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Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

luxintenebris jokingly says...

hee! hee!

need two mouths. one is too little to keep talking out of each side.

what has Lake based her campaign on? lying and false allegations.

now that she is being blamed w/no evidence she is - oh, this is new - THE VICTIM !?

(weird thing: who said she was behind this? have to source her allegations of allegations. easier to believe she's saying what no one said. an awful choice for voters.)

BTW: can you blame newt? on the flip side, bk33 you keep squawking 'phawk nuwz' like a 🦜 when a report is patently true! [hypocrisy example #2]

"God you are gullible." <---[hypocrisy example #3] have to believe there are no mirrors in your house 'cause your so self-unaware they'd only fright you

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.
Dos Reis

Are real Watergate break in kind of guy.

Definitely Kari lake behind this NOT.

Guy looks more like a homeless guy than and operative.

Can't you just wait for a fact before you post 1/2 a story pushing a possible fake narrative ?

God you are gullible.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

If it’s so above board, really not simply illegal voter intimidation by heavily armed thugs in full combat armor…why are they hiding their identities?
If this was truly an act of civic patriotism, they would be proud to be seen doing it, not ashamed and afraid, hiding behind masks and hiding their licenses.

bobknight33 said:

Watching voting boxes from afar .. non story

Watching to see if person placing handfuls of votes in the box -- A good thing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA election fraud-
Disgraced Eastman, disgraced ex president Trump’s lawyer and Jan 6 co-conspirator, caught instructing people now working in election offices and/or the polls on Election Day on how to trick people into not getting registered, how to turn away assumed Democrat voters from registration and threaten them with arrest, and how to get MAGA voters with the same ID and registration issues registered.

His instructions are nothing but how to obstruct the election, obstruct the democratic vote, and set up more false election fraud cases for when they lose. Multiple elections have already been contested, like Otero county NM, that refused to certify their primary just as a test run to see what happens if they just refuse to certify the election with no cause.

Also, MAGA is in the supreme court right now trying to allow state legislatures to decide the winners of elections no matter what the vote says.

MAGA can’t win without cheating, and they cheated thousands of times last election, maybe millions, and Democrats haven’t been caught cheating at all. This means MAGA has degraded the election system so much that there can be no legitimate MAGA win, any win is fraud. The only way to prove if there wasn’t fraud is for the Democrat to win. Any Republican win is 100% illegitimate and won’t be recognized. Your party destroyed democracy, now you get democratic monarchy. Enjoy.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

Not from afar, not quietly, not peacefully, not just watching….recording voters, recording licenses, IDing voters, and angrily approaching them while vitriolicly accusing them of being mules ripe for doxing and violent MAGA terrorist attacks at home and against their families, all from masked heavily armed thugs hiding their own licenses and IDs, that are WAY closer to the drop boxes than the law allows, especially when they chase the voters away from the boxes… armed.

No, you fucking moron, it’s a terrorist thing. It’s an anti democracy thing. It’s an intimidation thing. I hope it happens to you.

Tell me you would be fine with 15 well armed black thugs in masks and body armor 50 ft from the box aggressively approaching any white voters and calling them MAGA fraudulent voters, recording your face and license, threatening you and your family, and saying “we got you now” “see you soon at home, fraud” as they chase you off with guns drawn. You wouldn’t, but since it’s white MAGA terrorists, you see nothing.

Fucking moronic anti American terrorist. Eat a bag of baby dicks and choke. Better yet, go peacefully protest like Ashley Babbitt and get the same result.

There’s no way in hell they know if a person is dropping off multiple votes for family members, as allowed by law. At the legally required distance from the box, they couldn’t see what’s put in anyway, so your claim they’re just securing it is a bold lie. Even if they could see, what could they DO? Nothing, by the time they saw something put in the box it’s too late, votes are in the box mixed with all the others. The only way they could be doing anything but pure intimidation is if they physically stopped each person and checked their ID against the vote envelope, which would be SO much worse.

They’re grasping at a debunked conspiracy theory about drop box mules, another made up MAGA boogie man with absolutely zero evidence, just nutjobs delusions and baseless accusations from idiotic assholes and treasonous traitors to the USA, like yourself, and intentionally intimidating thousands of lawful voters out of voting at all…because the right knows it cannot win fair or free elections.

bobknight33 said:

Watching voting boxes from afar .. non story

Watching to see if person placing handfuls of votes in the box -- A good thing.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

This anti democracy terrorism has exploded in the last days, with dozens of heavily armed masked thugs with their license plates covered or removed recording threatening harassing and even attacking and chasing any voters using drop boxes to vote, so much that numerous police forces have been forced to assign officers to drop boxes to secure them from the anti American democracy hating maggots.

