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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

, MAGA Shaman and the other treasonous idiots, and the morons you post talking about them are your boys, you gullible fool. (Why do you always capitalize the word tool…because it’s your identity?).
😂 You don’t think I’m actually wasting my time watching your idiotic propaganda trolls troll for their home studios, do you? You don’t think I’m gullible enough to believe their conveniently edited sound clips represent reality, do you?
I don’t trust a word a MAGgot says, and it’s never been a mistake to not trust you.
Silly boy. 😂

As far as damage to the nation, Jan 6 was worse. 9/11 brought us together, unfortunately our Republican leader took advantage of that and lied and took us to war with the country that tried to kill his daddy, not the Saudis that attacked our country. The exact same Saudis that Trump now cozies up to and sells classified top secrets to for billions in bribes to his son in law/daughter and rents his properties to at 10 times market value, often renting entire floors for months with no occupants, but no, it’s not a bribe, nooooo. Attacking the wrong people brought us apart again.

Remember, republicans voted to forget 9/11 and its victims, defunding the funds that support and care for them. Jon Stewart shamed them out of their defund 9/11 funds plans. They sure think Jan 6 is more important.

Obama taking out the Saudi leader of the Saudi terrorist organization brought us back together temporarily.

The Jan 6 insurrection and failed coup attempt by a terroristic political party nearly ended America, and has divided the country to near civil war since. Internal terrorist enemies are far more dangerous than foreign powers.

More people died in 9/11. The MAGA response to Covid proved American deaths don’t bother you one whit, completely ignoring the 500000-750000 deaths caused directly by Trump’s lack of policy or support for sane public health measures (turns out he went anti mask after trying one once but it smeared his clown makeup badly and he refused to ever wear one again!).
More damage was done to the union on Jan 6. Well over $500000000 in direct costs for Jan 6 too….before investigations, prosecutions, and incarceration, so make that $750000000 and the continuing possibility of dissolving the Union before it’s done.

Note- I addressed every nonsensical accusation you made. You failed to address any I made against you and instead just whined and rage posted unrelated nonsense. This is typical.

bobknight33 said:

This is you boy. Sad that you follow this crap, Then again you are a gullable Tool.

"Jan 6th Was Worse Than 9/11" - HEATED Argument with Lincoln Project Founder

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Republicans are lessor.
Less educated. Less moral. No ethics. Less truthfulness. Less humanity.
The educated, moral, and ethical Republicans have all left the party, it’s nothing more than idiotic cultists today, all crooks like Santos or proud racists like your last nominee for speaker who says he’s “David Duke without the baggage” and has gone to speak with the KKK and other racist organizations as a friend to them.

Your leader is a rapist who thinks he won one election against Obama, thinks Jeb Bush was president, thinks Biden might get us into WW2, and pretends he doesn’t understand that going to court to lower his appraisal value for taxes, under oath swearing they’re worth far less than the appraised value, then valuing his properties at 30000% of their appraised value under oath when applying for loans is a crime. That’s all just in the last week.

Biden and Fetterman are both totally lucid, rational, and grounded in reality despite one having a slight speech impediment….they both are insanely greater than dementia Don with his lumpy full diapers handing over top secret military classified documents to try and make a friend….for nothing more than a billionaires company, that billionaire then put the nuclear submarine specifications online for our enemies. He should be shot 20 times for that, it’s absolutely treason with no excuse.

bobknight33 said:

Quit thinking Republicans are lesser. You side has brain dead Biden and Fetterman,

Yes Santos is a bad dude and should be kick out. Politics being what is is he is a vote, like Fetterman, who also should not be in congress.

Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

surfingyt says...

First co-defendant in Trump Georgia election case pleads guilty

There you have it. A Trump co-conspirator CONFESSED TO TAMPERING WITH ELECTION EQUIPMENT to get Trump elected.

It's so hillarious that the Republicans made themselves criminals and committed election fraud in their frantic search for non-existent evidence of it. They invented stories of a non-existent conspiracy to defraud the American public of a fair election, while actively trying to defraud us of a fair election.

Hell, conspiracy aside, the only people I heard of who committed voter fraud by casting multiple ballots or voting with a fake IDs were Republicans.

