...

I'm going to thinly fillet my skin into a flipbook held in tact by one remaining side and tattoo each flap of skin with one frame of 2girls1cup. The end result will be the first animated tattoo.

lucky760 says...

Ohhhh! It's Goatse! Well that explains it.

I couldn't understand what all the commotion was about. I thought it was just supposed to be hands opening up his chest to reveal his heart.

I am so dense sometimes. (Most times, actually.)

bamdrew says...

this is totally photoshopped. the sides give it away. right where it gets hard to make it look realistic it fades off. and look how crazy off-center it is on his chest; he'd seriously want that whole right hand over half his chest?

you've fucked around with photoshop, right MG? never put tattoos on people? its a fucking snap.

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