It won’t stand in my state where election security is important. They would be shot night one, and that would be a non story. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

bobknight33 said:

Such is non story.

Despotic Tyranny

newtboy says...


Propaganda? No sir, this is the definition of entrapment being used as a deterrent to voting against only Democrats, Republican counties exempted. Not one bit made up, like your red wave….another red tsunami coming to wipe out your dreams. How’d that work out last time? ROTFLMFAHS!! You sucker.
There’s a reason even Trump started calling fraud last week before voting started, he knows his candidates are major losers, the most insulting incapable mentally defective candidates ever put up for office. They lost you 100% of independents and nearly 25% of republicans, and are already driving democrats to the polls in record numbers for a midterm.

#walkaway is real this cycle….but it’s Republicans walking away by the thousands. I personally know many that, until 2016 voted Republican across the board every election no matter what. They will never vote Republican again after Trump. D’oh!

Edit: And let’s not forget this election happens in Roevember, and Republicans made the stupid decision to ignore the long held rights of the majority and legislate for the tiny minority. It’s going to cost you the under 35 vote, and the real “smaller government, more freedom” Republicans like my family who, had they not already left over Trump, would have left the party over abortion rights.

The party that fucked America is yours, buddy. Over 1/2 of inflation is due to corporate profits going up over 50% in the last 2 years. The other half is from Trump’s policy of printing money when he couldn’t get funding for his personal ego projects, and from spending trillions in 2020 while gdp went to negative 36%!

Statistically every prosecuted voter fraud case this decade has been against Trumpist cultists or Republican candidates, sucker. (DeSantis’s blatant, now determined by the courts to be entrapment notwithstanding). You guys fucked up election integrity, intentionally, because you cannot win fair free elections, and cannot accept your losses because you’re babies.

Tool of the party…..stop with the projection, dummy. No one has been as much of an unthinking dull tool as yourself. Proof? Ashley Babbitt, treasonous anti American that deserved to be shot dead….she destroys at least two of your idiotic party positions just by existing, that’s why you cower, hide like a frightened child from the question. You know your propaganda regurgitation painted you into a corner with your toxic spew.

This idiotic, desperate “democrats want communism” nonsense….you don’t even know what communism is, moron, and you can’t point to a single policy from democrats that supports this idiotic accusation….so I’ll ask…why are Republicans wanting communism? (Your baseless accusation against your enemies means you just admitted YOU want communism fast. Very reminiscent of Republicans calling investment in infrastructure “democracy destroying socialism” then rushing to Biden on their knees, mouths open wide, begging for some of that sweet sweet socialist jizz that’s just so delicious). Yes, I’m rubber, you’re glue, but only because you speak in projection from a place of intentional ignorance, and because it’s painfully obvious to those with brains that every accusation the right makes is an admission….like calling democrats “the party of debauchery” when Republicans get caught jerking it in public to kindergarten children while in their clear view.

Ashley Babbitt, I’m so glad that, by your cowardly silence, you admit your total hypocrisy and now say she deserved to be shot point blank along with every single MAGA terrorist “fucking with police” on Jan 6. and those leading them to it….all the MAGA traitors deserve a bullet in the head says Bob.

bobknight33 said:

This is the propaganda you need to stem the tide of a red wave in midterms? Wow such Bull shit.

The red wave is coming to wash away the Biden stain. You can't stop it. Biden and the party fucked up America too much.

Newtboy : The Tool of the party.. I truly feel you pain. Capitalist America not turning communist fast enough.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republican election fraud…. right-wing political activists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman who tried to intimidate Black voters with a robocall ahead of the 2020 election claiming that voting would expose their personal information to police, bounty hunters, debt collectors, etc, charged with multiple felonies in multiple states, required to send out follow up robocalls explaining that the previous call was full of misinformation designed to intimidate voters, who the FCC is pushing for the largest fine for robocalling ever, $5 million.
They both just plead guilty in Chicago, just one of the states they pulled this fraud.

Crazy how there seems to be another one almost daily not just discovered, but usually plead guilty to….always MAGA republicans, the anti democracy, anti freedom, anti reality party overflowing full of racists and child molesters.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

There’s now more video of the anti democracy crowd camped out in ski masks heavily armed wearing body armor and intimidating voters away from voting.

They accuse voters of being a mule, citing a debunked conspiracy theory from 2020, filmed them and their license plates to identify individuals for later doxing or other attacks.

