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RAP NEWS 8: Osamacide

packo says...

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^NetRunner:
These are just unvarnished genius.

I'm surprised. Most bloodthirsty progressives who cheered the assassination of Osama want to forget about the trampling of a human's rights and move on.

i love the term bloodthirsty progressive
its exactly the type of term a conservative likes to use... 2 contradictory words
i was sickened by images of people celebrating at 12-2am, with their children in tow mind you, surrounding the white house, when this news broke

vengeance != justice
that type of response was a complete slap in the face of anyone who'd consider western society more civil than those arab nations where they drag the US flag in the streets and burn it

alot is revealed about the quality of a nation/people when they lose, as the US did during 9/11...
but just as much is revealed when a nation "wins"

what happened to the rule of law? got drowned out by "we went into Pakistan without their knowledge, and murdered someone instead of bringing them to trial. U S A! U S A! U S A!"

Diet Coke and Mentos, Not Always A Good Thing

Penn State Riots for USA May 1, 2011 - Osama Bin Laden death

Opus_Moderandi says...

I would similarly credit the celebrations here as being more for a major victory against terrorism than pure blood lust reveling in someone's death. Hitler's death wasn't the end of the war either. It continued on for some time before Japan surrendered as well.

I think you're wrong. I think it IS blood lust. I think it's retaliatory because they saw "the enemy" do it on 9/11.

Of course not. That's why I already said as much too, calling this merely a 'big step'.

I agree, I think it is a big step in the right direction but, far from over and not nearly cause for the type of celebration happening now.

Which is just about all that I'm trying to say. I didn't feel like running naked in the streets singing either, but I'm accustomed to other people being less inhibited than me when they think something good has happened.

Oh, I thought you were trying to say me denouncing people running in the streets cheering about Osama's death was a bad thing. Anyway, your 2nd sentence I can understand to a degree. If your son or daughter scores the winning point in a game or you win the lottery, sure, run down the street and scream all you want. If your son or daughter comes home from the war unharmed, live it up! But, if your son or daughter died in that war and you found out the man that killed them was dead, I honestly don't think your reaction will be cheerful.

Additionally, as I pointed out before I suspect a great deal of the celebrating crowd isn't there to celebrate death and vengeance, but a significant victory over terrorism and blow to their ability to kill more innocents.

And I'll say it again, I think you're wrong. Celebrating death and vengeance is EXACTLY what it is.
And it won't effect terrorists ability to kill anyone, it will just give them the fortitude to go on with their plan to rid the world of infidels.

And lastly, to be totally irrelevant, I wonder how many of those cheering people are "good christians"...

Matthew 5:44 - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Penn State Riots for USA May 1, 2011 - Osama Bin Laden death

bcglorf says...

Although, in that instance, I think more people were cheering for the defeat of Germany and an end to the war than they were Hitler's death.

I would similarly credit the celebrations here as being more for a major victory against terrorism than pure blood lust reveling in someone's death. Hitler's death wasn't the end of the war either. It continued on for some time before Japan surrendered as well.

Do you really think killing Osama is going to be the end of Al Qaeda and muslim radical terrorists wanting to kill us?

Of course not. That's why I already said as much too, calling this merely a 'big step'.

I DO believe the death of both Hitler and Osama is a good thing.

Which is just about all that I'm trying to say. I didn't feel like running naked in the streets singing either, but I'm accustomed to other people being less inhibited than me when they think something good has happened.

Additionally, as I pointed out before I suspect a great deal of the celebrating crowd isn't there to celebrate death and vengeance, but a significant victory over terrorism and blow to their ability to kill more innocents.

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

MycroftHomlz says...

This is from OuterWorldVoice on NeoGaf:

So he killed 3000 people in New York. He beggared and is responsible for the deaths of thousands more in Afghanistan and other parts of the middle, near East and Africa. He fomented pointless purposeless rage in the pursuit of a racist, mysognistic and cruel worldview that regarded everyone outside of his fringe mentality as an enemy worthy of death.

