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Girl Butchers National Anthem, Cowboy Fans BOO


mizila (Member Profile)

rasch187 says...

Some people get inspired by great art, and if a football in the groin isn't art, I'd sure like to know what is. Good to hear I can inspire people

In reply to this comment by mizila:
Love ur Football+groin video.

Just wanna say, it IS what inspired me to post my first sift, boo-urns. And I've watched our videos fight for more votes, and am happy to see them settled, as of today, 9/10/08, tied, at 92 votes. Good taste sir.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is epic.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

mizila says...

Love ur Football+groin video.

Just wanna say, it IS what inspired me to post my first sift, boo-urns. And I've watched our videos fight for more votes, and am happy to see them settled, as of today, 9/10/08, tied, at 92 votes. Good taste sir.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is epic.

Bill Clinton's speech @ DNCC '08



Do Unto Others: Messing With People In A Public Restroom

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree that having an orgasm is another level, but that is natural as well as I mentioned earlier our minds are entirely wired to derive alot of pleasure form the act of sex.

With regards to whacking off to urns to YouPorn, that is simply an evolution of mediums, the Kamasutra was written several thousands of years ago, alot of Indian temples are covered with scandalous carvings, there lots of porn illustrations from the 1700s and 1800s, scandalous literature was also rather common in France and Europe, also I think you should consider that during Grecian times we also had state sanctioned brothels, orgies were also quite common, a man could have any woman or boy as a right via force. Almost every perverted Roman emperor from Nero to Caligula indulged in far greater sexual excesses then anyone does in our time.

Any new medium will also be used to transmit this most basic act of man, I believe that when we have VR, sexual stimulations will be the first and most popular application.

My whole point is that a frank examination of humanity would leave no doubt in the fact that we are in many ways sexually repressed, this is something that has been dealt over the last few decades, but still we have alot of hang ups about sex. I remember a conversation I had with a strict Muslim, I asked him why would God would make sex so pleasurable if it was so inherently dirty? He couldn't really provide an answer.

I believe the more you push something out of society and marginalize it, the more seductive it becomes for the next generation because it's restricted or wrong. I grew in the 80s with D.A.R.E. and all those "Winners Don't Use Drugs" bullshit on my SNES games, you know whats the first thing I tried? But then I realized that the mystique of this was all that really attracted me, something i have seen with alot of friends of mine from Netherlands, drug use and availability is such a given they don't really care about it.

The same applies to sex and it's repression. My parents are doctors so they never really were squeamish about explaining birth and sex, they didn't even have to, all the medical books around the house and watching documentaries and nature programs already explained it all anyway. So when I got online and found porn it wasn't really surprising at all. It was a given. I didn't have any hang ups about it. I didn't go mental over it, it wasn't a hang up, I didn't walk around stalking girls and trying to rape them.

I live in a strict sexually repressed society now, and I can see it's tolls, people are so hanged up about sex here yet all watch it through proxies and satellite channels. They can't approach women so generally you hear of boys kidnapping other boys and raping them, or having sex with their maids who are forced into it. But most of all they fly to Dubai or Bahrain and hire hookers. Now who is at fault here? Is it the porn? Or is it the repression of sex in general in society?

I find the same parallels in the whole anti-Gay and pro-morality crap the Republican party has been pushing. Eventually we find out that alot of them are gays, alot of them made moves at pages, some tapped in airports for gay sex. It was hilarious.

So is pornography in society that bad?

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

dag says...

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You make some good points- and you are right that anything can become habituated, but an orgasm (let's be honest about what we're talking about here) is a shade different in the potential for reinforcement than say, biting your nails.

Also, I understand that erotic art has always been a part of human culture - but did people really whack off to naughty Grecian urns? How does that compare with the fare on YouPorn?

Big Nipples

SiftQuisition -MrFisk -DrAlcibiades & The Absence of Reason (Actionpack Talk Post)

doogle says...

Heh - maybe Ashes2Flames and MrFisk should get their own channel in two weeks!
Keep us engaged with their wily antics, those crazy two.

With regular guest appearances from choggie, lucky760 and an urn representing the former DrAlciabiades.

Who knows, maybe it'll get Good Aaaron out of the woodwork, RIP.

Weird Al Yankovic - Virus Alert

MarineGunrock rents the wrong video

A Cosby Show lesson in Economics

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