This is a coordinated effort by the RNC through their terrorist sub group “clean elections USA” that is clearly working hard to ensure we do not have clean elections but instead one sided elections full of one sided intimidation and threats against voters to dox them and send maggot nutjobs to threaten and possibly murder them, charge them with felonies for voting, and use them as slanderous political props further ruining innocent peoples lives. It is not just Maricopa county.
If you see these anti American terrorist people in your area, shoot them in the head and erase their videos.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

More of a real significant story than all the 2020 voter fraud fraud put together. LMFAHS!
Trump already declared fraud this election, no point in voting.

If it was Democrats, ANTIFA, or BLM hounding poor innocent maggots trying to vote it would be the story of the decade for you. Such is your consistent hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

Such is non story.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your Republican destruction of democracy for the day, maggots illegally harassing and chasing away voters using drop boxes in Maricopa county….big surprise the far right nut job sheriff there hasn’t stopped them.

Not to mention the entrapments in Florida where officials cleared ex convicts to vote, then had them arrested on multiple felonies when they did as an effort to scare ALL legally voting ex convicts (except white collar convicts) out of voting blue. Mostly minorities have been targeted in this fraud, timed to influence the election through fear and intimidation, the rights only tools. These cases are already being tossed out of court, but that hasn’t slowed the targeted arrests of minorities and poor in a blatant effort to intimidate legal voters.

He actually exempted the three largest rich Republican counties in another blatant election interference scheme, because he knows full well Republicans cannot win fair elections even in Florida. Everyone knows Republicans can’t win fair elections, that’s why they should just be turned away in January as frauds or executed before they can illegally take office.
If only Democrats were really the party of death and destruction they would be, but it’s maggots that are the gun toting, aggressive, murderous terrorists, even at ANTIFA and BLM events it’s Maggots committing crimes largely, because your ilk are treasonous racist murderous criminal thugs too delicate to accept a loss, not upright adult citizens.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

CRT is such a fake issue that FOX held a “concerned parent voter panel” to discuss what a problem it is in schools to the average parent, and every single “parent” on the panel was a hand picked MAGA extremist activist that’s been at the front of this issue since it was created out of thin air by the right a few years ago. They couldn’t find ANY actual parents with a real problem with CRT in schools, or who could even tell you what it is, only propagandists that have made careers out of selling the idea that it exists, some actually from the Trump administration itself.
Absolutely not one parent presented that supports schools or is willing to contradict the outright lies about what’s happening in schools, totally one sided pure propaganda as is all right wing media….I would be shocked if no one brought up the “kids identify as cats” stupidity you gullible morons believe.

That’s the level of grift you’re falling for. They couldn’t even find actual moron parents that had been duped into believing this twaddle that they would put on air, because they know exactly the type of parent that is and they don’t want to be associated with bat shit crazy Karen’s, they just want to create them and point them to the left.

They pulled that wool over your eyes, but they were firmly shut anyway, and deep in your colon. So lost and gullible are you, such a tool for the lying right…unAmerican, anti democracy, anti rights, anti freedom, anti fact, anti reality, pro police shooting anyone that looks at them cross eyed, totally incapable of thinking for yourself or researching facts.

Ashley Babbitt. Deserved what she got. Thanks for agreeing, finally.

bobknight33 said:

Once again you can not look yourself in the mirror.

You cant even except that CRT is real. Its a real concept.
So lost are you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How are you enjoying all the testimony corroborating the fact that the big lie was pre planned as a fraud, never had a thing to do with voter fraud but was nothing but a ploy to steal power and control by any means possible including violence, that every single claim came without a shred of evidence and wasn’t ever meant to have any, because they knew it wasn’t true before the big lie started.

Lemme guess….fake news.

Too bad most is on video with Stone and Bannon outlining the plot in October to simply claim victory, especially if Biden wins big, then claim fraud and maybe even find some (but that part isn’t a bit important to the plan). Pleading the fifth or ignoring subpoenas doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, it means your previous statements can be taken as your testimony with no rebuttal or explanations. D’oh!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republican major vote fraud case….

“A Michigan poll worker for the Republicans has been arrested recently for tampering with the voting system following the August, 2022 Republican primary up there in the state of Michigan. The man's named James Hoor, and what happened was that he used a personal USB drive, inserted it into an electronic poll book after polls closed the night of the August 2nd primary in Gaines Township precinct. Eight poll workers used the book to administer the election, which contains voter registration data, including confidential personal identifying information about all voters in the precinct, and Mr. Hoor put his personal USB drive into that machine to, I guess, copy data before any of that information could be sent to the state or change it. So he is taking the raw data. This has not been approved by anyone. Nobody told him he was allowed to do this. He took the data from that machine before anybody could verify what was on it. Now, these machines, by the way, are not connected to the internet, so he could not access it remotely. He had to do it with the flash drive. It's also unclear whether or not he was taking data or putting data in the machine. So we don't know that. And this was again, the raw data. This had not been certified. Nobody else knew what all was in this system. And this Republican came along and compromised all of it. This completely invalidates all votes on that electronic poll book.”