On top of all that, he had a massive ego and no real plan. His agents were children, women, the illiterate, the foolish and the brainwashed. And he sent them to death and murder as martyrs by proxy while he squatted in comfort and adulation, hidden from danger and sight.

He's a piece of fucking shit and I hope there's a black millisecond he experienced before oblivion took him, that he realized there were no virgins waiting for him in paradise and that everything he ever stood for was a farcical fairy tale and a crime against humanity.

I'm surprised you're surprised.

This is not bloodlust. I would cheer for the death of Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot. We cheer not because of righteous vengeance, but because this zit on the world's asshole is finally gone and he can no longer bring pain and misery or spread his herpes all over the world.

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

blankfist says...

>> ^NetRunner:

To pimp my other video, there's a giant flash-mob party happening outside the White House:
I may be okay with bin Laden being dead, but I'm a lot less comfortable with the big raucus cheering crowd. A man was killed, we shouldn't be celebrating like that.
Still, it's a huge catharsis for the American people. Osama bin Laden has been an uncomfortable reminder of the limits of American power. How could we be the greatest, best country if we couldn't even catch one man living in a cave?
It's been gnawing at us for the last decade. And now he's dead. Not of old age, not without us knowing it for sure, but clearly, definitively.
Soon, we'll have the grisly pictures of Osama's corpse on the front pages of our newspapers. All the indignity of his head on a pike, without seeming quite as barbaric.
People's minds will change because of this. I don't know if they'll finally stand up and demand that we declare victory, and bring our wars to a close. I don't know if people will finally relax, and stop their paranoia about terrorism, or at least let it go.
I just hope it doesn't renew our appetite for war...that really would be tragic.

Haven't watched your video yet, but I've watched some of the gathering outside the White House. They're screaming "USA! USA! USA!", which reminded me of the kind of jingoistic behavior the Dems condemned from the Repubs. I'm not saying those are Dems out there. I'm sure it's a mix.

It's scary behavior, because it's emotional and passionate. I'd personally like to see us shift back to a country based on reason not emotion. A country of law not vengeance. What bothers me most is this could very well be another stepping stone toward accepting fascism.

Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

gwiz665 says...

@MarineGunrock There is a world of difference between a burning building and a person running from a cop. A fire doesn't come back with a vengeance. It's not innocent until proven guilty. It doesn't panic and shoot you on a whim because everyone has guns in your crazy country. It's not a person.

If your house was on fire, I'd help out in a second, but if you were chasing someone and even if you were wearing a cop uniform, I'd definitely think twice, meaning I'd probably not get involved.

When bullied kids snap...

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

I went to a school where bullying was just a fact of life.

This is true in all schools, I believe.

>> ^spoco2:

It saddens me to read all of you saying how happy this makes you, hurray for him etc. etc.
There's nothing good in this.

You've obviously never been picked on or been in a fight in school. The good in this video is not the situation (that was brought about by the smaller, asshole kid), it's not watching the smaller kid get body slammed (yes, he absolutely deserved it), and it's not the fact that the big kid walked away while the little kid stumbled around like a drunken sailor.

The good in this video is that someone stood up for themselves and came out on top. Sure, it wasn't the best way to prove himself but, the situation was brought to him. He faced it and, imo, dealt with it the way any normal human being with a backbone would. It's not the fight that makes people happy, it's the fact that someone who was clearly an underdog came out on top. With a vengeance. I don't think any of those little shits saw that coming.

Dozens of Pigs Buried Alive in Korea

Soccer Player Kicks Owl To Death

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^smooman:

jesus some of you sure are quick to exact deadly vengeance to a man who kicked an owl. I'd hate to see how you'd react to someone kicking an actual human in the same manner.
is he an asshole? perhaps unintentionally but still arguably so.....but "diaf", "death deserving prick", "kick his stupid face in" (which could very well result in death)? fucking really? the man kicked an owl, he didnt bomb an orphanage! Ya owls are awesome, ya most, probably even this one, are endangered, but at the end of the day its still just a fucking owl, the kicking of which is absolutely not deserving of a lynch mob death sentence. get a fucking clue, damn

OK. I can't pretend to know what this guy is thinking, or know for sure that sifters who are calling for death aren't just exaggerating a little to make a point. Either way, intentionally hurting a living thing for no good reason should be a serious cause for concern. It's a definite sign that something is seriously wrong with the person doing the hurting. And sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes... all that's needed is a good kick in the face to solve the problem.

