Death Race 2050 - Red Band Trailer

It's a whole new, reboot, Death Race, in all the glory of a red band trailer.

From YT: Legendary filmmaking icon, Roger Corman, is back with his most outrageous film yet in this sensational, action-packed and darkly humorous reboot of the original Death Race 2000! It's the year 2050 and America is controlled by an all-powerful corporate government ruled by The Chairman (Malcolm McDowell). The masses have been brainwashed with violent virtual-reality entertainment. The event of the year is the Death Race, in which a motley crew of violent drivers compete in a cross-country road race, scoring points for shamelessly running people over and driving each other off the road. The reigning champion and fan favorite, Frankenstein (Manu Bennett), who's half-man half-machine, wants to take the crown, but his rebel spy co-pilot threatens his legacy.

via: [noting only as the vid only has 300 or so views once I saw their FB post about it.. and posted it to here]

Not a reboot, a TRUE sequel.

Those semi-serious reboots were just plain awful.


Yes please.
Looks like the *quality awful, ridiculous cheeseball movie that the title "Deathrace" deserves.


Seems to me that - as Newtboy put it - '*quality awful, ridiculous cheeseball (racing) movies' are a thing again. I certainly miss the genre which has been gone since the 80s.

Oh and Manu Bennett is awesome. He's just so fucking intense!

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