"his plea deal requires him to testify in future proceedings in the case, including trials of his co-defendants, including Trump."

the deep state is so deep that co-consipirators are going to testify agsainst Trump LOL.

Its just beginning bewb

The HyperEncabulator

Birds Aren’t Real On Fox News

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Am neutral on this issue of robotic crows & such -but someone mentioned starlings.

Starlings are not natural.

1) The iridescent color is an illusion
2) They can and have spoken in English & other tongues
3) A pair raised a brood in a tree next to the house & rarely made noise

None of this is normal bird behavior.

1) am told their plumage (notably the ' iridescence') has no true pigment but the structure of their feathers. Could be that it's a cloaking device since we don't always see them around.

2) if they can speak in captivity, they must while in the flock, if only to keep their English (et al) sharp. it's proof that they hear and understand us. handy for data gathering.

3) Since the pair near us have raised littles & they only 'buzz' when ma or pa show up with Grub Hub - it suggests they are covert creatures. a trait common in spies. [also, mysteriously two of the house cats have gone missing just before they moved in.]

not saying ALL birds are bots - but if there is a place to start an investigation - Starlings are the best bet.

How do we know that they weren't behind this obvious attempt at propaganda. as if falling in love is akin to being in a murmuration...

Biden Smiden - investigate Starlings.

FBI - 60% of Mass Shooting Stopped by Good Guy with a Gun.

newtboy says...

Already listed as lies and debunked….bob is learning!

Note bob, this guy’s videos have a disclaimer that he is entertainment, not news or information, “This is an entertainment show for entertainment purposes ONLY.”

His source is one guy, Paul Bedard, an opinion columnist for the Washington Examiner…the extreme right rarely factual rag. He wonders why the media hasn’t reported it…because there’s zero evidence behind the claim.
The fbi site
shows 50 “active shooter incidents” in 2022, only 2 stopped by civilians with guns. That’s 4% bob, not 60%.

You are so gullible Bobby. Never even considering looking into something you hear as long as you like how it sounds.

More ridiculous lies by our favorite ridiculous liar.

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

I guess you didn’t read…when he finally put out a personal statement, it was mostly about how upset he was at the right co-opting his song because wrote it about them.

The audience however heard every dog whistle, and when they found out he wasn’t racist and was singing about right wing politicians not Biden they dropped him like a hot potato. I’m afraid you are wrong again, the right definitely heard those dog whistles and are pissed he didn’t intend them.

Easy…when he said he thinks diversity is a strength of America, nearly half his right wing audience said “I’m out” and “try saying that in a small town” and no longer call themselves fans…because they’re racist and thought he was too. You can find thousands in the comments sections where his videos were posted before he spoke out. Here’s 8-10…Just read some…“diversity”-comment-he-mad

I’m afraid it’s just know nothing people who latched onto what they heard as a racist anti welfare, conservative song who suddenly ran for the hills when they realized it and he were in fact anti conservative that suddenly hate this song. I admit I listened to it through “conservative ears” (since it was billed as the new conservative anthem) and I also heard every dog whistle they did, meaning it’s a really poorly worded song since so many got its message completely wrong. Even the Republican debate used it, which he found hilarious since the candidates were exactly who he wrote it about…but they were clueless about the irony.

He should have taken the $8 million, he’s going to fade into obscurity without the political backing he was getting.

So let me ask, now knowing he was talking about conservative politicians not liberals, and knowing he believes in diversity not tribalism…are you still a fan? (I know, you don’t/can’t answer questions). I’m not, despite learning all we now know about his intended message…but I retract my accusation that he MEANT it to be racist or hyper conservative.
Yes, I was w-w-w-wrong about HIM, but not his audience or the message they heard. Not the first or last time, but I can admit it when I’m wrong.

bobknight33 said:

You ever think that you are totally wrong on this .

Not racist, Not Anti American, Not MEGA.

Perhaps you are hearing another "dog whistle". Odd thing is that only democrats hear these dog whistles.

People are tired of being screwed and not listen to by their government.