Soccer Player Kicks Owl To Death

TheSofaKing says...

>> ^smooman:

jesus some of you sure are quick to exact deadly vengeance to a man who kicked an owl. I'd hate to see how you'd react to someone kicking an actual human in the same manner...

Humans deserve a good kick to the head.

Soccer Player Kicks Owl To Death

oohlalasassoon says...

>> ^smooman:
jesus some of you sure are quick to exact deadly vengeance to a man who kicked an owl. I'd hate to see how you'd react to someone kicking an actual human in the same manner.
is he an asshole? perhaps unintentionally but still arguably so.....but "diaf", "death deserving prick", "kick his stupid face in" (which could very well result in death)? fucking really? the man kicked an owl, he didnt bomb an orphanage! Ya owls are awesome, ya most, probably even this one, are endangered, but at the end of the day its still just a fucking owl, the kicking of which is absolutely not deserving of a lynch mob death sentence. get a fucking clue, damn

I really wish reincarnation were true because your karmic reward would be sweet justice.

Soccer Player Kicks Owl To Death

smooman says...

jesus some of you sure are quick to exact deadly vengeance to a man who kicked an owl. I'd hate to see how you'd react to someone kicking an actual human in the same manner.

is he an asshole? perhaps unintentionally but still arguably so.....but "diaf", "death deserving prick", "kick his stupid face in" (which could very well result in death)? fucking really? the man kicked an owl, he didnt bomb an orphanage! Ya owls are awesome, ya most, probably even this one, are endangered, but at the end of the day its still just a fucking owl, the kicking of which is absolutely not deserving of a lynch mob death sentence. get a fucking clue, damn

30 Years of First-person and First-person shooter

Truckchase says...

I love teh FPS.

I've been playing since I was a kid, but one of my best memories was when I switched to keyboard/mouse from arrow keys and hope. If I remember correctly Wolf3d had no multi-player, but I did Doom a couple times on DWANGO. I just assumed everyone on there was some sort of superhero so I focused on making maps and playing by myself. (Don't come in mom!)

When I started playing Duke3d regularly with friends however, I became acutely aware that the arrow keys won't cut it. The turning moment was a 1 on 1 match with my longtime game-nerd friend Lee.

We setup a time and day to play, and we each had friends come over to watch. In those days playing multi-player directly person to person was still cool enough that you would drive to your buddy's house just to watch it take place. With a couple folks watching at each end, he completely schooled me. It wasn't even close. I didn't get a hit on him most encounters. This thorough ass-whooping was unbelievable. For over an hour I tried, but couldn't get a single kill. With my pride on the line, I devised a plan.

In the initial version of Duke you could lay down as many pipebombs as you wanted, provide you had them to throw. I learned the map, learned his pattern, and cautiously avoided him while grabbing the pipebomb stack each time it spawned. I left pipebombs scattered, and when I thought they were randomly distributed enough I holed myself up in a corner with a viewpoint of the only elevator up to my eagle's nest. The pipebomb spawn was ten feet in front of me. I laid out all the pipebombs I could at the top of that elevator. Each time it spawned I would grab the 4 pack, put all 4 in the same place at the top of the elevator, and retreat hastily to my protected corner.

Finally the time came. I saw the elevator called down. I knew he was coming up. I would get this kill and then end the game, false pride in tact. My time of vengeance was finally here! The elevator came up, and with perfect timing I hit the fire button and saw the beginning of the largest group of sprite based explosions known to man. The beginning. I didn't see the end. Instead I saw:



Battle: Los Angeles - Full, Theatrical Trailer HD

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