Famous train/car chase scene from the French Connection movie.
The French Connection is a 1971 American neo-noir action thriller film starring Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider, and Fernando Rey, and directed by William Friedkin.
It tells the story of fictional NYPD detectives Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle and Buddy "Cloudy" Russo, whose real-life counterparts were Narcotics Detectives Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso, in pursuit of wealthy French heroin smuggler Alain Charnier (played by Rey).

Director William Friedkin died today.

William Friedkin also directed The Exorcist. His other films included the drama The Boys in the Band (1970), the thriller Sorcerer (1977 remake of The Wages Of Fear), the crime comedy drama The Brink's Job (1978), the crime thriller Cruising (1980), the neo-noir thriller To Live and Die in L.A. (1985), the psychological horror film Bug (2006), and the black comedy Killer Joe (2011).

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