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swampgirl (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

Dude, just hang onto it. Sooner or later you're bound to get a video with more votes than this one got, and then someone around here (such as me, for instance) can * promote it back to life.

It's nothing to be ashamed of anyway. For a while my top-rated video was one about a briefcase machine gun. Not what I wanted to be my highest, but eventually a quality video overtook it. That will happen with you too.

Stop being so serious, cat.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
If I die tonight I don't want to go out with this being my top video. Some one else can re-submit it. It's gotta be good for at least ten more votes. Here's the info...



I do have my standards, however meager

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

How about this simple analysis: All engineering is geek, but not all geek is engineering. That is, engineering is a subset of geek. Kind of like all rocknroll is music, but not all music is rocknroll. Too simplistic? Or am I making much ado about nothing?

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Hey Oxi,
So I just sent a reply to the Cap about the Geek and Engineering channels and their respective domains. I don't really see it as a problem but perhaps a clarification of the video types we look for in our channels would be welcome if there is confusion. I'll draw the Venn diagram! Cheers!

To Cap:
Well the supreme authority of what Geek means (Miriam Webster dictionary:) 1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken, bat or snake 2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked 3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity". There is quite an overlap between the two channels.

engineering covers a wide range (computers, mechanics, architecture.) And Geek covers many overlapping fields (computers, mechanics, LARP fest.) I'll talk to the pastry looking owner of sifts newest channel.


gorgonheap (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

I just sent this message to oxdottir, and I feel it's appropriate for you to know too. Nothing controversial, mind you. I only want some clarification.

Wow, in a couple of short days the Engineering channel has over 16 pages of videos. Of course I realize that many people, just like me, reviewed all their videos and retroactively applied the Engineering tag, but that's still very impressive. I've always thought that the "Geek" channel was too broad. However, could you tell me when something is Geek and NOT Engineering, or the other way around, or both? To me, "Geek" ALWAYS means enthusiast of some sort or another. For example, there are comic book "geeks", but that has nothing to do with engineering. However computer design is both geek AND engineering. Can you name examples of anything that is Engineering but NOT Geek, besides what I already mentioned?

In other words, I'm a little confused. Maybe a Venn diagram would help. Gorgonheap is the maestro of the Geek channel; maybe you and he need to draw up a Sift Talk post that clearly defines what both defines and delineates your channels. I would appreciate it.

I hope I'm not coming across as an anal-retentive anus. I only want to be precise in my channel assignments.

Thanks in advance.

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

rembar (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

Dude, I'm not saying that what was found in the water is affecting the human population, as of yet. However the "scientific" fact of the matter is that small quantities of pharmaceuticals have been found in the water supply, by scientists from the US Geological Survey. Do you dispute that? I'm NOT talking about over-reaching conclusions, just the data that has been measured by real scientists. That's why I included this in the "Science" channel. This isn't the journal "Science", BTW. I'm not talking about a hypothesis, research, and conclusion. Just data that was extracted by real scientists.

I'm not a perpetual motion enthusiast or a conspiratorial "fluoride is evil" dude. Just a guy who's putting out information. I'll grant you that many people may not be able to differentiate between a hypothesis, a theory, and a fact. But the fact remains that there's stuff in our drinking water that no one has disclosed before.

I've seen videos in the "Science" channel before that include theories still rejected by the majority of scientists in their field. Does that make them unworthy of the Science channel too? If you don't want to include this in the Science channel I won't lose any sleep over it. But just think about it.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
From the actual article:
"To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose."

Contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, in our water is a danger, but this report is a crock of crap regardless because 1. effects on organisms occur at many factors higher dosages than the AP reported, 2. the AP is misinterpreting focused studies like the feminization of male fish to fit its narrative, and 3. the AP clearly doesn't understand why concentrations measured by ppt are idiotic and why biomagnification is important.

Now, let's discuss why the AP isn't a scientific publication and how newspapers profit off fearmongering at the expense of public health policy that should be guided by scientific results.

Doc_M (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

What's my av, you ask? Have you ever seen "Apocalypse Now"? That's Captain Willard (Martin Sheen), slowly emerging from the river, ready to assassinate Colonel Kurtz. One of my all time favorite movies.

I thought you might like that video, if for no other reason than the tribute being paid to health professionals, both research and treatment alike.

You can turn your non-existent pager off now.

In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
WTF?! Who's paging me now?! and on top of that, I don't even HAVE a pager!!one!1eleven!!!
Oh well.
::returns call::
::wonders WTF Captain Jim Willard's avatar is::

In reply to this comment by CaptWillard:
Paging Doctor_M

Doc_M (Member Profile)

Fedquip (Member Profile)

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