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Doc_M (Member Profile)

EDD (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

i thought only hyper pretentious hipster uber douches used the word "kafkaesque"
..ooooooooooohhhhhh.... i see....

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Bush stealing the election in 2000, taking the country to war under false/cherry picked/dubious/lies is not a biggie but the bullshit case of a birth certificate is the rallying call of the imbeciles.

Fucking Kafkaesque.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

she also likes reeses, twix and a good old thigh rub.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
What if I can't find Mr. Pibb? Would Dr. Pepper do? Or am I just assed out and would get a "sorry, maybe next time"?

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
Yes pizza should do the trick.
Cheese and pineapple please. Oh and a Mr. Pibb. Then you're a shoe in

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
The results of a proposal are 50/50? What, it just depends on what kind of mood you're in at the time? Remind me to show up with pizza when I do it, then.

Everyone loves pizza.

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
That's what everyone says to me.
Results are 50/50

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
I don't know whether I should be creeped out or if I should propose...

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
Then I'd say... Nice to meet you

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
What if I said that it was the tentacles that did the trick?

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
Not wrong..... everyone loves a gigantic tentacled vagina.....right?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Is it wrong that the sight of that turns me on?

shiner_man (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

its because governor sanford is a staunch supporter of anti gay marriage legislature. he parades the idea that homosexuals will ruin the sanctity of marriage. see the hypocrisy in that one?

In reply to this comment by shiner_man:
I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.

But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?

Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

ponceleon (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

why would assume i would ever let the man on top?

edit: bwwhahaahahahaha

In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
>> ^peggedbea:
is it wrong if i send this to the 32 year old warhammer playing socially inept outcast thats currently trying to and failing at fucking me?

Exactly how is he failing at fucking you? I mean, are we talking figuratively in that he's trying to get in your pants, or are we talking literally in that you are naked, he's on top of you, and something goes horribly horribly wrong?

brain (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

brain (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

EDD (Member Profile)

marinara (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

brain (Member Profile)

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