More fraud, 100% Republican frauds. Every single one. Most by officials, campaigns, or the RNC themselves. Videos of training poll watchers to break laws, bring electronic devices, go where you aren’t allowed to go, intimidate workers, etc. any Republican win in November is tainted and invalidated, none should be sworn in but instead held in legal limbo until 24, because they intentionally invalidated the elections. There’s no Republican that can win without cheating, so there’s not one valid Republican representative in government.

Also a PS- Bohbert has yet to file any claims against the group that said they have evidence that she had two abortions, was an unregistered escort (hooker), and a DUI accident with injuries she covered up like she claimed she would be doing in June when th stories broke. That amounts to an admission they are true, and she’s now being sued by the reporters for claiming the reports were lies.

This as Mengele Oz campaigned with Hitler’s car right after his mass puppy killing scandal came to light.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Just going to slink away disgraced again?
No admission that you have political history 100% backwards, accusing Gore of trying to stop the 3rd (re)count against Bush (the first two having been sabotaged by Florida officials intentionally not following election laws) which is ridiculous nonsense (and why I’m forced to ridicule your ignorant, self serving, and 100% wrong position), also accusing phantoms of trying to stop the count against Trump. Never happened, no one even tried to stop a recount, eventually they did say enough, but not before multiple recounts and investigations. Stopping the fifth recount after getting the same results 4 times is not even related to trying to never count tens of millions of valid legal votes like Trump and the Rebs.

Trump tried to stop the first count, insisting on not counting mail in votes because he knew they would be mostly for Biden because Democrats believed Covid was dangerous and not a mild cold so voted by mail and not in person by and large. Not counting votes is cheating, fool. Disenfranchising tens of millions of valid voters for no reason besides you lost the valid election is criminal.

Yes, we are at the point that if a state legislature cheats, it counts, and this bill will fix that.
It is brilliant, so brilliant that it also exposes the blatant anti democracy, anti American position the right currently holds. Dozens of right wing media personalities are actually suggesting forcibly installing Trump as president and ending elections completely. It proves that Republicans don’t care a whit about election security because they want all loopholes and lapses in security left intact for them to try to exploit again, hoping next time they’ll be successful at ending democracy in America…undeniably and indisputably. It also proves how shortsightedly idiotic you are by not considering that Trump won’t live forever.

Your guys, your team, firmly dictatorial, draconian, and anti democracy. Clearly trying to preserve their method of cheating. And you support it by reversing reality again. Brilliant.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….what? This stops any state from cheating and requires they send electors for the candidate that won more certified votes.
Today, without the bill, if a State legislature cheats like dozens of Republican legislatures did in 2020, there’s a good chance it’s still official….that’s what you want, the ability for dishonest Republican legislatures to pick the state winner, not voters.
This stops unsubstantiated claims of cheating from being enough to overturn an election…it stops anti democratic frauds like the ones Trumpsters tried in 2020 from being in any way legal.

Are you brain damaged? Democrats wanted the recount, Bush won because it was halted. Gore sued for recounts, Bush sued to stop them. YOU MORONIC IMBICILE.
Holy fucking sheep shit buddy. You have everything totally backwards and upside down. It’s a shock you aren’t dead from shoving steak in your asshole and trying to shit out your neck.

This time Republicans tried to stop the count, not a recount, not a second recount, but the initial count of valid certified votes….also, moron, history lesson..republicans and the conservative court stopped the recount in 2000, not Democrats….after 1/4 of Florida counties failed to complete a legally required machine recount Gore sued for hand recounts and Bush successfully blocked them, that’s why Bush “won” despite not getting more votes. Are you really so insane you think Democrats stopped the recount that had them ahead, handing unearned victory to Bush? You probably are.

Tried to stop the Trump count? What the everloving fuck are you making up now? Clinton conceded the day after the election (after she won with 3 million more votes), no one tried to stop the count, you moronic liar. WHAT!?!

Again…WHAT? What do you mean by the meaningless “if a state cheats”? That’s some meaningless nonsense speak….define this chimeric right wing term. This bill STOPS state legislatures from cheating, ignoring the vote and sending electors they choose. That STOPS cheating, it doesn’t allow it. It also still lets congress to invalidate electors if there’s corruption…but by 2/3 vote not just one.

You’re smoking too much meth again. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

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