If racist as you say fined a non media reaction to this that indicates so. Find 3

Perhaps its know it all people like you who want to divide people, who want to keep poor people down just for their vote.

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Nice @surfingyt
This bit linked from yours…

…clarifies his positions a bit and reiterates mine stated above…he may not have intended his message to be racist (this now sounds like a certainty based on his statements), but his audience definitely hears it that way and wants it that way… and when he clearly said he thinks diversity is a strength half of them threw up their hands, turned around, and shouted “I’M OUT!”….and when he stated he wasn’t talking about Biden but instead meant people like the Republican field seen on the debate stage (and others not present) even more turned away from him.

I wonder what @bobknight33 has to say about that. 😂

Gyro drop tower

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

surfingyt says...


bewb depends on his sloppiness and lack of nuance to make broad arguments that are laughable on their face.

91 bewb. youre trying to tell us "most" are bogus without going into a single example? i dare you to break down the entire list, coward.

bobknight33 said:

41 counts and most are probably just BS

Karma Hits Russia Hard

newtboy says...

If the US had used directed weather as a weapon in Iraq, or breached levies to flood cities it would have been proper to laugh at the ironic disaster in New Orleans. Remember, the support for attacking the wrong country to retaliate for 9/11 was incredibly high (yes, thinly predicated on what are now known to be blatant lies…we didn’t care), we were not a nation of innocents…(I personally supported attacking Saidi Arabia and doing limited but overwhelming “police actions” in Afghanistan to completely destroy the actual perpetrators, then rebuild any collateral damage better and make friends, and never bought the rationale for invading Iraq beyond “they tried to kill my daddy”- GB…but who listens to me?)

I felt it was karma specifically balancing the universe for the Ukrainian dam they blew up in a terrorist action just over 2 months ago, not the continuing invasion of Ukraine that’s been ongoing and expanding continuously since 2014 when Ukrainian Crimea was invaded and “annexed” by Russia, a move seemingly universally applauded in Russia.

I think there’s delicious schadenfreude in the very religious country that continues to support repeated violent genocidal expansionism against peaceful neighbors thinly predicated on blatant lies (but that support is waning slightly as the war and truth comes home), the aggressor nation that among numerous war crimes intentionally destroyed a major dam to sew chaos destruction and death as they retreated from portions of Ukraine and set forest fires for the same reason having to deal with forest fires and dam failures as “acts of god”, not even from military retaliation.

I do feel a bit bad for the individuals and families if reports of 12 dead are true (it’s Russian news, so likely untrue), but that number is dwarfed by those intentionally killed in their names by the dam destruction in Ukraine.

Agreed on the narration…it was the only coverage I found at the time….well, there was this but even I found it in bad taste…

noims said:

I didn't laugh or celebrate when Katrina hit New Orleans the year after the US invaded Iraq. I won't celebrate a dam bursting in far east Russia the year after they invade Ukraine.

I don't think the people of Ussuriysk deserved wildfires any more than the people of California.

It's not karma. If you want you can call it bad luck, or mankind suffering due to our own effect on the planet.

Plus, I would have thought an AI wrote that script except I think it would have done a better job. Am I missing context when it comes to 'the flood'? Badly written, badly voiced, but not quite enough for me to downvote.

Karma Hits Russia Hard

noims says...

I didn't laugh or celebrate when Katrina hit New Orleans the year after the US invaded Iraq. I won't celebrate a dam bursting in far east Russia the year after they invade Ukraine.

I don't think the people of Ussuriysk deserved wildfires any more than the people of California.

It's not karma. If you want you can call it bad luck, or mankind suffering due to our own effect on the planet.

Plus, I would have thought an AI wrote that script except I think it would have done a better job. Am I missing context when it comes to 'the flood'? Badly written, badly voiced, but not quite enough for me to downvote.

The Biggest Science Story of the Week

newtboy says...

*doublepromote someone else finally noticing global dimming as a significant factor in global warming.

Global dimming from excess sulfur dioxide may be responsible for cutting the current excess anthropogenic heat in the system by between 15% to 50% depending on the study.
What this means is, if we stop polluting tomorrow, the CO2 and other greenhouse gases will continue to warm us at the same rate for decades to centuries, but the sulfur dioxide that has blocked between .25 to 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise will be gone almost immediately, and a significant sudden rise in temp will be the result kicking off or feeding more feedback loops.

While it may seem he’s onto some global warming solution…just put more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere…that ignores the lower growth rates and lost solar production it causes by deflecting a significant percentage of sunlight, both adding to net CO2 added to the system.
The incredibly scary part is the whitehouse and other international governments are actively researching ways to inject sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere despite knowing it has so many issues.

There’s no easy fix.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha! You fool. An over 35 year old clip of Biden being tough on crime is what you’ve got? Quit now. 😂

At that time Trump was publicly calling for the lynching death of 5 boys who were known to be innocent of all the charges against them, he still is. He had recently paid out millions in fines for racist redlining at his NY properties. Way to remind us of the public lynching supporting racist he is.
For a long time after this, Trump supported the democrats and these same drug policies.

Do you not know your party STILL wants MORE mandatory sentencing and MORE disparity between crack and cocaine….you actually think Don Jr shouldn’t ever be prosecuted for his blatant current full blown cocaine addiction despite it being obvious he was high as a kite as he did government business, but Hunter should get life for recovering from a private crack addiction 5 years ago (past the 3 year statute of limitations). 😂

Biden said jail for Hunter too…if he had been CAUGHT with the crack or if he had refused treatment in 2019…or if he’s convicted of a crime with a prison sentence.

He said all this about mandatory sentencing well over 30 years ago when the pitfalls of mandatory sentencing and underlying racism of considering crack different from cocaine weren’t as obvious.
Yes, his support of mandatory sentencing and different sentences for crack than for cocaine was misguided in hindsight. At the time the Regan CIA’s responsibility for flooding the inner cities with crack and causing the epidemic of crackheads wasn’t understood, but the damage it was doing was.

Dark Brandon has done not one thing to keep Hunter out of jail. Not a word of protest, no interference whatsoever. Rant and cry all you like, no one has presented a single word of evidence indicating he has. Not even the fake whistleblower actors the GOP paid to testify. 😂
You cannot say the same for Trumps or the Trump administration, which pardoned dozens of its own members for committing serious crimes against America and We The People for Trump and then were set free by decree.

Keep whining and crying Bobby boy. Every MAGA tear gives Dark Brandon more power, makes Trump weaker and sadder, and makes your friends see you as weak and someone to be cuckolded. Better keep an eye on your wife and kids, they think you’re a loser and a nutjob, and may be out the door already just like Melania.

Enjoy upcoming indictment 5, 6, and 7!
Enjoy the next 2 years of public trials with discovery exposing more disgusting, abusive, illegal subversion of the government by MAGA, more blatant lies they sold you, more avoidable deaths caused by divisive policies, and always more and worse debauchery. 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:

Over crowding jails for decades. thank you Joe.
JAil for all but his son.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh fuck! Read the disgusting, abusive, horrific, misogynistic, human trafficking statements from the transcripts of the tapes of Giuliani abusing his assistant. You’ll have to look beyond blaze tv or catturd, but it’s easy to find the transcripts.
Here’s a taste…

Yep, she recorded him abusing her in the most vile, disgusting, debaucherous manner. 😂

Then he told her to lie to the fbi and say she didn’t know him, and refused to pay her the $1 million salary she had been promised.

Calling her “big tits, come here big tits, I own those tits, those are my big tits, I want to claim my tits, I want to claim my tits, I want to claim my tits (yes, he said it 3 times in a row), I own you, you are my slave, my bitch, my whore, my fucking slut. I need some time alone with my daughter. My little girl. I want to own you, officially. Legally, with a document,” Forced her to work naked or in bikinis, forced her to perform oral sex and intercourse while he made phone calls so he could feel like Clinton. And there’s more. 😂

And never forget he knowingly married his cousin.

Party of debauchery….all of you. 😂
Proven again daily. 😂
Sex slavery, incest, kiddy porn and child rape, abuse, and rape under every stone and around every corner. From every official. All of MAGA is a child rape cult….I think you know it. 😂

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